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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Wholesale Price Index

January 2017

 Price index (Year ‘10=100)% monthly change% annual change
Nov 2016106.60.9%-0.3%
Dec 2016107.10.5%1.3%
Jan 2017107.30.2%1.6%

Annual Manufacturing Prices increase by 1.6% in January

Figure 1 - Manufacturing Industries Output price Index
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Monthly factory gate prices increased by 0.2% in January 2017. This compares to a decrease of 0.1% for January of last year. The annual percentage change showed an increase of 1.6% in January 2017, compared with an increase of 1.3% in the year to December 2016.  See graph across and table 1.

In the month, the price index for export sales increased by 0.1%, while the index for home sales increased by 1.1%. In the year there was an increase of 1.4% in the price index for export sales (this can be influenced by currency fluctuations) and an increase of 2.9% in respect of the price index for home sales.  See table 2 and Figure 2.

In the month, the most significant changes were increases in Basic metals (+12.1%), Other food products including bread and confectionery (+5.1%) and Chemicals and chemical products (+0.7%), while there were decreases in Meat and meat products (-1.0%), Computer, electronic and optical products (-1.0%) and Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (-0.9%). See tables 2 and 2A.

Contributing to the annual change were increases in Other manufacturing including medical and dental instruments and supplies (+4.9%), Other food products including bread and confectionery (+4.4%) and Computer, electronic and optical products (+4.1%), while there were decreases in Printing and reproduction of recorded media (-8.2%), Grain milling, starches and animal feeds (-4.4%) and Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations (-0.8%).  See tables 2 and 2A.

The yearly price index for Mining and quarrying increased by 16.8% while the monthly index decreased by 1.3%.  See table 2.

Building and Construction All materials prices increased by 2.3% in the year since January 2016. The most notable yearly changes were increases in Sand and gravel (+22.7%), Fabricated metal (+7.4%) and Stone (+7.2%), while there were decreases in Hardwood (-7.3%), Glass (-4.1%) and Other concrete products excluding precast concrete (-1.5%). Building and Construction All materials prices increased by 0.3% in the month.  See table 3.

Year on year, the price of Capital goods increased by 1.2%, while the monthly price index increased by 0.2%.  See table 4.

The price of Energy products increased by 24.5% in the year since January 2016, while Petroleum fuels increased by 21.1%. In January 2017, the monthly price index for Energy products increased by 3.4%, while Petroleum fuels increased by 1.3%.  See table 5.

Table 1 Manufacturing Industries Output Price Indices (excluding VAT)  
         Base: Year 2010 as 100
  Manufacturing Industries Output Price Index Manufacturing Industries Output Price Index (Home Sales) Manufacturing Industries Output Price Index (Export Sales)
PeriodPrice Index% Change on preceding periodAnnual % change Price Index% Change on Preceding Period Price Index% Change on Preceding Period
2013Quarter 1101.9-0.3-0.5 109.90.4 100.6-0.4
 Quarter 2102.50.60.7 110.60.6 101.30.7
 Quarter 3102.4-0.1-0.6 111.50.8 101.0-0.3
 Quarter 4101.1-1.3-1.1 110.8-0.6 99.6-1.4
2014Quarter 199.8-1.3-2.1 110.4-0.4 98.1-1.5
 Quarter 2100.00.2-2.4 110.60.2 98.30.2
 Quarter 3100.70.7-1.7 110.70.1 99.10.8
 Quarter 4102.21.51.1 108.9-1.6 101.12.0
2015Quarter 1106.03.76.2 105.0-3.6 106.25.0
 Quarter 2107.21.17.2 106.31.2 107.31.0
 Quarter 3105.8-1.35.1106.50.2105.7-1.5
 Quarter 4105.5-0.33.2103.5-2.8105.80.1
2016Quarter 1105.2-0.3-0.8 101.0-2.4 105.80.0
 Quarter 2104.8-0.4-2.2 102.81.8 105.1-0.7
 Quarter 3105.00.2-0.8 103.10.3 105.30.2
 Quarter 4106.41.30.9 103.80.7 106.81.4
2013January101.6-0.3-1.2 108.6-0.6 100.5-0.2
 February101.60.0-0.6 109.60.9 100.3-0.2
 March102.50.90.2 111.41.6 101.10.8
 April102.60.11.3 110.9-0.4 101.30.2
August102.4-0.2-1.4 112.21.4 100.9-0.4
September102.2-0.20.5 111.5-0.6 100.7-0.2
 November101.80.0-0.9 110.8-0.1 100.40.1
 December99.7-2.1-2.2 110.6-0.2 98.0-2.4
2014January100.10.4-1.5 110.60.0 98.40.4
 February99.9-0.2-1.7 110.4-0.2 98.3-0.1
 May99.90.1-3.1 110.70.5 98.20.0
 July100.1-0.1-2.4 110.90.1 98.4-0.1
 September101.61.2-0.6 110.5-0.1 100.21.4
October102.10.50.3 110.4-0.1 100.80.6
November102.40.30.6 108.7-1.5 101.40.6
 December102.0-0.42.3 107.5-1.1 101.1-0.3
2015January104.22.24.1 104.7-2.6 104.13.0
 February105.10.95.2 103.7-1.0 105.41.2
 March108.73.49.5 106.62.8 109.13.5
 April108.80.19.0 106.4-0.2 109.20.1
 May106.2-2.46.3 106.1-0.3 106.2-2.7
 June106.50.36.3 106.40.3 106.50.3
 July106.90.46.8 107.81.3 106.70.2
 August105.8-1.05.4 106.8-0.9 105.7-0.9
 September104.6-1.13.0 104.8-1.9 104.6-1.0
 October103.9-0.71.8 103.4-1.3 104.0-0.6
November106.92.94.4 103.70.3 107.33.2
 December105.7-1.13.6 103.4-0.3 106.0-1.2
2016January105.6-0.11.3 102.0-1.4 106.20.2
 February104.8-0.8-0.3 100.5-1.5 105.5-0.7
 March105.10.3-3.3 100.60.1 105.80.3
 April104.7-0.4-3.8 102.01.4 105.1-0.7
 May104.5-0.2-1.6 102.70.7 104.8-0.3
 June105.10.6-1.3 103.71.0 105.30.5
 July105.50.4-1.3 103.80.1 105.70.4
 August104.9-0.6-0.9 102.7-1.1 105.3-0.4
 September104.7-0.20.1 102.70.0 105.0-0.3
October105.60.91.6 103.00.3 106.01.0
November106.60.9-0.3 104.51.5 106.90.8
 December107.10.51.3 103.9-0.6 107.60.7
2017January107.30.21.6 105.01.1 107.70.1
Table 2 Industrial Producer Price Indices (excluding VAT)       
      Base: Year 2010 as 100
Industrial sector         Index Monthly % Change Annual % Change
NACE code1  
Dec 2016Jan 2017 Nov 2016Dec 2016Jan 2017 Jan 2017
Food Products10111.3113.7 2.3
       Meat and meat products101120.2119.0 0.12.2-1.0 -0.5
       Fish and fish products102138.2131.4 3.42.1-4.9 6.5
       Fruit and vegetables103101.8101.8 0.0
       Vegetable and animal oils and fats104111.3113.3 4.3
       Dairy products105107.0107.6 2.9
       Grain milling, starches and animal feeds106,109112.3111.3 0.70.4-0.9 -4.4
       Bakery and farinaceous products107100.4101.1 0.7
       Other food products108108.4113.9 4.4
Beverages11108.2107.9 0.30.3-0.3 -0.6
Textiles13103.1102.9 0.20.1-0.2 -0.3
Wearing apparel14105.0104.5 0.30.4-0.5 -1.2
Leather and leather products (incl. footwear); dressing and dyeing of fur15106.3106.2 0.10.1-0.1 -0.5
Wood and wood products16121.3118.6 1.01.2-2.2 -5.0
Pulp, paper and paper products17100.399.3 0.70.6-1.0 -2.5
Printing and reproduction of recorded media18110.9107.8 2.11.9-2.8 -8.2
Chemicals and chemical products20104.3105.0 1.3
Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations2198.097.1 1.30.0-0.9 -0.8
Rubber and plastic products22102.7102.7 -1.6
Other non-metallic mineral products23103.9103.7 0.50.1-0.2 0.1
Basic metals24111.4124.9 2.63.612.1 27.1
Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment25107.4106.4 0.60.6-0.9 -1.3
Computer, electronic and optical products26133.7132.4 1.42.1-1.0 4.1
Electrical equipment27106.1105.3 0.80.8-0.8 -3.0
Machinery and equipment n.e.c.28111.9112.2 0.9
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers2995.795.3 0.40.8-0.4 0.5
Furniture 31107.4105.2 0.70.7-2.0 -3.7
Other Manufacturing32110.7110.7 - 4.9
Mining and quarrying05-09129.5127.8 5.23.8-1.3 16.8
Total transportable goods industries 107.3107.6 1.9
Food products, Beverages and Tobacco Products10-12111.2113.5 2.1
Manufacturing industries excluding Food Products  106.0105.6 1.10.4-0.4 1.3
Manufacturing Industries excluding Food Products, Beverages and Tobacco Products 105.8105.5 1.20.3-0.3 1.4
Intermediate goods industries (except energy) 110.3110.5 1.7
Capital goods industries 123.3122.5 0.21.5-0.6 4.5
Durable consumer goods industries 107.5106.6 -0.40.4-0.8 0.0
Non-durable consumer goods industries 102.8103.0 0.2
Manufacturing industries (home sales)2 103.9105.0 1.5-0.61.1 2.9
Manufacturing industries (export sales)2 107.6107.7 1.4
Total manufacturing industries2 107.1107.3 1.6
1 Nace Rev. 2 Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.    
2 Excludes Mining and quarrying.         
Table 2A Contribution to changes in the Manufacturing Output Price Index, January 2017 (Table 2)
Industrial sectorNACE code 1Contribution to overall % change2
   One monthTwelve months
Food Products10   0.49 0.54
       Meat and meat products101   -0.05 -0.03
       Fish and fish products102   -0.03 0.03
       Fruit and vegetables103   0.00 0.00
       Vegetable and animal oils and fats104   0.00 0.00
       Dairy products105   0.02 0.10
       Grain milling, starches and animal feeds106,109   -0.01 -0.06
       Bakery and farinaceous products107   0.00 0.00
       Other food products108   0.55 0.49
Beverages11   -0.01 -0.02
Tobacco Products12   0.00 0.00
Textiles13   0.00 0.00
Wearing apparel14   0.00 0.00
Leather and leather products (incl. footwear); dressing and dyeing of fur15   0.00 0.00
Wood and wood products16   -0.02 -0.05
Pulp, paper and paper products17   0.00 -0.01
Printing and reproduction of recorded media18   -0.04 -0.14
Coke and refined petroleum products19   0.25 0.60
Chemicals and chemical products20   0.02 0.03
Basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations21   -0.34 -0.34
Rubber and plastic products22   0.00 -0.02
Other non-metallic mineral products23   0.00 0.00
Basic metals24   0.09 0.19
Fabricated metal products, except Machinery and equipment25   -0.01 -0.02
Computer, electronic and optical products26   -0.14 0.55
Electrical equipment27   -0.01 -0.02
Machinery and Equipment n.e.c.28   0.01 0.02
Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers29   0.00 0.00
Other transport equipment30   0.00 0.00
Furniture 31   -0.01 -0.02
Other Manufacturing32   0.00 0.44
Repair and Installation of machinery and equipment33   0.00 0.00
Mining and quarrying05-09   -0.02 0.20
1 Nace Rev. 2 Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community.  
2 See Background Notes.       
Table 3 Detailed Wholesale Price Indices (excluding VAT) for Building and Construction Materials
      Base: Year 2010 as 100
MaterialsIndex Monthly % Change  Annual % Change
Dec 2016Jan 2017 Nov 2016Dec 2016Jan 2017  Jan 2017
Stone, sand and gravel148.1145.6 -0.6-1.4-1.7  9.9
       Stone142.5139.2 -1.3-1.2-2.3  7.2
       Sand and gravel178.0179.8 2.7-2.51.0  22.7
Cement100.6100.6  0.0
Ready mixed mortar and concrete103.8104.1 2.0-0.20.3  1.3
Concrete blocks and bricks110.5109.8 0.7-0.7-0.6  1.9
Other concrete products100.3101.0  0.2
       Precast concrete95.297.1  3.1
       Other concrete products (Excluding precast concrete)99.999.9  -1.5
Structural steel and reinforcing metal107.8108.9 -  4.8
       Structural steel109.7110.4  6.6
              Fabricated metal111.7112.4  7.4
              Other Structural steel94.894.9  -0.2
       Reinforcing metal104.8106.4 -  1.8
       Other steel products102.6102.6  -1.5
Rough timber (including plain sawn)110.4110.9 -  -0.1
       Hardwood135.0135.0 -  -7.3
       Other108.1108.7 -  0.8
Other timber99.399.3  0.1
       Windows and doors100.5100.6  0.2
       Other97.897.8  0.0
Bituminous macadam, asphalt and bituminous emulsions156.3153.0 -2.45.2-2.1  -3.5
       Bituminous macadam and asphalt159.5156.0 -2.55.4-2.2  -3.8
       Bituminous emulsions91.293.7 1.3-0.52.7  6.1
Electrical fittings109.1109.8 0.2-0.10.6  1.6
       Lighting equipment116.6116.6  6.6
       Protection & communication equipment 97.296.4 0.8-0.4-0.8  -0.4
All other materials111.8112.4  1.4
       Plumbing materials incl. sanitary ware102.7102.7  0.1
       HVAC (heating & ventilation equipment) 100.2100.4  0.3
       Insulating materials123.9123.9  1.1
       Pipes and fittings121.3123.3  2.5
              PVC108.0110.8  3.9
              Copper126.4128.1  2.0
       Plaster110.1110.1 -  1.9
       Paints, oils and varnishes104.8105.5  0.7
       Glass123.1123.1  -4.1
       All other metal fittings105.0105.0 -  -0.2
       All other products109.9110.3  1.3
All materials111.5111.8  2.3
Table 4 Capital Goods Price Indices (excluding VAT)       
        Base: Year 2010 as 100
Capital goodsIndex Monthly % Change Annual % Change
Dec 2016Jan 2017 Nov 2016Dec 2016Jan 2017  Jan 2017 
Transportable capital for use in          
              Agriculture111.5111.3 0.10.0-0.2  -0.1 
              Industry104.5105.2  1.3 
        of which:          
              Private vehicles1102.6102.6  0.7 
              Commercial vehicles101.1101.1  0.6 
Agriculture and industry105.6106.2  1.0 
Other sectors103.5104.2  1.3 
Total transportable capital104.6105.2  1.2 
Building and construction102.2102.4  1.3 
(i.e. materials and wages)          
All capital goods102.5102.7  1.2 
1 Private vehicles are inclusive of VAT which is non-deductible for industry and agriculture. 
Table 5 Wholesale Price Indices (excluding VAT) for Energy Products     
(i.e. Fuels purchased by Manufacturing Industry)      
        Base: Year 2010 as 100
Energy fuelsIndex Monthly % Change Annual % Change
Dec 2016Jan 2017 Nov 2016Dec 2016Jan 2017  Jan 2017 
Petrol102.2104.5 -  9.1 
Autodiesel102.4102.5 -  13.0 
Gas oil (other than autodiesel)102.3102.3 -  19.6 
Fuel oil100.7102.6 -  25.7 
Electricity100.4104.8 2.7-0.94.4  26.1 
Petroleum fuels1101.3102.6 -  21.1 
Energy products100.7104.1  24.5 
1 Energy products excluding electricity.        
Jan 201097.1100.2
Feb 201098.4100.6
Mar 201097.8100.1
Apr 2010100101.1
May 2010101.5100.7
Jun 201099.7100.5
Jul 2010100.1100.1
Aug 2010100.5100.2
Sep 2010101100.2
Oct 2010100.497.8
Nov 201010299.2
Dec 2010101.599
Jan 2011102.8100.1
Feb 201110499.8
Mar 2011105.299.6
Apr 2011106.998.7
May 2011108.699.8
Jun 2011106.699.2
Jul 2011106.799.1
Aug 2011106.998.6
Sep 201110799.9
Oct 2011106.199.7
Nov 2011106.8100.7
Dec 2011107100.5
Jan 2012108.3102
Feb 2012108.7101.2
Mar 2012109101.2
Apr 2012110.399.8
May 2012110.5100.5
Jun 2012109.1101.1
Jul 2012107.7102.8
Aug 2012109.3103.1
Sep 2012109.3100.5
Oct 2012109.1100.8
Nov 2012110101.6
Dec 2012109.3100.7
Jan 2013108.6100.5
Feb 2013109.6100.3
Mar 2013111.4101.1
Apr 2013110.9101.3
May 2013110.4101.9
Jun 2013110.5100.6
Jul 2013110.7101.3
Aug 2013112.2100.9
Sep 2013111.5100.7
Oct 2013110.9100.3
Nov 2013110.8100.4
Dec 2013110.698
Jan 2014110.698.4
Feb 2014110.498.3
Mar 2014110.297.5
Apr 2014110.298.2
May 2014110.798.2
Jun 2014110.898.5
Jul 2014110.998.4
Aug 2014110.698.8
Sep 2014110.5100.2
Oct 2014110.4100.8
Nov 2014108.7101.4
Dec 2014107.5101.1
Jan 2015104.7104.1
Feb 2015103.7105.4
Mar 2015106.6109.1
Apr 2015106.4109.2
May 2015106.1106.2
Jun 2015106.4106.5
Jul 2015107.8106.7
Aug 2015106.8105.7
Sep 2015104.8104.6
Oct 2015103.4104
Nov 2015103.7107.3
Dec 2015103.4106
Jan 2016102106.2
Feb 2016100.5105.5
Mar 2016100.6105.8
Apr 2016102105.1
May 2016102.7104.8
June 2016103.7105.3
July 2016103.8105.7
Aug 2016102.7105.3
Sep 2016102.7105
Oct 2016103106
Nov 2016104.5106.9
Dec 2016103.9107.6
Jan 2017105107.7

Background Notes

Wholesale Price Index        

The term Industrial Producer Price Index refers to a family of indices that measure the average change over time in the selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services. The other three wholesale price index series incorporate imported and home produced goods sold by manufacturers and wholesale outlets.


The output price indices for sectors of Manufacturing Industries cover both home sales and export sales.  The Indices for Total transportable goods industries; Food, drink and tobacco; Manufacturing industries excluding food; Manufacturing industries excluding food, drink and tobacco; Intermediate goods industries (except energy); Capital goods industries; Durable consumer goods industries; Non-durable consumer goods industries; Manufacturing industries (home sales); Manufacturing industries (export sales) and Total manufacturing industries are all calculated on a net sector basis, i.e. the weights used to combine the sectoral indices (including those for sectors not distinguished in Table 2) exclude sales to other sectors of Manufacturing Industry.

Table 2A gives the percentage contribution of each sector (including those not published on Table 2) to the overall percentage change on Table 2. The percentage contributions on Table 2A may not add up to the Total Manufacturing industries percentage change on Table 2 due to rounding and other adjustments for presentational purposes.  In comparing these contributions against these percentage changes in indices presented on Table 2 caution should be exercised as the former is calculated on a net sector basis.

The Building Materials, Capital Goods and Energy Products indices (Tables 3, 4 and 5) cover home production and imports of these commodities.  Table 3, the Wholesale Price Index for Building and Construction Materials, provides only a general indication of price trends in that sector.  Actual transaction prices are collected for materials purchased by construction and civil engineering firms. The price indices reflect an ‘average’ over a mixture of products from many companies throughout the country.  They also reflect prices for both long-term and short-term contracts and for high and low volume civil engineering works. It should be noted that long-term, high volume fixed contracts for major works might dilute in the short-term the impact of emerging price changes on the index.  Furthermore, industry sources have confirmed that price increases notified by companies may not always be achieved in practice following negotiations. Much depends on the prevailing market conditions. Therefore changes over the short-term in the indices derived from these transaction prices will not always coincide with price changes notified by companies.


All indices in the series are based on prices at the 15th of the month. Quarterly and annual indices are simple averages of the corresponding monthly indices.

Prices used in the compilation of the indices are:

  • excluding delivery charges itemised on the invoice separately
  • after discounts or surcharges are applied
  • before addition of direct subsidies
  • exclusive of VAT (except for private vehicles used in Table 4)
  • inclusive of excise duty

Every effort is made by the Wholesale Prices Section to collect all prices for the relevant month. Where this is not possible late prices are included in the following month’s calculations.


This Wholesale Price Index series is compiled to base 2010 as 100. A methodological description of this updated series is given in the Wholesale Price Index Introduction of Updated Series base 2010 as 100.

Calculating percentage changes in the index

The movement of the output price indices is expressed as percentage change, rather than a change in index points, because index point changes are affected by the level of the index in relation to its base period, whereas percentage changes are not.

The example below illustrates the computation of a percentage change:

Percentage change calculation  
Current index  105.6
Less previous index  102.1
Equals in index points   3.5
Divided by the previous index   102.1
Equals   0.0343
Results multiplied by 100   0.0343 x 100
Equals percentage change   3.4

Alternatively, users may calculate a percentage change by dividing the current index by the previous index, multiplying by 100 and then subtracting 100.

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