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CSO statistical release, , 11am

National Income and Expenditure Annual Results


2015 2016% change
GDP at current prices €262,037m €275,567m5.2%
GDP at constant (2015) prices €262,037m €275,510m5.1%
GNP at current prices €205,990m €226,749m10.1%
GNP at constant (2015) prices €205,990m €225,781m9.6%

Increase of 5.1% in GDP in 2016

Figure 1 Growth Rates
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Detailed annual national accounts show that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 5.1% in constant prices between 2015 and 2016.

Gross National Product (GNP) increased by 9.6% over the same period. The present release is based on more complete and up to date data than that which was available when the Q4 2016 estimates were published in March 2017. The 2015/2016 volume changes indicated at that stage were GDP (5.2%) and GNP (9.0%).

Personal consumption expenditure on goods and services, a domestically focused indicator, increased by 3.3% between 2015 and 2016.

The results are compiled in accordance with the latest EU standard framework, ESA 2010.

X-axis labelAgriculture forestry and fishingIndustry (excl. construction)ConstructionDistribution, transport, hotels and restaurantsInformation and communicationFinancial and insurance activitiesReal estate activitiesProfessional, admin and support servicesPublic admin, education and healthArts, entertainment and other services
X-axis labelAgriculture forestry and fishingIndustry (excl. construction)ConstructionDistribution, transport, hotels and restaurantsInformation and communicationFinancial and insurance activitiesReal estate activitiesProfessional, admin and support servicesPublic admin, education and healthArts, entertainment and other services

Growth by sector in 2016

In this year’s release, the sector breakdowns on Tables 2, 3 and 4 have been expanded to NACE Rev.2 A10. All of the sectors distinguished in Table 4 showed positive growth in 2016. Construction increased by 15.1% and Professional, Admin and Support Services increased by 14.4%. The other sectors had annual increases ranging from 1.0% to 13.0%. Figure 2 shows the relative contributions of each sector and figure 3 shows the growth in each sector.

X-axis labelPersonal consumption of goods and servicesNet expenditure by local and central government on goods and servicesGross domestic fixed capital formationValue of physical changes in stocksNet exports of goods and servicesStatistical discrepancy

Physical Capital  Formation up 59.2% in 2016 on the expenditure side

On the expenditure side of the accounts exports grew by 4.6% between 2015 and 2016 (Table 6, at constant prices). Imports increased by 16.4% over the same period. The growth rate in physical capital formation in 2016 was 59.2%. Personal consumption expenditure increased by 3.3%, while Government net current expenditure rose by 5.3%. Figure 4 shows the relative contributions of each of the components of expenditure.

Modified GNI

Modified GNI (GNI*) is a new indicator that was recommended by the Economic Statistics Review Group and is designed to exclude globalisation effects that are disproportionately impacting the measurement of the size of the Irish economy.

The new Annex 1 shows some of our main aggregates as well as Modified GNI, all at current market values. Also included are the three adjustments made to GNI to bring it to Modified GNI.

X-axis labelGDPGNI*NNI

Figure 5 shows the values of GDP, Modified GNI (GNI*) and NNI at current prices. We can see that the step change in 2015 does not have the same effect on either Modified GNI or NNI as it does on GDP.

X-axis labelDepreciation on R and D related IP importsFactor Income of redomiciled companiesDepreciation on aircraft leasingGross National IncomeModified Gross National Income

Figure 6 shows the difference between GNI at current prices and Modified GNI at current prices as well as the adjustments. We can see that the series start to diverge in recent years in particular from 2015.

Table A Main Aggregates, 2011-2016
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
      € million
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices 171,939175,561180,298194,537262,037275,567
plus Net factor income from the rest of the world -33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices 138,151142,012151,990164,822205,990226,749
EU subsidies1,6981,6321,4501,3181,5711,479
EU taxes-240-242-247-275-327-486
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices 139,610143,402153,193165,866207,234227,742
less provision for depreciation-23,992-25,650-27,177-29,486-56,781-62,893
less Non EU taxes-17,779-18,359-19,302-21,210-22,525-23,431
plus Non EU subsidies 1,7251,9101,9061,8631,7661,674
Net National Product at factor cost99,563101,303108,620117,033129,694143,093
Gross National Disposable Income at current market prices136,968140,808150,284163,136203,910224,115
Chained linked volume measures referenced to year 2015     € million
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices 189,478189,548192,654208,700262,037275,510
Index of GDP at constant market prices72.372.373.579.6100.0105.1
Gross National Product at constant market prices 152,291153,963162,436177,129205,990225,781
Index of GNP at constant market prices73.974.778.986.0100.0109.6
Gross National Income at constant market prices 153,823155,409163,516178,095207,234226,717
Index of GNI at constant market prices74.275.078.985.9100.0109.4
Gross national disposable income at constant market prices 148,063146,672153,775163,510203,910222,010
Index of gross national disposable income at constant market prices72.671.975.480.2100.0108.9
Per head of population   (€)
GDP at current market prices37,58338,28739,25442,20356,53058,961
GNP at current market prices30,19830,97033,09135,75644,43848,516
GNI at current market prices30,51631,27433,35335,98344,70748,728
GNDI at current market prices29,93930,70832,72035,39143,99047,952
Net national product at factor cost21,76322,09323,64825,38927,97930,617
GDP at constant market prices41,41741,33741,94445,27556,53058,949
GNP at constant market prices 33,28833,57735,36538,42644,43848,309
GNI at constant market prices33,62333,89235,60038,63644,70748,509
GNDI at constant market prices32,36431,98733,48035,47243,99047,502
Per person in employment 2  (€)
GDP at current market prices92,37695,61196,421102,302133,781136,765
GNP at current market prices74,22377,34081,28286,676105,166112,536
GNI at current market prices75,00678,09781,92687,224105,802113,029
GNDI at current market prices73,58876,68480,37085,789104,105111,229
Net national product at factor cost53,49155,17058,08961,54466,21471,017
GDP at constant market prices101,799103,228103,029109,749133,781136,736
GNP at constant market prices 81,82083,84986,86993,147105,166112,056
GNI at constant market prices82,64384,63687,44693,655105,802112,520
GNDI at constant market prices79,54879,87882,23785,986104,105110,184
2 Persons in employment on an ILO basis as in the QNHS (April-June) for 2011 to 2016
Table B Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Aggregates, Deflators and the Consumer Price Index
Description 2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices10.
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI) at current market prices10.
Net national product at factor cost
Chain linked volume measures referenced to year 2015      
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices7.
Gross National Product at constant market prices8.
Gross National Income at constant market prices8.
Gross National Disposable Income at constant market prices8.4-
GDP deflator
GNP deflator
GNI deflator
GNDI deflator
Consumer price index
Table 1 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Net National Income at Market Prices
                                                                                                                       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt3,0882,9002,9773,2553,1813,234
  1. Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3n (Pt) 2,4652,2762,2882,5282,5122,550
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   2. Wages and salaries (D.11+D.12) Pt570571635670612625
   3. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)525354565759
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt129,847131,330135,284145,069182,682188,589
Profits and self employed earnings:       
   4. Domestic trading profits of companies (including corporate bodies) before taxB.2n (Pt)46,58347,37349,76856,70390,24289,733
   5. Self employed earnings B.3n (Pt)7,1596,8677,0277,2527,5457,565
       of which:       
       5(a) Withdrawals from quasi-corporations2D.422748792764762791735
   6. Adjustment for stock appreciation B.2n (Pt)-226489649364-3341,097
   7. Rent of dwellings (actual and imputed)B.2n (Pt)7,0947,6167,7298,2349,0899,934
       of which imputed rent 5,3195,6805,7546,1256,7447,246
   8. Rent element in land annuities 010000
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   9. Wages and salaries(D.11+D.12) Pt63,92364,02864,83866,75669,98573,667
  10. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)5,3134,9565,2725,7616,1556,594
  12. Statistical discrepancy 417623-1,332-1,576-12189
  13. Net value added at factor cost (B.1n-D.29+D.39)133,352134,853136,929146,748185,741191,912
  14. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
 (net to abroad)      
  15. Net national product at factor cost 99,564101,304108,620117,033129,694143,093
  16. National (i.e. non EU) taxesD.2 (Pt)17,77918,35919,30221,21022,52523,431
  17. National (i.e. non EU) subsidiesD.3 (Pt)-1,725-1,910-1,906-1,863-1,766-1,674
  18. Net national income at market pricesB.5*n115,618117,753126,016136,380150,452164,850
2 This represents the earnings of the owners of large non incorporated businesses (e.g. large partnerships) which are similar in their economic and financial behaviour to companies of an equivalent size.
Table 1.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 1
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt0.9-
   Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3n (Pt)0.7-7.70.510.5-0.61.5
   Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)1.90.310.55.4-8.02.3
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt7.
   Profits etc.1B.2n (Pt) & B.3n (Pt)
   Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)3.0-
   Net national product at factor cost
   Net national income at market pricesB.5*n7.
1 i.e. Items 4 to 8 in Table 1
Table 2 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Depreciation by Sector of Origin and Gross Value Added at Basic Prices
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2 A10. For further details see the methodology notes)
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
24.1 Agriculture forestry and fishing 
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt3,0882,9012,9773,2553,1813,234
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)622624689726669684
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt2,4662,2772,2882,5292,5122,550
24.2 Industry (excluding construction)       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt34,50233,75433,68036,07463,07859,325
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)10,57010,40210,85711,17911,89512,570
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt24,17322,86522,54725,15251,86445,977
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2n & B.3n) Pt-241488277-256-681778
24.3 of which: Manufacturing       
           Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt32,03130,84730,73733,28460,84256,888
           Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)9,1358,9729,4649,77410,43711,109
           Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt23,13721,39120,99523,76951,08544,992
           Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2n & B.3n) Pt-241484278-258-680786
24.4 Construction       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,1933,2974,2255,4785,9006,775
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)3,3233,0643,1733,6084,0314,687
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt-1,1302331,0521,8701,8682,088
24.5 Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants        
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt21,60622,23524,56724,81726,45527,786
          Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)14,12214,30514,59115,02415,77317,003
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt7,4697,9289,6039,17310,33510,464
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2n & B.3n) Pt151373620347319
24.6. Information and communication        
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt11,24812,17112,89314,93016,61118,849
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)3,5683,9224,1454,2784,7685,019
          Other(B.2n & B.3n) Pt7,6808,2508,74810,65311,84313,830
24.7 Financial and insurance activities       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt14,30813,64912,24613,62115,12316,041
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)6,2506,4036,1806,2266,0496,186
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt8,0587,2456,0667,3959,0749,854
24.8 Real estate activities   
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt6,7797,5867,9468,6469,39310,344
          Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)302304355426470536
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt6,4787,2827,5918,2208,9239,808
24.9 Professional, admin and support services      
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt11,23911,16012,19313,76217,65120,378
          Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)6,0005,9056,2397,0047,5728,255
          Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt5,2395,2555,9546,75810,07912,123
24.10 Public admin, education and health       
           Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt25,41425,03624,99525,10025,90426,410
           Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)23,65423,23023,16323,27324,05424,406
           Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt1,7601,8061,8321,8271,8502,003
24.11 Arts, entertainment and other services       
           Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,5572,4402,5382,6412,5662,682
           Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)1,4461,4471,4071,4991,5261,597
           Other (B.2n & B.3n) Pt1,1119931,1321,1411,0401,085
26. Statistical discrepancy (equals Item 12, Table 1) 417623-1,332-1,576-12189
27. Net value added at factor cost B.1n-D.29+D.39133,352134,853136,929146,748185,741191,912
28. plus Provision for depreciation P.51c23,99225,65027,17729,48656,78162,893
28.1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing P.51c757753766816855859
28.2 Industry (excluding construction) P.51c6,0256,2146,3616,50630,52533,204
28.3 of which Manufacturing P.51c4,5214,6404,7384,82828,77831,395
28.4 ConstructionP.51c376327289268250239
28.5 Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants P.51c3,2993,4253,4943,5803,6953,858
28.6 Information and communication P.51c2,4132,9893,4353,8694,7975,955
28.7 Financial and insurance activitiesP.51c8107988008659631,101
28.8 Real estate activitiesP.51c3,6673,7803,9774,3574,5444,880
28.9 Professional, admin and support services P.51c3,5954,2134,8465,8767,5959,012
28.10 Public admin, education and healthP.51c2,6342,7372,8042,9243,1173,344
28.11 Arts, entertainment and other servicesP.51c414413404425440440
29. Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39157,343160,503164,106176,234242,523254,805
30. Non product taxesD.292,0742,2592,5532,9733,0842,833
31. Non product subsidiesD.39-2,335-2,454-2,277-2,200-2,426-2,279
32. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g157,082160,309164,382177,007243,181255,358
Table 3 Gross Value Added at Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Current Market Prices
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2 A10 breakdown. For further details see the methodology notes)
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
46.1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2,0791,7412,0272,5052,3402,548
46.2 Industry (excluding construction)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt41,31440,77440,86643,41994,45493,318
46.3 of which: Manufacturing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt36,83835,77135,76838,41489,92888,566
46.4 Construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2,5953,6514,5435,7756,1797,040
46.5 Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt25,36926,13428,55728,90930,66932,118
46.6 Information and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt13,77715,27616,44618,92121,53324,918
46.7 Financial and insurance activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt15,11614,51913,13714,73116,39317,346
46.8 Real estate activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt10,64011,68712,44213,64714,49115,756
46.9 Professional, admin and support services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt14,78715,30016,97419,60025,21329,356
46.10 Public administration, education and health(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt27,99627,73327,75927,98528,97829,711
46.11 Arts, entertainment and other services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2,9902,8722,9643,0913,0513,158
47. Statistical discrepancy (equals Item 12, Table 1) 417623-1,332-1,576-12189
51. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g157,082160,308164,382177,007243,181255,358
52. Product taxesD.2115,94516,34116,99618,51119,76821,083
53. Product subsidies D.31-1,088-1,089-1,079-981-911-874
54. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g171,939175,561180,298194,537262,037275,567
55. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
 (net to abroad)      
56. Gross national product at current market prices  138,151142,012151,990164,822205,990226,749
57. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,6981,6321,4501,3181,5711,479
58. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-240-242-247-275-327-486
59. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g139,610143,402153,193165,866207,234227,742
Table 3.1 Annual Percentage Change in the Main Constituents of Table 3
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Agriculture, forestry and fishing(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt4.2-16.316.423.6-6.68.9
Industry (excluding construction)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt17.7-
of which: Manufacturing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt19.2-2.9-0.07.4134.1-1.5
Construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt22.140.724.427.17.013.9
Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt4.
Information and communication(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt12.610.97.715.013.815.7
Financial and insurance activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2.8-4.0-9.512.111.35.8
Real estate activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt8.
Professional, administration and support services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt14.73.510.915.528.616.4
Public administration, education and health (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt1.2-
Arts, entertainment and other services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt1.1-
Gross value added at basic prices B.1g10.
Gross domestic product at current market pricesB.1*g9.
Gross national product at current market prices
Gross national income at current market prices B.5*g10.
Table 4 Gross Value Added at Constant Basic Prices by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
(Note the sectors here are the NACE Rev. 2 A10 breakdown. For further details see the methodology notes)
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
65.1 Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1,9361,6451,7792,2292,3402,644
65.2 Industry (excluding construction) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt50,08049,32247,97051,66794,45496,918
65.3 of which: Manufacturing(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt45,23144,51743,00146,38789,92892,364
65.4 Construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt5,3325,1365,5165,8336,1797,109
65.5 Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt27,13026,97827,41628,88430,66932,259
65.6 Information and communication(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt14,35114,93816,56319,18121,53323,647
65.7 Financial and insurance activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt16,72414,96114,26915,18616,39316,944
65.8 Real estate activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt13,06713,46713,92714,49114,49114,637
65.9 Professional, administration and support services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt16,46416,46818,11820,67425,21328,849
65.10 Public administration, education and health(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt27,35926,93427,54627,91028,97829,433
65.11 Arts, entertainment and other services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2,7742,8242,8342,9333,0513,359
66. Statistical discrepancy ........-121-504
70. Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g173,995174,087176,541191,029243,181255,294
71. Product taxesD.2116,40116,36616,97818,45619,76821,082
72. Product subsidies D.31-1,056-1,041-1,035-991-911-866
73. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g189,478189,548192,654208,700262,037275,510
74. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-37,148-35,551-30,318-31,676-56,048-49,729
 (net to abroad)      
75. Gross national product at constant market prices  152,291153,963162,436177,129205,990225,781
76. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7221,6411,3091,2521,5711,422
77. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-246-243-247-274-327-485
78. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g153,823155,409163,516178,095207,234226,717
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 4.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 4
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6.4-
Industry (excluding construction)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt14.1-1.5-2.77.782.82.6
of which: Manufacturing(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt15.3-1.6-3.47.993.92.7
Construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt5.9-
Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt3.5-
Information and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt10.54.110.915.812.39.8
Financial and insurance activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.3-10.5-
Real estate activities(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2.
Professional, administration and support services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt11.
Public administration, education and health (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt1.5-
Arts, entertainment and other services(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt3.
Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g8.
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g7.
Gross national product at constant market prices
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g8.
Table 5 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Current Market Prices
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
79. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)84,20984,79785,78488,53592,72196,613
         of which:      
         79(a) Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs79,25179,57880,79883,43387,32690,847
         79(b) Final consumption expenditure of government4,9585,2194,9865,1025,3945,767
80. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)26,37025,74525,47126,24426,95328,354
81. Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.5328,81334,45233,62740,42053,16087,662
82. Value of physical changes in stocks P.51 (Pt) & P.528031,0452163,1602,3532,383
         of which        
        82(a) Net additions to the breeding stocks1983-20112835
83. Exports of goods and services 2P.6177,303187,658191,185219,786326,610335,041
84. Imports of goods and services 2 P.7-145,143-157,512-157,315-185,184-239,880-274,398
85. Statistical discrepancy (equals -Item 12, Table 1) -417-6231,3321,576121-89
86. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g171,939175,561180,298194,537262,037275,567
87. Net factor income from the rest of the world D.1 & D.4-33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
 (net to abroad)      
88. Gross national product at current market prices 138,151142,012151,990164,822205,990226,749
89. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,6981,6321,4501,3181,5711,479
90. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-240-242-247-275-327-486
91. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g139,610143,402153,193165,866207,234227,742
2Excluding factor income flows
Table 5.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 5
 Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)1.5-2.4-
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.524.919.9-4.728.827.462.2
     of which        
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.5324.919.6-2.420.231.564.9
Exports of goods and services P.613.65.81.915.048.62.6
Imports of goods and services P.713.68.5-0.117.729.514.4
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g9.
Gross national product at current market prices
Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g10.
Table 6 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
92. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)88,62087,83787,24088,98992,72195,743
         of which:       
         92(a). Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs 83,22882,25882,08483,79587,32690,092
         92(b). Final consumption expenditure of government 5,3995,5955,1585,1955,3945,651
93. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)26,14425,16025,26226,46526,95328,378
94. Gross domestic fixed capital formation P.51 (Pt) & P.5331,38536,53035,19041,56053,16085,674
95. Value of physical changes in stocksP.51 (Pt) & P.526178102143,1982,3532,682
         of which:        
         95(a). Net additions to the breeding stocks 935-9112842
96. Exports of goods and services2 P.6197,031200,145206,242236,004326,610341,676
97. Imports of goods and services2P.7-160,294-164,309-165,725-190,355-239,880-279,148
98. Statistical discrepancy (equals -item 66, Table 4) ........121504
99. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g189,478189,548192,654208,700262,037275,510
100. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-37,148-35,551-30,318-31,676-56,048-49,729
 (net to abroad)      
101. Gross national product at constant market prices 152,291153,963162,436177,129205,990225,781
102. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7221,6411,3091,2521,5711,422
103. EU TaxesD.2 (Pt)-246-243-247-274-327-485
104. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g153,823155,409163,516178,095207,234226,717
2Excluding factor income flows
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 6.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 6
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)1.6-0.9-
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)1.7-
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.522.516.7-5.226.424.059.2
      of which        
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.5322.216.4-3.718.127.961.2
Exports of goods and servicesP.611.
Imports of goods and servicesP.711.72.50.914.926.016.4
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g7.
Gross national product at constant market prices8.
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g8.
Table 7 Gross National Disposable Income and its Use
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
105. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g171,939175,561180,298194,537262,037275,567
106. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
 (net to abroad)      
107. Gross national product at current market prices 138,151142,012151,990164,822205,990226,749
108. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,6981,6321,4501,3181,5711,479
109. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-240-242-247-275-327-486
110. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g139,610143,402153,193165,866207,234227,742
111. Current transfers from the rest of the world       
          less current transfers to the rest of the world (excluding EU subsidies and taxes)D.7 (Pt)-2,641-2,594-2,908-2,729-3,324-3,627
112. Gross national disposable income B.6g136,968140,808150,284163,136203,910224,115
113. Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)84,20984,79785,78488,53592,72196,613
114. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)26,37025,74525,47126,24426,95328,354
115. Total consumption expenditure P.3110,579110,542111,254114,779119,674124,968
116. Gross national savingsB.8g26,38930,26639,03048,35784,23699,148
117. Provision for depreciation P.51c23,99225,65027,17729,48656,78162,893
118. Net national savings B.8n2,3974,61611,85318,87127,45536,255
Table 7.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 7
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g9.
Gross national product at current market prices
Gross national disposable income B.6g10.
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)1.5-2.4-
Total consumption expenditureP.32.5-
Gross national savings B.8g30.314.729.023.974.217.7
Provision for depreciationD.7 (Pt)
Net national savings B.8n72.292.6156.859.245.532.1
Table 8 Gross National Disposable Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015) Adjusted for Terms of Trade (i.e. Real Gross National Disposable Income)
     € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Gross national income (adjusted for terms of trade) 150,879149,351156,828166,394207,234225,883
Net current transfers from abroad excluding EU subsidies and taxes-2,838-2,702-3,077-2,897-3,324-3,873
Gross national disposable income (adjusted for terms of trade)148,063146,672153,775163,510203,910222,010
Index of Real Gross National Disposable Income72.671.975.480.2100.0108.9
1 Preliminary
Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 9 Personal Income and Personal Expenditure
      € million
Description201120122013201420152016 1
119. Net national product at factor cost before adjustment for stock appreciation 99,789100,814107,971116,669130,027141,996
120. less Government trading and investment income-2,761-3,420-3,629-3,469-3,197-2,379
121. plus National debt interest 5,7687,2987,7747,6086,8646,202
122. plus Transfer income (including net transfers from the rest of the world)25,44226,07025,24824,80624,50724,821
123. Private income 128,239130,763137,364145,615158,201170,641
124. less Undistributed profits of companies before tax -15,742-14,955-22,949-28,584-34,443-41,819
125. Personal income 112,497115,808114,415117,031123,758128,822
126. Personal consumption of goods and services 84,20984,79785,78488,53592,72196,613
127. Taxes on personal income and wealth 24,35925,13625,96228,22829,50030,961
128. Total personal expenditure 108,568109,933111,745116,763122,221127,575
129. Personal savings 2 3,9295,8752,6702671,5361,247
2Personal Savings are compiled on a different basis to those in the Institutional Sector Accounts published by CSO. The differences in the methodologies used in the two sets of estimates are outlined in the notes to the Annual releases on Institutional Sector Accounts.
Table 10 Net Current Income and Expenditure of Central and Local Government
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
130. Taxes on income and wealth (including social insurance contributions) 28,11029,09930,23432,84536,37238,313
131. Taxes on expenditure (including rates) 17,77918,35919,30221,21022,52523,431
132. Net trading and investment income 2,7613,4203,6293,4693,1972,379
133. Current transfers from the rest of the world to central and local government454611369332
134. Total income 48,69550,92453,17557,56062,18864,155
135. Subsidies (excluding EU subsidies) 21,7251,9101,9061,8631,7661,674
136. Transfer payments (including transfers to the rest of the world) and national debt interest33,89636,00835,94135,17934,78834,683
137. Net current expenditure on goods and services26,37025,74525,47126,24426,95328,354
138. Total expenditure 61,99163,66363,31863,28763,50764,711
139. Central and local government savings -13,296-12,739-10,142-5,727-1,319-556
2See explanatory note to Table 10 in methodology notes
Table 11 Savings and Capital Formation
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Savings before adjustment for stock appreciation      
140. Personal 3,9295,8752,6702671,5361,247
141. Companies 11,99010,99118,67623,96727,57134,467
142. Central and local government 2-13,296-12,739-10,142-5,727-1,319-556
143. Net national savings before adjustment for stock appreciation2,6234,12711,20418,50827,78935,158
144. Adjustment for stock appreciation -226489649364-3341,097
145. Net national savings 2,3974,61611,85318,87127,45536,255
146. Provision for depreciation23,99225,65027,17729,48656,78162,893
147. Net foreign capital transfers 23486-935-6,768-1,303-5,062
148. Net foreign disinvestment 2,5764,522-2,9203,566-27,300-4,130
149. Statistical discrepancy (equals Item 12, Table 1)417623-1,332-1,576-12189
150. Gross total available for investment in domestic physical capital formation29,61735,49633,84243,57955,51290,045
Capital formation       
151. Building and construction 9,3429,36210,83312,57614,16417,694
152. Other home produced capital goods and services4,3404,2515,3074,8646,0023,944
153. Imported capital goods and services 15,13120,83917,48722,98032,99366,024
154. Value of physical changes in agric. stocks-52198122-67136176
155. Increase in value of non-agricultural stocks and work in progress (incl. EU intervention stocks)1,081357-5562,8632,5501,110
156. Adjustment for stock appreciation -226489649364-3341,097
157. Gross domestic physical capital formation29,61735,49633,84243,57955,51290,045
2See explanatory note to Table 10 in methodology notes
In this table the total amount available for investment, (i.e. current savings, the provision for depreciation, net foreign capital transfers and net foreign disinvestment) is equated to gross domestic physical capital formation. The figures for capital formation are obtained by adding figures for imported and home produced capital goods ready for use to the value of the physical changes in stocks, including the value of the changes in agricultural stocks. Since personal savings (item 129 in Table 9) is a residual figure it includes the effect of the changes in agricultural and certain other stocks. Personal savings accordingly includes a substantial non-monetary element.
Table 11.1 Gross National Investment
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Gross national savings 26,38930,26639,03048,35784,23699,148
Net foreign capital transfers 23486-935-6,768-1,303-5,062
Statistical discrepancy 417623-1,332-1,576-12189
Total available for gross national investment27,04030,97536,76340,01482,81294,175
Gross domestic physical capital formation 29,61735,49633,84243,57955,51290,045
Net foreign investment -2,576-4,5222,920-3,56627,3004,130
Gross national investment 27,04030,97536,76340,01482,81294,175
Table 12 Distribution of Personal Income and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost
     € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Remuneration of employees69,71269,40670,65973,08676,71980,865
     Agriculture, etc. 570571635670612625
     Domestic non-agriculture 63,92364,02864,83866,75669,98573,667
     Foreign -146-201-140-157-90-80
     Employers' contribution to social insurance5,3655,0085,3265,8176,2116,653
Income of independent traders etc.9,6259,1439,3159,78010,05710,115
     Agriculture, etc.2,4652,2762,2882,5282,5122,550
     Non-agriculture 7,1596,8677,0277,2527,5457,565
Interest earned (prior to adjustment for FISIM) and dividends received4,8216,0645,1864,6615,2144,634
Adjustment for FISIM on interest earned69129503417353267
Rent of private dwellings6,8007,2627,3557,8308,6219,385
less Interest paid (prior to adjustment for FISIM) 6,8554,7714,6374,0753,7133,820
less Adjustment for FISIM on interest paid-2,467-1,881-2,118-2,103-2,120-2,466
Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)25,44226,07025,24824,80624,50724,821
Statistical discrepancy (equals Item 12, Table 1)417623-1,332-1,576-12189
Personal income of households and private non-profit institutions 112,502115,812114,416117,023123,764128,661
Undistributed profits of companies 15,74214,95522,94928,58434,44341,819
Private income 128,244130,766137,365145,607158,207170,480
less National debt interest -5,768-7,298-7,774-7,608-6,864-6,202
less Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)-25,424-26,055-25,234-24,785-24,492-24,646
plus Government trading and investment income2,7613,4203,6293,4693,1972,379
Adjustment for stock appreciation -226489649364-3341,097
Net national product at factor cost 99,587101,322108,635117,047129,715143,108
1 Preliminary
Table 12.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Personal Income
Description 2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Remuneration of employees 3.0-
Income of independent traders1.0-
Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)-0.52.5-3.2-1.7-1.21.3
Personal income of households and private non-profit institutions 2.72.9-
Table 13 Consumption of Personal Income at Current Market Prices
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Food, beverages and tobacco 16,13816,27516,18816,18916,65617,106
Food (excl. meals out) 7,2637,5537,5257,3007,5967,705
Non-alcoholic beverages 606667789766778794
Alcoholic beverages (total incl pubs)6,2846,1576,2266,4986,5026,803
Tobacco 1,9841,8981,6471,6251,7801,804
Clothing and footwear 2,8892,9302,9253,0373,3893,398
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)14,54914,68115,12615,99317,22618,698
  of which imputed rent 10,10610,18010,51211,14612,06612,954
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels) 3,1723,4133,5263,2993,4463,194
Household equipment and operation 3,3623,4833,6554,2514,3264,284
Durable household goods 1,8331,8111,8212,0692,1152,107
Non-durable goods and services 1,5301,6721,8342,1822,2112,177
Transport and communication 12,98912,97012,60013,41314,04914,750
Personal transport equipment 2,3782,1642,1672,8483,5874,160
Operation of personal transport equipment (incl. motor fuels) 5,2875,4965,0814,9724,5674,555
Public transport 2,9043,0043,1123,2553,4803,665
Communication 2,4202,3062,2392,3372,4142,370
Recreation, entertainment and education 7,6367,3437,3387,3047,5847,969
Equipment and accessories 2,3632,1712,1852,0442,0191,985
Services (incl. education) 5,2735,1715,1535,2605,5665,984
Miscellaneous goods and services 21,47021,89222,86723,59824,88825,828
Professional services (incl. medical goods and services) 9,3619,93010,29710,46311,30611,465
Goods (n.e.s.)3,3943,2012,7962,8713,2323,211
Services (n.e.s.) 8,1678,2848,9169,5059,70710,580
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)548477857759642573
Expenditure outside the State 4,5364,3044,3484,5194,8025,346
less Expenditure by non-residents-2,531-2,493-2,790-3,069-3,644-3,961
158. Personal consumption of goods and services at current market prices84,20984,79785,78488,53592,72196,613
159. Taxes on personal income and wealth 24,35925,13625,96228,22829,50030,961
160. Total personal expenditure 108,568109,933111,745116,763122,221127,575
Table 13.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 13
Description 2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Non-alcoholic Beverages5.510.018.3-
Alcoholic beverages1.6-
Clothing and footwear3.31.4-0.23.811.60.3
Fuel and Power0.17.63.3-6.44.4-7.3
Household equipment and operation5.03.64.916.31.8-1.0
Transport and communication2.6-0.2-
Recreation, entertainment and education0.9-3.8-0.1-
Miscellaneous goods and services3.
Expenditure outside the State3.3-
Expenditure by non-residents9.4-1.511.910.018.88.7
Personal consumption of goods and services2.
Table 14 Consumption of Personal Income (except Taxes on Personal Income and Wealth) at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Food, beverages and tobacco16,68316,62516,12416,05216,65617,101
Food (excl. meals out)7,0457,3097,2017,1417,5967,798
Non-alcoholic beverages605648767754778795
Alcoholic beverages (total including pubs)6,7746,5946,3766,4556,5026,818
Clothing and footwear2,6052,6482,7232,9233,3893,484
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)18,25418,08517,69917,37317,22617,180
   of which imputed rent13,10012,87712,53912,20412,06611,831
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels)3,4743,3553,3523,0993,4463,378
Household equipment and operation3,0483,2193,4824,1594,3264,395
Durable household goods1,5111,5491,6451,9822,1152,212
Non-durable goods and services1,5271,6681,8402,1802,2112,183
Transport and communication12,60612,18912,01412,99914,04915,233
Personal transport equipment2,1421,9852,0482,7733,5874,306
Operation of personal transport equipment (including motor fuels)4,9004,7774,5304,5484,5674,802
Public transport3,2383,1873,2033,2873,4803,728
Recreation, entertainment and education8,0177,6197,4777,3957,5848,010
Equipment and accessories2,0321,9562,0451,9842,0192,147
Services (including education)6,0185,6855,4265,4115,5665,862
Miscellaneous goods and services22,09822,50223,03523,63624,88825,643
Professional services (including medical goods and services)9,4429,99310,31910,45411,30611,421
Goods (n.e.s.)2,8662,8072,5662,7703,2323,314
Services (n.e.s.)8,8128,8339,3999,6999,70710,301
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)1,089882769728642607
Expenditure outside the State4,8684,4654,4024,5174,8025,251
less Expenditure by non-residents-2,645-2,529-2,803-3,057-3,644-3,932
161. Personal consumption of goods and services at constant market prices88,62087,83787,24088,98992,72195,743
Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 14.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 14
Description 2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Non-alcoholic Beverages5.67.218.4-
Alcoholic beverages0.1-2.7-
Clothing and footwear6.
Fuel and Power-0.6-3.4-0.1-7.511.2-2.0
Household equipment and operation7.
Transport and communication3.9-3.3-
Recreation, entertainment and education-0.0-5.0-1.9-
Miscellaneous goods and services3.
Expenditure outside the State1.5-8.3-
Expenditure by non-residents8.3-4.410.
Personal consumption of goods and services1.6-0.9-
Table 15 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Current Market Prices
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)4,0644,8826,3616,7007,84510,281
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings3473475068369151,134
Transport equipment7,41910,1787,5689,5579,09314,008
Agricultural machinery202313353375386403
Other machinery and equipment3,6553,1634,9946,0576,6796,122
Artistic originals174135160175167171
Research and development6,6109,5718,1259,94220,62646,984
Gross domestic fixed capital formation28,81334,45233,62740,42053,16087,662
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms-52198122-67136176
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks-44-1600360
Value of physical changes in other stocks900862943,2272,2132,147
Total value of physical changes in stocks8031,0452163,1602,3532,383
162. Gross domestic physical capital formation at current market prices29,61735,49633,84243,57955,51290,045
Table 16 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Current Market Prices
      € million
 Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing641721810866900914
Fuel and power products1,2721,3731,8181,6471,6231,803
Manufacturing products3,9955,4126,2046,86310,38741,629
Building and construction14-12226684145
Market services20,72424,98422,26228,44137,20039,783
     Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)4,0313,2273,5384,5214,9055,792
     Other market services15,61420,66818,02922,96131,31532,907
Non-market services2,1671,9732,5102,5372,9653,389
163. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at current market prices28,81334,45233,62740,42053,16087,662
Table 17 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)4,7525,5497,0267,0697,8459,669
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings3354326159029151,069
Transport equipment7,72410,4607,6869,6919,09313,885
Agricultural machinery215339387384386447
Other machinery and equipment4,0193,3645,3206,1976,6796,334
Artistic originals170130157167167187
Research and development6,9519,5598,06810,13720,62645,770
Gross domestic fixed capital formation31,38536,53035,19041,56053,16085,674
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms-70244137-77136192
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks-40-1400363
Value of physical changes in other stocks488482923,2432,2132,428
Total value of physical changes in stocks6178102143,1982,3532,682
164. Gross domestic physical capital formation at constant market prices 32,05037,43435,29144,77955,51288,356
Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 18 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
      € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing702788881896900939
Fuel and power products1,4631,5371,9951,7291,6231,751
Manufacturing products4,3625,7186,5107,04610,38741,024
Building and construction14-13246784152
Market services22,43026,36323,15929,19037,20038,527
    Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)4,5913,6553,8964,6744,9055,575
    Other market services16,67921,46218,51823,51931,31531,925
Non-market services2,4502,1462,6852,6502,9653,280
165. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at constant market prices 31,38536,53035,19041,56053,16085,674
Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Table 19 Balance of International Payments: Current Account
        € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
1. Merchandise and services2Cr177,303187,658191,185219,786326,610335,041
2. Net factor income -33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
3. EU Subsidies less EU taxes1,4581,3901,2031,0441,244994
4. Net transfers -2,641-2,594-2,909-2,729-3,324-3,625
5. Net balance on current account -2,810-4,6073,8553,20228,6039,193
2Adjusted for balance of payments purposes
Table 20 Balance of International Payments: Capital and Financial Account and Net Errors and Omissions
        € million
Description 201120122013201420152016 1
6. Balance on Capital Account23486-936-6,769-1,303-5,063
Financial Account       
7. Direct Investment-18,698-18,957-12,9963,031-42,79013,435
8. Portfolio Investment-26,908-83345,576-56,662-116,71034,156
9. Other Investment231,08611,025-26,43648,089181,591-37,227
10. Reserve Assets-329-12101364941,456
11. Balance on Financial account-14,849-8,7776,155-5,40422,58311,820
12. Net errors and omissions-12,272-4,2563,236-1,837-4,7177,690
1 Preliminary
2 Including financial derivatives and trade credits
Table 21 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices
      € million
NACE REV. 2 sectionNACE REV. 2 divisionDescription201120122013201420152016 1
A01-03Agriculture, forestry and fishing2,0791,7412,0272,5052,3402,548
B05-09Mining and quarrying 765910752895549373
   of which      
   CA10-12   food products, beverages and tobacco products6,7927,0247,9098,7939,2989,676
   CB13-15   textiles, wearing apparel and leather products161152149155166158
   CC16-18   wood and paper products, and printing767645759760781860
   CD-CE19-20   coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products3,6225,2033,8093,2324,0984,312
   CF221   basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations14,88512,30212,04813,596n/an/a
   CG22-23   rubber and plastic products, and other non-metallic mineral products8538199649891,1331,294
   CH24-25   basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 7697948939221,0041,136
  CI226   computer, electronic and optical products 3,1893,3252,9843,165n/an/a
   CJ27   electrical equipment263258299350381405
   CK228   machinery and equipment n.e.c. 8829771,0311,067n/an/a
   CL29-30   transport equipment341307302266312311
   CM231-33   furniture; other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 4,3133,9644,6225,118n/an/a
D35Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply3,0233,2973,5053,2323,0643,414
E36-39Water Supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities688796841878913966
G45-47Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles16,53617,16018,87318,56519,85620,008
H 49-53Transportation and storage5,5975,5135,7506,1776,4517,258
I55-56Accommodation and food services activities3,2363,4613,9334,1674,3614,852
 JA58-60Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities7,9128,6399,32910,67712,10713,648
JC62-63Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; information service activities3,6094,5765,1566,4157,6449,497
K64-66Financial and insurance activities15,11614,51913,13714,73116,39317,346
L68Real estate activities10,64011,68712,44213,64714,49115,756
  MA69-71Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis5,2325,6006,0297,0987,4319,950
  MB72Scientific research and development4444037371,0441,9062,485
  MC73-75Advertising and market research; other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities1,1651,0351,2421,4171,6911,767
N77-82Administrative and support service activities7,9478,2618,96610,04114,18615,153
O84Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 7,1136,9747,0657,2767,5157,660
  QA86Human health activities9,4639,1988,7278,7759,1539,347
  QB87-88Social work activities2,7522,8233,1653,2763,4703,676
R90-93Arts, entertainment and recreation1,8951,7221,7821,7651,7651,863
S94-96Other service activities9509951,0421,1961,1151,161
T97-98Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated goods and services production for households for own use145155141129171135
U 399Activities of extra-territorial organisations and bodies6912120526111933
  Statistical Discrepancy (equals Item 12, Table 1)417623-1,332-1,576-12189
  Gross value added at current basic prices 157,082160,308164,382177,007243,181255,358
2Nace Rev.2 sections CF, CI, CK and CM are suppressed for 2015 and 2016 for confidentiality reasons
3Sector U is not included in the total as per ESA 2010 Section 2.06.
Table 22 Gross Value Added at Constant Basic Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2015)
     € million
NACE REV. 2 sectionNACE REV. 2 divisionDescription201120122013201420152016 1
A01-03Agriculture, forestry and fishing193616451779222923402644
B05-09Mining and quarrying 606582709638549480
   of which      
   CA10-12   food products, beverages and tobacco products7,8087,7628,3118,9239,2988,963
   CB13-15   textiles, wearing apparel and leather products174157159164166165
   CC16-18   wood and paper products, and printing769736739794781737
   CD-CE19-20   coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products5,4316,0686,0655,3204,0984,115
   CF221   basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations17,91216,65214,76815,593n/an/a
   CG22-23   rubber and plastic products, and other non-metallic mineral products 1,0269539801,0141,1331,227
  CH24-25   basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 8097258169101,004987
   CI226   computer, electronic and optical products4,8805,1444,2914,316n/an/a
  CJ27   electrical equipment411409408385381435
   CK228   machinery and equipment n.e.c.758797810915n/an/a
  CL 29-30   transport equipment443416397322312366
   CM231-33   furniture; other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 2,5052,5472,6133,605n/an/a
D35Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply2,8702,8462,7543,0533,0643,166
E36-39Water Supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities848863871900913907
G45-47Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles17,01616,93417,15318,32719,85621,056
H 49-53Transportation and storage6,4106,4016,3576,3796,4516,600
I55-56Accommodation and food services activities3,7793,7153,9734,1934,3614,603
 JA58-60Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities8,6848,3449,33410,64712,10712,259
JC62-63Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; information service activities3,9474,8105,4496,7687,6449,542
K64-66Financial and insurance activities16,72414,96114,26915,18616,39316,944
L68Real estate activities13,06713,46713,92714,49114,49114,637
  MA69-71Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis5,6835,9146,3187,3567,4319,821
  MB72Scientific research and development4794247541,0591,9062,363
  MC73-75Advertising and market research; other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities1,2611,0991,2971,4511,6911,732
N77-82Administrative and support service activities9,0469,0359,74610,78814,18614,933
O84Public administration and defence; compulsory social security7,4657,1197,1607,3827,5157,681
  QA86Human health activities8,3828,1968,5198,5369,1539,333
  QB87-88Social work activities2,9793,0773,2473,2693,4703,433
R90-93Arts, entertainment and recreation1,4741,5241,5391,6221,7652,073
S94-96Other service activities1,1871,1541,1591,1821,1151,155
T97-98Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated goods and services production for households for own use143159148133171132
U399Activities of extra-territorial organisations and bodies7412921426711932
  Statistical Discrepancy (equals Item 66, Table 4) 4 ~~~~-121-504
  Gross value added at constant basic prices 5173,995174,087176,541191,029243,181255,294
2Nace Rev.2 sections CF, CI, CK and CM are suppressed for 2015 and 2016 for confidentiality reasons
3Sector U is not included in the total as per ESA 2010 Section 2.06.
4Chain linked series not additive except for 2015 and 2016
Annex 1. Modified Gross National Income at Current Market Prices
       € million
Description ESA Code201120122013201420152016 1
1. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g171,939175,561180,298194,537262,037275,567
2. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-33,788-33,549-28,309-29,715-56,048-48,818
 (net to abroad)      
3. Gross national product at current market prices 138,151142,012151,990164,822205,990226,749
4. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,6981,6321,4501,3181,5711,479
5. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-240-242-247-275-327-486
6. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g139,610143,402153,193165,866207,234227,742
7. Factor income of redomiciled companies-5,548-7,102-6,477-6,855-4,666-5,786
8. Depreciation on R & D related intellectual property (IP) imports -379-586-705-771-25,047-27,793
9 Depreciation on aircraft leasing-2,366-2,653-3,006-3,782-4,642-5,001
10. Modified gross national income at current market prices 131,316133,060143,005154,457172,878189,163
Annex 1.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Annex 1
Description ESA Code2011-20162011-20122012-20132013-20142014-20152015-2016
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g9.
Gross national product at current market prices
Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g10.
Modified gross national income at current market prices

Background Notes


This release contains the first detailed results of the main National Accounts aggregates and their components for 2016. It includes revisions for all years from 2011 to 2015. The estimates for the most recent years, especially 2016, are based on provisional indicators for the different aggregates and are subject to revision. (A preliminary estimate of the 2016 outturn was already provided in the quarterly accounts release for Q4).

National accounts are compiled in the EU according to the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA) framework. ESA 2010 is the European version of the current UN mandated international standards for national accounts statistics, the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008.  The results for all years in this release are published on an ESA 2010 basis.

Nace Classification

In compliance with EU regulations the NACE Rev. 2 classification system is used in Tables 2 to 4. This change was introduced in the National Income and Expenditure 2011 release. The NACE Rev. 2 replaces the national classification system which was used up to NIE10.

Tables 2 to 4 show a full A10 breakdown which replaces the five sectors used up to NIE2015. The correspondence with the relevant sections of NACE Rev.2 is as follows:


Agriculture, forestry and fishing

Section A 

Industry (excluding Construction)

Sections B,C,D,E

Of which: Manufacturing

Section C 


Section F 

Distribution, transport, hotels and restaurants

Sections G,H,I

Information and communication

Section J

Financial and insurance activities

Section K

Real estate activities

Section L

Professional, admin and support services

Sections M,N

Public admin, education and health

Sections O,P,Q

Arts, entertainment and other services

Sections R,S,T















 For further information on the NACE Rev. 2 classification of industrial activity, visit the CSO website:



In Ireland, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices is calculated using two approaches viz. the income and expenditure approaches. The main components of the income estimate are (1) profits of companies and of the self-employed, (2) remuneration of employees (wages, salaries, pensions and employers’ contributions to social insurance) and (3) rent of dwellings (imputed in the case of owner-occupied). Adjustments are made in respect of stock appreciation (to eliminate the effect of price changes on the level of stocks). On the expenditure side estimates are made of personal expenditure on consumers’ goods and services, expenditure by public authorities on current goods and services, gross domestic fixed capital formation and the value of physical changes in stocks. The value of exports is then added and imports are deducted.

The two approaches (income and expenditure) should theoretically give the same answer. However, they will always diverge to some extent as they are measured using different data sources. The components of the two original estimates are shown unadjusted. The official level of GDP is taken to be an average of the expenditure and income estimates and a balancing item is displayed which is half of the difference between the two estimates. This is the amount by which both estimates have to be adjusted to agree with the official level of GDP.

A more detailed description of the Irish national accounts methodology is available at National Income and Expenditure Annual Results 2016 Methodology Note (PDF 680KB)


At constant prices, two measures (output and expenditure) are used. These measures are being produced using annual chain linked indices. On the output side, for each pair of successive years, the volume growth measures at a detailed level are weighted together using value added weights of the first year. Similarly, on the expenditure side, annual growth estimates are weighted by previous year expenditure weights. The average of the two measures is the official growth measure used. The change over a period of years is then calculated by linking together the annual changes. The estimates in this release are referenced to 2015 values.

The estimates in this release are based on more detailed and more recent data than that available at the time of publishing the quarterly estimates for 2016.  In particular they incorporate revisions to the Balance of Payments figures for recent years and revised unit value indices for merchandise trade.


The revenue from the margin on lending and borrowing by financial intermediaries (mostly banks) is called financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM). This margin is taken as the output of non-invoiced services produced by these financial intermediaries and has been included in the calculation of GDP since the publication of the 2004 annual results and the Q1 2005 quarterly results in July 2005.

The CSO has changed the methodology used to calculate FISIM to bring it into line with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) standards. A more detailed description of this new methodology is available at:

Quarterly Accounts

A quarterly national accounts release incorporating these latest annual results for the four quarters of 2016 and earlier years is also being published today. This includes an estimate for the first quarter of 2017. The previously published estimates for the quarters of earlier years are also revised.


Gross Value Added at factor cost

is equal to the sum of the values of the goods and services (or parts thereof) produced in the country without deducting an amount in respect of capital consumption (i.e. depreciation). It excludes taxes on production and includes subsidies on production.

Net Value added at factor cost

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost minus depreciation.

Gross Domestic Product at market prices

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost plus taxes on production less subsidies on production. It represents total expenditure on the output of goods and services produced in the country and valued at the prices at which the expenditure is incurred.

Gross National Product at market prices

is equal to Gross Domestic Product at market prices plus net factor income from the rest of the world and represents the total of all payments for productive services accruing to the permanent residents of the country. Some income accrues to Irish residents as a result of economic activity abroad or property held abroad while some income arising in the state is paid to non-residents. 

Gross National Income at market prices

is equal to Gross National Product at market prices plus EU subsidies less EU taxes. This is more commonly described as being equal to Gross Domestic Product plus net primary incomes from abroad.

Modified Gross National Income at current market prices (GNI*)

is equal to Gross National Income at current market prices less the factor income of redomiciled companies, less depreciation on research and development related intellectual property imports and less depreciation on aircraft related to aircraft leasing.

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