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E-mail: Kieran Riordan (+353) 21 453 5320 Sandra O'Riordan (+353) 21 453 5544
For general information on CSO statistics: (+353) 21 453 5000 On-line ISSN 2009-5678
CSO statistical release, , 11am

Vehicles licensed for the first time

August 2019

 August January - August
20182019Change 20182019Change
New private cars7,6817,202-479-6.2% 111,461103,582-7,879-7.1%
New goods vehicles2,2772,4992229.7% 20,35419,540-814-4.0%
Total new vehicles11,02210,749-273-2.5% 141,106132,772-8,334-5.9%
Used private cars8,5869,3207348.5% 67,06070,2173,1574.7%
Used goods vehicles1,1571,194373.2% 10,13010,174440.4%
Total used vehicles10,76011,5938337.7% 85,23289,4804,2485.0%

Decrease of 6.2% in new private cars licensed in August 2019

Figure 1 New private cars licensed for the first time
go to full release

In August 2019, 7,202 new private cars were licensed for the first time, a decrease of 6.2% compared with August 2018. A total of 9,320 used (imported) private cars were licensed, representing a rise of 8.5% on the same month last year.

In the first eight months of 2019, 103,582 new private cars were licensed, a decrease of 7.1% compared with the same period last year. The number of used (imported) private cars licensed increased by 4.7% compared with the same period in 2018.

Electric and hybrid (alternative fuel) vehicles accounted for over ten per cent (10.6%) of all private cars licensed in the first eight months of 2019, compared with 6.7% in the same period in 2018. See table 6.

The licensing figures also show that:





  • Volkswagen (874) was the most popular make of new private cars licensed in August 2019, followed by Toyota (743), Hyundai (664), Ford (582) and Skoda (562). Together these five makes represent under half (47.6%) of all new private cars licensed. See table 3.
  • The total number of vehicles licensed during August 2019 was 22,342 compared with 21,782 during the same month in 2018, an increase of 2.6%. See table 1.
  • There was a 9.7% increase in the number of new goods vehicles licensed in August 2019 bringing the total to 2,499.
  • On a seasonally adjusted basis, new private cars licensed decreased by 10.1% in August 2019 compared with July 2019. The number of seasonally adjusted used (imported) private cars licensed increased by 2.0% over the same period. See table 4 and figure 4.
  • In the first eight months of 2019, just 0.7% of imported private cars licensed were less than one year old (vehicles previously registered abroad in 2019) while 22,276 (31.7%) were six years or older. See table 5 and figure 5.
  • Diesel vehicles accounted for 46.6% of all new private cars licensed in the first eight months of 2019, compared with 54.0% in the same period in 2018. For used (imported) diesel private cars, the percentage licensed was 72.3% in the first eight months of 2019. This compares with 76.7% in the same period last year. See table 6.

Licensing and registration are different processes. A vehicle is licensed when a valid motor tax disc is issued for the first time whereas registration occurs when a vehicle gets its licence plate (registration number) for the first time.

Most popular makes of new cars, January-June 2019
Volkswagen 12.1
Toyota 10.3
Hyundai 9.2
Ford 8.1
Skoda 7.8
Most popular makes of new cars, January-August 2018
Volkswagen 11.3
Toyota 7.2
Hyundai 6.4
Ford 10.4
Skoda 6.7
Table 1: Number of vehicles licensed for the first time classified by taxation class
Taxation ClassAugust January - August
201720182019 201720182019
New vehicles    
New Private Cars 8,1057,6817,202 116,767111,461103,582
New Goods Vehicles 2,0802,2772,499 19,17120,35419,540
New Tractors 147171179 1,4631,6191,784
New Motor Cycles 129170180 1,1351,2141,464
New Exempt Vehicles 638593560 4,9195,0574,934
New Other 127130129 1,2711,4011,468
Total New Vehicles 11,22611,02210,749 144,726141,106132,772
Used (imported) vehicles       
Used private cars 8,2208,5869,320 60,76367,06070,217
Used goods vehicles 1,0691,1571,194 9,39610,13010,174
Used tractors 199169201 1,7491,5551,848
Used motorcycles 318308307 2,3032,3872,652
Used other vehicles 519540571 3,9244,1004,589
Total used vehicles 10,32510,76011,593 78,13585,23289,480
Total all vehicles 21,55121,78222,342 222,861226,338222,252
Table 2A: Number of new private cars licensed for the first time by CO2 emission band and fuel type, August 2019
BandFuel TypeTotal
PetrolDieselElectricPetrol & electric hybridDiesel & electric hybridPetrol or Diesel plug-in electric hybrid
A 1,4171,88630359711154,319
B 1,0151,145036002,196
C 13922301100373
D 281190000147
E 41000000104
F 1146010058
G 2100003
Not available0200002
Table 2B: Number of new private cars licensed for the first time by CO2 emission band and fuel type, January-August 2019
BandFuel TypeTotal
PetrolDieselElectricPetrol & electric hybridDiesel & electric hybridPetrol or Diesel plug-in electric hybrid
A 24,70526,6252,7588,71811,12963,936
B 14,96215,95502850031,202
C 2,1292,451030004,610
D 4291,91603002,348
E 569370200995
F 513640501421
G 2521000046
Not available222000024
Table 3: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time by make, August 2019
MakeAugust January - August
NewUsed (imported)Total NewUsed (imported)Total
Audi 3699091,2783,9916,58510,576
BMW 2076738803,4075,2978,704
Citroen 862163028721,5452,417
Dacia 193222152,7782052,983
Fiat 34100134352637989
Ford 5821,0151,5978,2207,79216,012
Honda 922733651,1681,9043,072
Hyundai 6647451,4099,7225,43615,158
Jaguar 3268100402561963
Kia 3883046925,6852,1997,884
Land Rover 83901739816331,614
Lexus 371171544489151,363
Mazda 1271442711,5941,0802,674
Mercedes Benz 2725888602,7114,8717,582
Mini 31791104456601,105
Mitsubishi 371071448131,0041,817
Nissan 4166281,0447,4684,29011,758
Opel 30413054,275144,289
Peugeot 3292665955,0641,9807,044
Renault 3181875056,2321,4737,705
Seat 2461053513,4648234,287
Skoda 5622438058,0661,8039,869
Ssangyong 516331144
Subaru 610167472146
Suzuki 64421061,0333751,408
Toyota 7436211,36410,7874,73815,525
Vauxhall 036436402,9132,913
Volkswagen 8741,1021,97611,9318,24320,174
Volvo 762152911,2631,5672,830
Other 2585110303591894
Total 7,2029,32016,522 103,58270,217173,799
The information in this table is available in much greater detail in Databases (see StatBank link below)
X-axis labelUnadjusted dataAdjusted dataTrend
August 2014620179337826
September 2014437681698029
October 2014308280438333
November 2014146588028701
December 2014920114919073
January 20152010593409390
February 20151538495989616
March 201517054102089762
April 20151316698139875
May 20159027990810024
June 20153924962410256
July 2015212901070310545
August 201585721115310856
September 201559241143711177
October 201539431133711464
November 201518741146211697
December 20158471157211878
January 2016271061227611979
February 2016211731255811984
March 2016200961152711891
April 2016148471200011737
May 2016101251125811607
June 201641431113611579
July 2016224621176811623
August 201697811198211671
September 201658421157611634
October 201638311197711489
November 201618461116311277
December 20166791015311055
January 2017266681127710859
February 2017169051060510713
March 2017171801085310602
April 2017134271049110505
May 201795811042510419
June 20173585973610342
July 2017213161086610262
August 201781051009210171
September 201748281009110073
October 201732551023310009
November 2017159496559966
December 201760190999946
January 201825813104599941
February 201816501104819955
March 20181608896809957
April 20181155794519959
May 20189362100939931
June 2018371699189864
July 201820743101969791
August 2018768195879712
September 2018439795339591
October 2018287490149453
November 2018164797069362
December 2018778109739339
January 20192227991309391
February 20191417891699491
March 20191440497059590
April 20191379498689661
May 2019912696469665
June 2019385810020
July 2019187419005
August 201972029279
Table 4: Seasonally adjusted number of vehicles licensed for the first time classified by taxation class
Taxation classAugust 2018July 2019August 2019Monthly % change
New vehicles    
New private cars 10,19610,0209,005-10.1
New goods vehicles 2,1152,1292,2154.0
New tractors 17316119018.0
New motor cycles 140147144-2.0
New exempt vehicles 520489476-2.7
New other 230168152-9.5
Total new vehicles 13,37413,11412,182-7.1
Used (imported) vehicles    
Used private cars 8,2468,8208,9932.0
Used goods vehicles 1,3131,2481,2601.0
Used tractors 1862032229.4
Used motorcycles 2692973094.0
Used other vehicles 513593531-10.5
Total used vehicles 10,52711,16111,3151.4
Total all vehicles 23,90124,27523,497-3.2
X-axis label20152016201720182019 to date
<1 year old1.
1-2 years old11.113.216.718.317
3-5 years old50.447.849.250.850.6
6-9 years old27.729.727.324.426.5
Over 10 years old9.

Footnote: For the purpose of the analysis of the age profile of used (imported) private cars, calendar years were used to band the age groups. For example, a private car defined as less than one year old is an imported vehicle which has previously been registered abroad for the first time in the current calendar year.

Table 5: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time
Private cars20152016201720182019 Jan-August
Used (imported) 47,21770,13892,50899,45670,217
% used (imported)28.1%33.1%42.1%45.1%40.4%
Table 6: Number of new and used (imported) private cars licensed for the first time by fuel type
Fuel typeNewUsed (imported)
August January - AugustAugust January - August
20182019 20182019 20182019 20182019
Petrol2,8942,616 43,29842,3591,5151,867 11,60113,906
Diesel4,1763,522 60,22848,2916,4256,686 51,44550,777
Electric193303 1,0092,7587648 461351
Hybrid418761 6,92610,174570719 3,5515,178
Other00 0000 25
Total7,6817,202 111,461103,582 8,5869,320 67,06070,217

Background Notes


The vehicle licensing figures are compiled from data supplied by the Driver and Vehicle Computer Services Division of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. The data provide details on the number of private cars, goods vehicles, motor cycles and other vehicles licensed for the first time in each city and county council, classified by make and size, during a given month.


The release titled 'Vehicles Licensed for the First Time' commenced in January 1993. It replaced the series previously published as 'Particulars of Vehicles Registered and Licensed for the First Time'.

In January 1993, separate systems for vehicle registration and licensing were introduced. The Office of the Revenue Commissioners became responsible for the compilation of vehicle registrations while the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government retained responsibility for vehicle licensing. In January 2008, responsibility for vehicle licensing was transferred to the Department of Transport (which later became the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport).

Motor tax charges are determined on the basis of CO2 emission level (using seven CO2 bands) for all new cars registered from 1 July 2008.

The licensing process where applicable follows the registration process.

Vehicle Licensing versus Vehicle Registration

The CSO produces vehicle licensing statistics on a monthly basis. Vehicle registration data has not been published on the CSO StatBank since June 2010.

Registration and licensing figures may differ in a given month for a number of reasons, some of which are outlined below:

  • Vehicles which under the previous system would have been licensed in the latter part of a particular month may not now be licensed until a later month because of the time lapse between registration and first licensing.
  • Registered vehicles which are not used in a public place (e.g. tractors for use exclusively on the land) may not need to be licensed.

The question is often asked, which reflects better vehicle sales, licensing figures or registration figures?

In practice, on a monthly basis, the licensing data is probably a better reflection of sales. In some cases, a vehicle may be registered by a dealership in advance of a sale. Whereas, typically, vehicles are only licensed at the point of sale. However, if a vehicle is purchased towards the end of a month, the buyer may wish to defer collecting and licensing it until the start of the following month. So the issue is not clear-cut.

From 31 October 1999, detailed information on agricultural vehicles is no longer published in accordance with Commission Decision 92/157/EEC as upheld on 28 May 1998.

Seasonal adjustment

Seasonal adjustment for each taxation class is conducted using a direct seasonal adjustment approach. However, the overall vehicle totals are estimated using the indirect approach, i.e. the ‘Total new vehicles’ is derived by adding all the seasonally adjusted new vehicles taxation classes. The main reason for adopting the indirect approach is to attribute the monthly and annual changes in vehicle licensing to each of its taxation classes. Seasonal adjustment models are developed for each series based on unadjusted data spanning from July 1996 to the current period. These models are reviewed on an annual basis; however seasonal factors are updated each month.

The adjustments are completed by applying the X-13-ARIMA model, developed by the U.S. Census Bureau to the unadjusted data.  This methodology estimates seasonal factors while also taking into consideration factors that impact on the quality of the seasonal adjustment such as:

• Calendar effects, e.g. the timing of Easter,

• Outliers, temporary changes and level shifts in the series. 

For additional information on the use of X-13-ARIMA see


Private cars:  The term 'private cars' in this release, refers to privately licensed vehicles which include hire, fleet and certain commercial vehicles.

New and used vehicles:  The term 'new vehicles' refers to new vehicles which are licensed for use in a public place, in this country, for the first time. 'Used vehicles' refers to used vehicles which are licensed for use in a public place, in this country, for the first time. In the main used vehicles are imported.

Exempt:  The term 'exempt vehicles' in this release, refers to vehicles which are licensed for the first time but are exempt from liability to pay road tax.

Exempt vehicles can be divided into four main categories:

  • State-owned
  • Diplomatic
  • Fire services
  • Disabled Drivers

Electric hybrid:  means a vehicle that derives its motive power from a combination of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine and is capable of being driven on electric propulsion alone for a material part of its normal driving cycle.

Plug-in electric hybrid:  means a vehicle that derives its motive power from a combination of an electric motor and an internal combustion engine, where the electric motor derives its power from a battery that may be charged from the internal combustion engine and an alternating current (AC) electric mains supply and is capable of being driven on electric propulsion alone for a material part of its normal driving cycle.

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