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For more information on this release:
E-mail: Noreen Leahy (+353) 21 453 5262 Josephine Shirkie (021) 4535938
For general information on CSO statistics: (+353) 21 453 5000 On-line ISSN 2009-5678

This release has been compiled during the COVID-19 crisis. The results contained in this release reflect some of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 situation. For further information see  Press Statement Vehicles licensed for the first time January 2022.

CSO statistical release, , 11am

Vehicles licensed for the first time

January 2022

New private cars16,94815,814-1,134-6.7% 
New goods vehicles1,5291,72819913.0% 
New other vehicles1,0411,16412311.8% 
Total new vehicles19,51818,706-812-4.2% 
Used private cars8,1263,686-4,440-54.6% 
Used goods vehicles960640-320-33.3% 
Used other vehicles1,204747-457-38.0% 
Total used vehicles10,2905,073-5,217-50.7% 

Decrease of 6.7% in new private cars licensed in January 2022

Figure 1 VLFTM - New private cars licensed for the first time
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In January 2022, 15,814 new private cars were licensed, a drop of 6.7% compared with January 2021.

The number of used (imported) private cars licensed in January 2022 was 3,686, a decrease of 54.6% when compared with January 2021.

Electric and plug-in hybrid cars continue to grow in popularity. In January 2022, 21.0% of all new cars licensed for the first time were electric or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV). Looking exclusively at electric-only cars, the share of new electric cars licensed increased from 4.4% in January 2021 to 11.5% in January 2022. See table 6.

The licensing figures also show that:

  • Toyota (3,559) was the most popular make of new private car licensed followed by Hyundai (2,041), Nissan (1,109), Kia (1,108) and Volkswagen (1,089). Together these five makes represent 56.3% of all new private cars licensed in January 2022. See table 3.
  • In January 2022, 19.7% of new private cars licensed were diesel, compared with 34.2% in the same period in 2021. Of new private cars licensed in the same period, 88.5% were in the A/B CO2 emissions bands. See table 2.
  • There was an increase of 199 (+13.0%) in the number of new goods vehicles licensed in January 2022 compared with January 2021. See table 1.
  • On a seasonally adjusted basis, new private cars licensed decreased by 10.2% in January 2022 compared with December 2021. The number of seasonally adjusted used (imported) private cars licensed fell by 2.4% over the same period. See table 4 and figure 4.
  • In January 2022, the majority (42.8%) of imported private cars licensed were six to nine years old while (0.1%) were less than one year old. See figure 5.
  • There were 3,116 new diesel private cars licensed in January 2022, compared with 5,801 in the same period in 2021. For used (imported) diesel private cars, the total licensed was 1,584 in January 2022. This compares with 4,905 in the same period last year. See table 6.

Registration and licensing figures may differ in a given month for a number of reasons, some of which are outlined below:

  • Vehicles registered in the latter part of a particular month may not be licensed until a later month because of the time lapse between registration and first licensing.
  • In some cases, a vehicle may be registered by a dealership in advance of a sale.
  • Registered vehicles which are not used in a public place (e.g. tractors for use exclusively on the land) may not need to be licensed.

Seasonally adjusting the Vehicle Licensing series during the COVID-19 crisis period will be challenging until the scale and shape of its impact on the time series is better understood. The initial seasonally adjusted results might be revised for some months ahead as future observations become available. Users should be aware that there is increased uncertainty around the seasonally adjusted figures during this period.

Most popular makes of new cars, January 2022
Toyota 22.5
Hyundai 12.9
Nissan 7
Kia 7
Volkswagen 6.9
Most popular makes of new cars, January 2022
Toyota 16.7
Hyundai 11.2
Nissan 5.9
Kia 7
Volkswagen 7.7
Table 1: Number of vehicles licensed for the first time classified by taxation class
Taxation ClassJanuary
New vehicles
New Private Cars 20,66516,94815,814
New Goods Vehicles 2,5441,5291,728
New Tractors 247258252
New Motor Cycles 163136274
New Exempt Vehicles 751575518
New Other 17572120
Total New Vehicles 24,54519,51818,706
Used (imported) vehicles
Used private cars 7,6838,1263,686
Used goods vehicles 1,302960640
Used tractors 225367193
Used motorcycles 283301192
Used other vehicles 539536362
Total used vehicles 10,03210,2905,073
Total all vehicles 34,57729,80823,779
Table 2: Number of new private cars licensed for the first time by CO2 emission band and fuel type, January 2022
BandFuel TypeTotal
PetrolDieselElectricPetrol & electric hybridDiesel & electric hybridPetrol or Diesel plug-in electric hybrid Other
A 9564681,8133,052191,4411717,920
B 2,5791,87001,5492638156,077
C 7375360231472801,471
D 47125015200189
E 73601040057
F 6180100025
G 9100100020
Not available1530010055
Table 3: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time by make, January 2022
NewUsed (imported)Total
Audi 472315787
BMW 633320953
Citroen 24249291
Dacia 4218429
Fiat 125567
Ford 9112781,189
Honda 84196280
Hyundai 2,0411282,169
Jaguar 182745
Kia 1,108731,181
Land Rover 9440134
Lexus 10043143
Mazda 16745212
Mercedes Benz 448188636
Mini 8531116
Mitsubishi 03030
Nissan 1,1092861,395
Opel 3642366
Peugeot 56079639
Renault 33867405
Seat 27565340
Skoda 1,003881,091
Ssangyong 303
Subaru 167
Suzuki 14248190
Tesla 31435
Toyota 3,5593443,903
Vauxhall 0143143
Volkswagen 1,0896261,715
Volvo 28271353
Other 22231253
Total 15,8143,68619,500
The information in this table is available in much greater detail in Databases (see PxStat link below)
X-axis labelUnadjusted dataAdjusted dataTrend
January 2017266681112610841
February 2017169051075010784
March 2017171801093610755
April 2017134271075610717
May 201795811041910639
June 20173585909910498
July 2017213161088010283
August 20178105986310018
September 2017482899639760
October 2017325593689606
November 2017159492609592
December 201760192669722
January 201825813103749926
February 2018165011069910106
March 2018160881025510172
April 201811557978610110
May 20189362101179937
June 2018371694259724
July 20182074398349513
August 2018768191879322
September 2018439792239132
October 2018287477518980
November 2018164789348942
December 2018778111189065
January 20192227992279328
February 20191417893679631
March 201914404103269848
April 201913794107789880
May 2019912698069679
June 2019385892799293
July 20191874183968854
August 2019720287688511
September 2019410479228358
October 2019321483018391
November 2019167686198523
December 201972989298685
January 20202066589458829
February 20201326389598954
March 20201023969997260
April 2020133810921098
May 2020149017142689
June 2020218944934488
July 20201532968656656
August 2020736088368790
September 20205747984910370
October 202041891086010948
November 20201468689910934
December 202010321138810887
January 20211694882498156
February 20211167279688133
March 20211067268928177
April 2021821471548351
May 2021733785148676
June 2021498094059093
July 20212023294749506
August 2021856395879790
September 20216354102899865
October 2021388297989704
November 202121679465
December 20218328939
January 2022158148031
Table 4: Seasonally adjusted number of vehicles licensed for the first time classified by taxation class
Taxation classJanuary 2021December 2021January 2022Monthly % change
New vehicles    
New private cars 8,2498,9398,031-10.2
New goods vehicles 1,2202,5651,416-44.8
New tractors 190225195-13.3
New motor cycles 12319724122.3
New exempt vehicles 41932040025.0
New other 76149122-18.1
Total new vehicles 10,27712,39510,405-16.1
Used (imported) vehicles    
Used private cars 8,9874,1764,074-2.4
Used goods vehicles 1,03662369812.0
Used tractors 361228190-16.7
Used motorcycles 3902562570.4
Used other vehicles 6294134242.7
Total used vehicles 11,4035,6965,643-0.9
Total all vehicles 21,68018,09116,048-11.3
X-axis label20182019202020212022 to date
<1 year old1.
1-2 years old18.317.617.711.46
3-5 years old50.850.356.35636.5
6-9 years old24.425.619.824.942.8
Over 10 years old4.

Footnote: For the purpose of the analysis of the age profile of used (imported) private cars, calendar years were used to band the age groups. For example, a private car defined as less than one year old is an imported vehicle which has previously been registered abroad for the first time in the current calendar year.

Table 5: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time
Private cars2018201920202021Jan 2022
Used (imported) 99,456108,89578,54168,0423,686
% used (imported)45.1%49.0%48.2%40.0%18.9%
Table 6: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time by fuel type
Fuel typeNew Used (imported)
January January
20212022 20212022
Petrol5,5574,342 2,1601,499
Diesel5,8013,116 4,9051,584
Electric7391,813 5830
Hybrid4,0154,850 496394
Other9186 00
Total16,94815,814 8,1263,686
1 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle

Background Notes


The vehicle licensing figures are compiled from data supplied by the Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division of the Department of Transport. The data provide details on the number of private cars, goods vehicles, motor cycles and other vehicles licensed for the first time in each city and county council, classified by make and size, during a given month.


The release titled 'Vehicles Licensed for the First Time' commenced in January 1993. It replaced the series previously published as 'Particulars of Vehicles Registered and Licensed for the First Time'.

In January 1993, separate systems for vehicle registration and licensing were introduced. The Office of the Revenue Commissioners became responsible for the compilation of vehicle registrations while the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government retained responsibility for vehicle licensing. In January 2008, responsibility for vehicle licensing was transferred to the Department of Transport.

Motor tax charges are determined on the basis of CO2 emission level (using seven CO2 bands) for all new cars registered from 1 July 2008.

The licensing process where applicable follows the registration process.

Vehicle Licensing versus Vehicle Registration

The CSO produces vehicle licensing statistics on a monthly basis. Vehicle registration data has not been published on the CSO PxStat since June 2010.

Registration and licensing figures may differ in a given month for a number of reasons, some of which are outlined below:

  • Vehicles which under the previous system would have been licensed in the latter part of a particular month may not now be licensed until a later month because of the time lapse between registration and first licensing.
  • Registered vehicles which are not used in a public place (e.g. tractors for use exclusively on the land) may not need to be licensed.

The question is often asked, which reflects better vehicle sales, licensing figures or registration figures?

In practice, on a monthly basis, the licensing data is probably a better reflection of sales. In some cases, a vehicle may be registered by a dealership in advance of a sale. Whereas, typically, vehicles are only licensed at the point of sale. However, if a vehicle is purchased towards the end of a month, the buyer may wish to defer collecting and licensing it until the start of the following month. So the issue is not clear-cut.

Seasonal adjustment

Seasonal adjustment for each taxation class is conducted using a direct seasonal adjustment approach. However, the overall vehicle totals are estimated using the indirect approach, i.e. the ‘Total new vehicles’ is derived by adding all the seasonally adjusted new vehicles taxation classes. The main reason for adopting the indirect approach is to attribute the monthly and annual changes in vehicle licensing to each of its taxation classes. Seasonal adjustment models are developed for each series based on unadjusted data spanning from July 1996 to the current period. These models are reviewed on an annual basis; however seasonal factors are updated each month.

The adjustments are completed by applying the X-13-ARIMA model, developed by the U.S. Census Bureau to the unadjusted data.  This methodology estimates seasonal factors while also taking into consideration factors that impact on the quality of the seasonal adjustment such as:

• Calendar effects, e.g. the timing of Easter,

• Outliers, temporary changes and level shifts in the series. 

For additional information on the use of X-13-ARIMA see


Private cars:  The term 'private cars' in this release, refers to privately licensed vehicles which include hire, fleet and certain commercial vehicles.

New and used vehicles:  The term 'new vehicles' refers to new vehicles which are licensed for use in a public place, in this country, for the first time. 'Used vehicles' refers to used vehicles which are licensed for use in a public place, in this country, for the first time. In the main used vehicles are imported.

Exempt:  The term 'exempt vehicles' in this release, refers to vehicles which are licensed for the first time but are exempt from liability to pay road tax.

Exempt vehicles can be divided into four main categories:

  • State-owned
  • Diplomatic
  • Fire services
  • Disabled Drivers

Electric hybrid:  means a vehicle that derives its motive power from a combination of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine and is capable of being driven on electric propulsion alone for a material part of its normal driving cycle.

Plug-in electric hybrid:  means a vehicle that derives its motive power from a combination of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine, where the electric motor derives its power from a battery that may be charged from the internal combustion engine and an alternating current (AC) electric mains supply and is capable of being driven on electric propulsion alone for a material part of its normal driving cycle.

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