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Accompanying Conditions of Deaths from COVID-19, March 2020 – February 2022

Pneumonia was an accompanying condition in 56% of COVID-19 deaths

CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Frontier Series Output

CSO Frontier Series outputs may use new methods which are under development and/or data sources which may be incomplete, for example new administrative data sources. Particular care must be taken when interpreting the statistics in this release.
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Key Findings

  • In deaths between March 2020 and February 2022, COVID-19 was identified as the Underlying Cause of Death (UCOD) in 5,384 cases.

  • Four in five deaths from COVID-19 had at least three medical conditions mentioned on the death record. Death certificates listed 4.2 conditions on average per person.

  • The largest number of accompanying conditions of COVID-19 deaths were diseases of the respiratory system, which were reported in 5,279 (or 98%) of COVID-19 deaths.

  • Pneumonia was certified as a condition in 3,023 (or 56%) of COVID-19 deaths. Chronic lower respiratory diseases were stated on 948 (or 18%) death certificates, of which 714 (or 13%) had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  • COVID-19 was the UCOD in 2.3% of all deaths involving cancer of the bronchus or lung, in 3.0% of all deaths where breast cancer was reported, and in almost 6% of all deaths which mentioned prostate cancer as a condition suffered by the deceased person.

  • Asthma was certified in 136 COVID-19 deaths which represented 18% of all deaths with a mention of asthma, while obesity, reported in 80 COVID-19 deaths, accounted for 19% of all deaths affected by the condition.

  • Looking at the data by age, 91% of COVID-19 deaths occurred in persons aged 65 and over; 75% in persons aged 75 and over; and 42% in persons aged 85 and over.

  • More males died due to COVID-19 (53%) in the defined period than females (47%).

Statistician's Comment

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (16 August 2022) released a Frontier Series Output focusing specifically on deaths due to COVID-19 occurring in Ireland between 01 March 2020 and 28 February 2022.

Commenting on the release, Gerard Doolan, Statistician in the Vital Statistics Division, said: "This analysis classifies COVID-19 deaths by their accompanying medical conditions. A death certificate may list multiple medical conditions, based upon which, the Underlying Cause of Death (UCOD) is identified (see Background Notes). The data included in this analysis comprises of deaths between 01 March 2020 and 28 February 2022 where COVID-19 was the UCOD in a total of 5,384 deaths. This analysis focuses on the other conditions or diseases that accompanied these deaths. It is worth noting that as a single death certificate can contain multiple accompanying medical conditions, the figures of deaths by condition do not represent the actual number of deaths from COVID-19. Also, a death due to COVID-19 differs from a death with COVID-19, in that COVID-19 is identified as the main UCOD in those who died due to COVID-19, while it is one of a number of conditions listed in deaths certified as a death with COVID-19. The total number of COVID-19 deaths included in this analysis is 5,384 deaths.

Looking at the data, we can see that a total of 183 deaths (or 3.4%) reported COVID-19 as the single cause of death, whereas, 5,201 (or almost 97%) COVID-19 deaths were certified as having had COVID-19 and at least one other medical condition on the death certificate.

The highest individual medical conditions reported on death certificates were pneumonia with 3,023 (or 56%) COVID-19 deaths, dementia with 1,041 (or 19%) such deaths, and chronic lower respiratory diseases with 948 (or 18%) such deaths (see Table 1).

COVID-19 was the UCOD in 2.3% of all deaths involving cancer of bronchus or lung, in 3.0% of all deaths where breast cancer was reported, and in almost 6% of all deaths which mentioned prostate cancer as an accompanying medical condition (see Table 2).

On average, death certificates listed 4.2 medical conditions per person (see Table 3)."

Top 10 accompanying conditions reported in deaths due to COVID-19
ICD-10 codeCondition reported on the death certificateNumber of deaths where COVID-19 was the Underlying Cause of Death 1Percentage of deaths with this condition where COVID-19 was the Underlying Cause of Death (%) 2
J40–J47Chronic lower respiratory diseases94810.2
I25Chronic ischaemic heart disease7806.0
C00–C97Malignant neoplasms7792.7
J44Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease7149.5
E10–E14Diabetes mellitus7069.3
I48Atrial fibrillation and flutter6719.1
I50Heart failure5336.2
1 As a single death certificate can contain multiple medical conditions, the figures of deaths by condition do not represent the actual number of deaths due to COVID-19.
2 As a single death certificate can contain multiple medical conditions, the percentages of COVID-19 deaths by condition do not sum to 100.

Editor's note

This Frontier Series Output presents the results of an analysis of the accompanying conditions in deaths due to COVID-19. The deaths analysed occurred in Ireland between 01 March 2020 and 28 February 2022 and have been registered with the General Register Office (GRO) and subsequently notified to the Central Statistics Office (CSO) by 31 May 2022.

The analysis focuses on deaths where COVID-19 was found to have been the Underlying Cause of Death (UCOD). A death certificate may list multiple medical conditions, based upon which, the UCOD is identified by applying specific guidelines from the World Health Organization. A death due to COVID-19 differs from a death with COVID-19, in that COVID-19 is identified as the UCOD in those who died due to COVID-19, while it is one of a number of conditions listed in deaths certified as a death with COVID-19 (see Background Notes). In deaths between March 2020 and February 2022, COVID-19 was reported as a medical condition in 6,255 cases and was identified as the UCOD in 5,384 cases.

While the CSO regularly publishes statistics on the underlying causes of death in Ireland, this Frontier Series Output aims to present statistics on other conditions or diseases that accompanied deaths due to COVID-19 and that are themselves not determined to have been the UCOD.

Accompanying conditions recorded on death certificates

This release presents the findings of an analysis of the accompanying conditions in COVID-19 deaths. This analysis considers all conditions that were recorded on the death certificates other than COVID-19. In short, it shows the number of persons who died due to COVID-19 and had certain selected conditions or diseases recorded on the death certificates. The accompanying conditions are also referred to as comorbidities. For further information on the selection of the conditions included in this analysis, see Background Notes.

Note that, as a single death certificate can contain multiple accompanying medical conditions, the figures of deaths by condition do not represent the actual number of deaths from COVID-19. The total number of COVID-19 deaths included in this analysis are 5,384 deaths.

This analysis of the accompanying medical conditions stated on the certificates shows that:

  • The largest number of accompanying conditions in COVID-19 deaths were diseases of the respiratory system which were reported in 5,279 (or 98%) of COVID-19 deaths. 
  • Pneumonia was certified as a medical condition in 3,023 (or 56%) COVID-19 deaths. Chronic lower respiratory diseases were stated on 948 (or 18%) death certificates, of which 714 (or 13%) had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • The second largest number of accompanying conditions in COVID-19 deaths were diseases of the circulatory system which were reported in 4,259 (or 79%) of COVID-19 deaths. The highest individual conditions in this group of diseases were hypertension (880, or 16%), chronic ischaemic heart disease (780, 14%) and atrial fibrillation and flutter (671, or 12%).
  • Dementia was certified in 1,041 (or 19%) COVID-19 deaths, Alzheimer disease in 167 (or 3.1%), and type 2 diabetes in 437 (or 8.1%).
  • Malignant neoplasms were reported on 779 (or 14%) COVID-19 death certificates. Prostate cancer was an accompanying condition in 115 (or 2.1%) COVID-19 deaths, lung cancer in 95 (or almost 2%), and lymphoma in 77 (or 1.4%).

See Table 1 for details.

1. Number of deaths due to COVID-19 between March 2020 and February 2022 classified by other selected conditions reported on the death certificate and by age group

Figure 1. Number of deaths due to COVID-19 between March 2020 and February 2022 classified by other selected conditions reported on the death certificate, all ages

Percentages of deaths with selected conditions that were due to COVID-19

Table 2 provides more context to the selected conditions in COVID-19 deaths. The percentages below consider the number of deaths with a selected condition listed where COVID-19 was identified as the Underlying Cause of Death (UCOD) in relation to the total number of deaths with the same condition from any UCOD (not restricted to COVID-19) in the same period.

Please note, caution must be exercised in commenting on any conditions which occurred in less than 20 deaths (see Table 1) because of the low volumes.

The analysis of the multiple medical conditions stated on the deaths certificates shows that:

  • COVID-19 was identified as the UCOD in almost 3% of all deaths that had malignant neoplasms reported as a condition, in 6.2% of all deaths with diseases of the circulatory system and 16% of all deaths with diseases of the respiratory system.
  • COVID-19 was the UCOD in 2.3% of all deaths involving cancer of the bronchus or lung, in 3.0% of all deaths where breast cancer was reported, and in almost 6% of all deaths which mentioned prostate cancer as an accompanying medical condition.
  • Asthma was certified in 136 COVID-19 deaths (see Table 1) which represented 18% of all deaths with a mention of asthma.
  • Obesity, which was reported in 80 COVID-19 deaths (see Table 1), accounted for 19% of all deaths affected by obesity.
  • Kidney dialysis was reported in 30 COVID-19 deaths (see Table 1) which represented 18% of all deaths complicated by kidney dialysis.

See Table 2 for details. The percentages for the larger groupings of diseases are visualised in Figure 2.

2. Percentages of deaths with selected conditions between March 2020 and February 2022 that were due to COVID-19

Figure 2. Percentages of deaths with selected conditions between March 2020 and February 2022 that were due to COVID-19

Note: As a death certificate can contain multiple accompanying medical conditions, the percentages of COVID-19 deaths by condition do not sum to 100.

Number of accompanying medical conditions recorded on death certificates

This section considers COVID-19 deaths in terms of the number of accompanying medical conditions mentioned on each death certificate. As outlined above, each death certificate can list multiple medical conditions, one of which was COVID-19. Consequently, a death record with one cause of death details COVID-19 as the single cause of death and reports no other conditions. For further information, see Background Notes.

Table 3 details the number of conditions mentioned anywhere on the death certificate by age group. The number of COVID-19 deaths increased by age group, and generally also by the number of medical conditions mentioned.

An analysis of the medical conditions on the death records shows that:

  • Four in five deaths from COVID-19 had at least three conditions mentioned on the death certificate.
  • On average, death certificates listed 4.2 medical conditions per person.
  • A total of 183 deaths (or 3.4%) reported COVID-19 as the single cause of death (see Background Notes), whereas 5,201 deaths (or almost 97%) were certified with at least one other accompanying medical condition.
  • A total of 2,861 deaths from COVID-19 occurred in males (53%) and 2,523 in females (47%).
  • A third of male COVID-19 deaths were aged 85 and over, compared to half of female COVID-19 deaths.
  • Looking at the data by age, 91% of COVID-19 deaths occurred in persons aged 65 and over; 75% in persons aged 75 and over; and 42% in persons aged 85 and over.

See Table 3 and Figure 3 for details.

3. Number of deaths due to COVID-19 between March 2020 and February 2022 classified by age group and number of medical conditions reported on the death certificate

Figure 3: Number of deaths due to COVID-19 between March 2020 and February 2022 classified by number of medical conditions reported on the death certificate, for selected age groups, both sexes