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CSO statistical release, , 11am

Business Demography


 200820132014201520162017% Change 2013- 2017% Change 2016- 2017
Number of enterprises244,195243,571238,249248,843250,033271,16611.3%8.5%
Persons engaged1,511,9201,288,0171,334,2911,402,9811,478,2361,555,79920.8%5.2%
Enterprise births15,44413,82516,25618,10019,24922,24160.9%15.5%
Enterprise deaths19,15718,28715,33715,94414,262*   
*The enterprise deaths figure for 2016 is an estimate as a 2nd year of inactivity is necessary to be counted as a final death (see Background Notes).

Number of enterprises up 8.5% in 2017

Figure 1 Index of Active Enterprises and Persons Engaged
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This release provides data on the "Business Demography" of Ireland for reference year 2017 and earlier years.

The detailed tables provided with this release present a breakdown of the numbers of active enterprises and newly birthed and ceased enterprises, classified by economic activity, employment size and legal form.

Related employment numbers are also outlined.

A detailed county level breakdown is also provided in relation to active enterprises and employment only.

Annual changes and sectoral comparison

There were over 271,000 active enterprises in the private business economy1 in Ireland in 2017, the highest level since the Business Demography series began in 2008. These accounted for over 1.55 million persons engaged2, also at the highest it has been since the series began in 2008. The employment increase was relatively evenly spread across all size classes. This represents an increase of 8.5% active enterprises and 5.2% persons engaged respectively from 2016. The Services sector3 accounted for over half (51.0%) of all enterprises in 2017, with the Construction sector accounting for just over a fifth (21.1%). See Figures 2 & 3, Table 1 & summary table.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Percentage of Enterprises by Sector 2017
Financial Service Activities3

When looking at the breakdown of persons engaged in 2017, we see that the Services sector accounted for 45.4% of the total, followed by Distribution (23.6%) and Industry (15.6%). The Construction sector (50.6%) showed the biggest percentage rise in persons engaged over the five years between 2013 and 2017, with Services (24.5%) and Industry (20.9%) also showing growth of over 20%.  Distribution and Financial Service Activities showed more modest growth at 10.4% and 6.6% respectively. See Figures 4 & 5 and Table 2.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Distribution of Persons Engaged by Sector 2017
Financial Service Activities6.6

Size class composition of the business economy

Small and medium sized enterprises4 accounted for 99.8% of the total enterprise population for 2017. They also accounted for 68.4% of total persons engaged, with large enterprises (employing 250 or more persons) employing 31.6% of persons engaged, despite accounting for only a small fraction (0.2%) of total enterprise numbers. Between 2016 and 2017, there was an 8.8% growth in enterprises with under 10 employment, while the number of enterprises with over 250 employment grew by 4.6%.  See Figures 6 & 7 and Tables 3 & 6.

EnterprisesPersons Engaged
Under 1092.0826.48
250 and over0.2231.64
Size Classes
All Persons Engaged Size Classes8.5
Under 108.8
250 and over4.6

Enterprise births and deaths

This Business Demography release relates to reference year 2017. However, data on enterprise deaths5 are available up to reference year 2016 only, due to the fact that two complete sets of yearly data are required for an enterprise to be declared a final enterprise death. All enterprise births6 were followed for 5 years (2012 to 2016) to assess their survival rate and the resulting effect on employment.

Over 31% of all enterprises that were active during 2017 began trading in the period 2012 - 2017 inclusive.

The one year survival rate (relating to enterprises born in one year and still active in the next year) decreased slightly from 87.9% for enterprises born in 2012 to 86.7% for enterprises born in 2016 and were still active in 2017.

Of the 15,080 enterprises birthed in 2012, 9,979 or 66.2% survived to reference year 2017. See Figure 8.

2012 births2013 births2014 births2015 births2016 births
Year of birth1508013825162561810019249
Survived 1 year1325611708139521513316687
Survived 2 years11692109381268514532
Survived 3 years109311014112220
Survived 4 years101359756
Survived 5 years9979

There were 22,241 new enterprise births in 2017, an increase of over 15.5% on 2016. There were 23,621 persons engaged in these newly birthed enterprises.

The largest numerical increase in the number of births was in the Services sector which increased by 1,348 from 9,983 in 2016 to 11,331 in 2017. This figure of 11,331 represented the highest number of births recorded for the Services sector since Business Demography was first measured in 2008.

Enterprise births in the Financial Service Activities sector more than doubled, experiencing the highest percentage increase between 2016 and 2017.

The number of births in the remaining 3 Sectors all increased, with Construction experiencing a sharp rise of 15.6% from 2016 See Figure 9 and Table 4


As can be seen from figure 10, there were 23,621 persons engaged in enterprise births in 2017. This represents a decrease of 3.1% on 2016 figures. The Services sector accounted for 55.0% (12,987) of the total, followed by the Construction sector which accounted for 23.0% (5,441) See Table 4.


Over 14,000 enterprises ceased during 20167, resulting in a loss of over 19,000 persons engaged. This represented 10.5% less enterprise deaths than in 2015.

Enterprise death figures for 2016 are estimated as an enterprise needs two full years of inactivity before being declared a final death.

The number of enterprise deaths decreased across all sectors in 2016. In 2016, the Services sector had the highest number of enterprise deaths with 7,465 enterprises ceasing activity or 52.3% of total deaths. The Construction and Distribution sectors were also responsible for a large proportion of total deaths, with 3,154 and 2,382 enterprise deaths or 22.1% and 16.7% of overall deaths respectively.

The total number of enterprise deaths decreased by 22.0% from 2013 to 2016, with the number of enterprise deaths in the Construction sector falling by over 17.1% in the same period. See Figure 11 and Table 5.


As can be seen from figure 12, there were 19,616 persons engaged in enterprise deaths in 2016. The Services sector accounted for 54.0% (10,600) of these, followed by the Distribution sector which accounted for 19.2% (3,759). There was a decrease in the total number of persons engaged in enterprise deaths from 2015 (21,018) to 2016 (19,616). The total number of persons engaged in enterprise deaths in 2016 was 14.2% lower than the level experienced in 2013 See Table 5.

Industry (%)Services (%)Construction (%)Distribution (%)Financial (%)
EU Average104715262
Czech Republic183917233
United Kingdom76014172

International Comparison

In EU terms8 (latest data available is for 2016), Ireland’s largest sector of active enterprises, the Services sector, at 51% of total enterprises, is higher than the EU average (47%), but lower than the UK (60%) and Luxembourg (58%) as well as nine other Member States. In 2016, Ireland had the largest percentage share of active enterprises in the EU for the Construction sector at 21%. This compares to 15% for the EU average, the UK at 14% and Germany at 14%. Bulgaria had the smallest percentage at 6%, followed by Greece and Portugal at 9%. See figure 13.

Table 1: Active Enterprises (Number) by Activity and Year
Number of Enterprises
Mining and quarrying (B)..434408412411421411405413451
Manufacturing (C)14,51314,62914,31114,33614,53314,64914,62815,24215,58316,701
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D)..330403423456485483515551637
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E)8448929289619859859751,0141,0081,028
Construction (F)61,90557,47252,60750,25649,53048,50247,34950,54651,56857,255
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G)46,23446,49446,82047,03047,55447,06145,61846,62646,59548,598
Transportation and storage (H)27,74327,27127,19626,37026,28425,73424,59525,06624,61425,736
Accommodation and food service activities (I)17,46617,46717,55217,69317,89217,91317,79018,33618,37719,205
Information and communication (J)10,63211,26411,86912,35013,09913,57813,68714,24614,57015,953
Financial and insurance activities excluding activities of holding companies (K-642)15,8366,6997,0416,9867,3107,5026,5937,0096,5578,121
Real estate activities (L)9,76610,54111,36111,38711,98612,06511,91213,22813,24915,178
Professional, scientific and technical activities (M)34,25936,05137,19437,68538,80538,91138,79540,18640,45243,587
Administrative and support service activities (N)14,39914,88315,00114,99015,54815,76415,41216,42316,49518,716
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)244,195244,428242,692240,880244,394243,571238,249248,843250,033271,166
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.
.. indicates that the data has been suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual enterprises.
Table 2: Persons Engaged (Number) by Activity and Year
Number of Persons Engaged
Mining and quarrying (B)5,1346,1764,3844,2694,1804,1464,0584,1644,0584,155
Manufacturing (C)218,792194,172181,611181,050178,700181,091189,966200,047213,117219,762
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D)9,2359,9229,1178,8428,7358,2468,4968,8469,2069,588
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E)7,7858,0097,1897,5347,5787,5088,0258,7408,9719,461
Construction (F)190,069134,313104,54594,64089,35191,12299,860108,720120,341137,239
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G)374,598345,721329,380328,147327,687332,768336,866345,911356,057367,405
Transportation and storage (H)104,73097,34194,35892,58291,85291,64491,98594,62297,662100,629
Accommodation and food service activities (I)163,673154,069148,189146,374150,735155,105161,097170,222179,827189,186
Information and communication (J)73,29766,81167,68369,29072,68477,06082,01087,59795,220102,027
Financial and insurance activities excluding activities of holding companies (K-642)1100,48794,27396,50396,54597,67396,37196,46097,83699,502102,725
Real estate activities (L)21,61317,31218,42319,09520,11120,84822,77524,72325,74428,088
Professional, scientific and technical activities (M)125,971113,458108,168108,630110,924115,426120,245127,591135,887145,353
Administrative and support service activities (N)116,536103,884100,925102,328104,559106,682112,448123,962132,644140,181
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)1,511,9201,345,4611,270,4751,259,3261,264,7691,288,0171,334,2911,402,9811,478,2361,555,799
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.
Table 3: Persons Engaged (Number) by Size Class and Year 
 Number of Persons Engaged
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)12008200920102011201220132014201520162017
All persons engaged size classes1,511,9201,345,4611,270,4751,259,3261,264,7691,288,0171,334,2911,402,9811,478,2361,555,799
Under 10425,018387,521372,075370,497371,116370,112373,342386,725392,829411,923
20 - 49197,808166,716152,823148,758150,353153,589160,269169,527183,730194,575
50 - 249292,297247,755229,547230,472229,404236,123254,928274,531290,604307,759
250 and over436,725404,397386,645383,398390,351402,381414,307434,100467,231492,186
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.
Table 4: Enterprise Births (Number) by Activity and Year
  Number of Enterprise Births
Mining and quarrying (B)2333....202618182434
Manufacturing (C)6207776507708068419971,0601,1961,260
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D)2387563934..31435766
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E)6673....66..64645250
Construction (F)3,4433,5732,4672,5892,7572,4733,5264,2264,6235,345
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G)2,4532,7582,5522,6832,7042,3042,4682,5732,8482,933
Transportation and storage (H)1,6651,4541,0479811,0058051,0261,0441,0831,146
Accommodation and food service activities (I)1,1671,1591,1371,2321,2061,1421,2511,4521,4621,539
Information and communication (J)9691,1541,1081,1811,2751,2491,3331,3751,5271,632
Financial and insurance activities excluding activities of holding companies (K-642)14378984483855196394185444661,223
Real estate activities (L)9341,4079258559158621,1711,4061,3301,708
Professional, scientific and technical activities (M)2,5793,3432,5562,6432,7152,4312,8003,0003,1743,508
Administrative and support service activities (N)1,0651,1299378991,0599521,1531,2961,4071,798
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)15,44417,84513,95514,34315,07913,82516,25618,10019,24922,241
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.
.. indicates that the data has been suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual enterprises.
Table 5: Enterprise Deaths (Number) by Activity and Year
  Number of Enterprise Deaths
  200820092010201120122013201420152016 2
Mining and quarrying (B)183119..21..201816
Manufacturing (C)862955862772850935796859760
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (D) ..16........252826
Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (E)42566156..68565646
Construction (F)7,5186,1464,6973,7863,5843,8033,0193,1633,154
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (G)2,8483,0392,8572,7712,9523,2172,6622,6712,382
Transportation and storage (H)1,4441,7131,5611,3221,3081,5591,1791,1161,050
Accommodation and food service activities (I)1,3081,3611,3071,2661,2921,4341,3701,4371,222
Information and communication (J)8399809409011,0401,1871,1831,2371,006
Financial and insurance activities excluding activities of holding companies (K-642)1..452..383562887502635412
Real estate activities (L)7989048157259181,0859411,085930
Professional, scientific and technical activities (M)2,2512,5372,4972,3162,6412,8402,6002,5942,334
Administrative and support service activities (N)9251,0529468339451,2149841,046923
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)19,15719,24217,02215,17716,19918,28715,33715,94414,262
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.
2 The enterprise deaths figures for 2016 are an estimate as a 2nd year of inactivity is necessary to be counted as a final death (see Background Notes).
.. indicates that the data has been suppressed to protect the confidentiality of individual enterprises.
Table 6: Active Enterprises (Number) by Size Class and Year
 Number of Active Enterprises
Business economy excluding activities of holding companies (B to N,-642)12008200920102011201220132014201520162017
All persons engaged size classes244,195244,428242,692240,880244,394243,571238,249248,843250,033271,166
Under 10222,030225,328224,994223,582227,210226,018219,888229,472229,534249,690
20 - 496,6595,6385,1665,0025,0565,1515,3755,6866,1666,546
50 - 2493,0202,5932,4072,3982,3952,4682,6342,8293,0033,154
250 and over525489463462478505514540582609
1 NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies is excluded from sector K.

Background Notes

This release covers the reference year 2017, however data on enterprise deaths relates to 2016. Statistics are also provided on enterprise births since 2012 that were still active during 2017. All 2017 enterprise births will be followed for 5 years to assess their survival rate and the resulting effect on employment.

Detailed data tables are available on CSO’s data dissemination service at: Demography&Planguage=0

The Background Notes at the link below provide more details on the release:

For further information on the NACE Rev. 2 classification of economic activity, see this link:


1The private business economy covers the NACE Rev 2 sectors B - N (excluding K64.20 Activities of holding companies). For comparison with previous Business Demography releases only sectors B – N (excluding K64.20, activities of holding companies) figures are included in the release text.

The full list of Rev 2 sectors covered is:

B – Mining and Quarrying

C – Manufacturing

D – Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply

E – Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities

F – Construction

G – Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles

H – Transportation and Storage

I – Accommodation and Food Service Activities

J – Information and Communication

K – Financial and Insurance Activities (excludes NACE code 64.20 Activities of holding companies)

L – Real Estate Activities

M – Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities

N – Administrative and Support Service Activities

An enterprise is considered to be active in a certain period if it generates turnover, employs staff or makes investments in that period.

The number of active enterprises in year t (reference year) cannot be calculated from previous active enterprise figures and births and deaths figures. e.g. the number of active enterprises in year t does not equal the number of active enterprises in year t-1, minus deaths in t-1 plus births in year t. Birth calculations involve profiling work where real births are checked and weights applied based on checks conducted (a similar process is conducted for death calculations). In addition, final enterprise deaths take two years to be finalised, therefore enterprises may not be in enterprise totals in one year but could be in the next year and may still not be considered an enterprise birth or death. 

Geographical Breakdown the geographical breakdown for enterprises is an approximation. The county breakdown is based on the address at which an enterprise is registered for Revenue purposes, rather than where the business actually operates from, because no comprehensive administrative data source is currently available for business locations. In particular, where an enterprise has local units in several counties, but one head office where all employment is registered, all its employees will be counted against the county where the head office is located. Enterprises where the county location is categorised as Unknown generally have Revenue registered addresses outside of the Republic of Ireland. However, the employees registered with these addresses are working in the Republic of Ireland.

2Persons engaged include employees, proprietors and family members. Persons engaged are the sum of Employees plus Working Proprietors.

Employees are persons who are paid a fixed wage or salary. Employees are calculated using an annual employment return received from Revenue. This return contains all registered employers and the number of employees they have paid a wage or salary for a reference year. The file can contain individuals paid a wage by an employer as well as self-employed individuals who pay themselves a working wage. An individual may be counted more than once for a reference year if they work multiple jobs in that reference year. The annual employment return from Revenue contains persons at work or temporarily absent because of illness, holidays, strike etc. If an individual is paid a wage for any segment of a reference year they are included in the overall figures.

Working Proprietors (Proprietors and family members); included here are those proprietors, partners, etc and members of their families who work regularly in the firm and are not paid a definite wage or salary. Working Proprietors is not a full count of self-employed individuals as some self-employed receive a wage and are returned via annual employment returns and are included in the Employees calculation.  

Comparison of Business Demography and Labour Force Survey employment levels:
The primary classification used for the Labour Force Survey (LFS) results is the International Labour Office (ILO) labour force classification. Labour Force Survey data on this basis have been published since 1988. The ILO classification distinguishes the following main subgroups of the population aged 15 or over

In Employment: Persons who worked in the week before the survey for one hour or more for payment or profit, including work on the family farm or business and all persons who had a job but were not at work because of illness, holidays etc. in the week.

Unemployed: Persons who, in the week before the survey, were without work and available for work within the next two weeks, and had taken specific steps, in the preceding four weeks, to find work. It should be noted that as per Eurostat’s operational implementation, the upper age limit for classifying a person as unemployed is 74 years.

Inactive Population (not in labour force): All other persons.

The labour force comprises persons employed plus unemployed. Persons in employment classify their employment status as being self-employed, employee, assisting relative/family worker or on a state sponsored employment scheme. Employees are defined as persons who work for a public or private employer and who receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, payment by results or payment in kind. Self-employed persons who pay themselves a working wage are classified as self-employed in the LFS.

Key Differences between LFS and Business Demography figures include:
- Business Demography is based purely on administrative data received from Revenue on an annual basis.
- LFS is based on survey data which is collected every quarter from the household.
- Business Demography does not cap employment at 1 or at any value for an individual. Business Demography employment is a count of persons engaged at an enterprise and sector level. All work conducted by an individual over an annual period is included in the relevant enterprise (and therefore sector) in which they worked, on the basis of weeks (not hours) worked.
- LFS caps employment at 2 for an individual in relation to full time equivalence only, therefore it takes into consideration a person’s first and second job. Otherwise employment is capped at one for an individual. 
- Timing issues. As stated, LFS is conducted on a quarterly basis while Business Demography is conducted over a yearly basis. LFS also takes into account the hours worked by an individual and uses these values in full time equivalent employment calculations. Business Demography operates on a weeks worked basis from files received from Revenue. If an individual is classed as working 52 weeks in a reference period for an enterprise, they are classed as 1 employee (no hours worked is taken into consideration), irrespective of how many hours they have actually worked in those weeks.

3The composition of sectors used in the graphs is as follows:

- Services: Sectors H,I,J,L,M,N

- Distribution: Sector G

- Industry: Sectors B,C,D,E

- Construction: Sector F

- Financial Service Activities: Sector K excluding 64.20, Activities of holding companies.

4Small and Medium Enterprises are defined as enterprises with less than 250 persons engaged. The persons engaged breakdown provided in the figures are;

Less than 10: Micro Enterprises

10 – 49: Small Enterprises

50 – 249: Medium Enterprises

250+: Large Enterprises.

5Enterprise Deaths: An enterprise death amounts to the dissolution of a combination of production factors with the restriction that no other enterprises are involved in the event. Deaths do not include exits from the population due to mergers, takeovers, break-ups or restructuring of a set of enterprises. It does not include exits from a sub-population resulting only from a change of activity.

An enterprise is included in the count of deaths only if it is not reactivated within two years.

The population of enterprise deaths in 2016 contains all enterprises that ceased at some point during the year 2016. The figures given in the release in relation to deaths are final figures for the period 2008 – 2015. The death figures for 2016 in this release are estimates of final deaths based on analysis of preliminary and final death figures from previous years. This will be revised to a final figure next year, when two years of death data is available. The death figures for 2016 in the Statbank tables are preliminary based on one year’s data, and are not adjusted as per the estimates given in this release.

6Enterprise Births: An enterprise birth amounts to the creation of a combination of production factors with the restriction that no other enterprises are involved in the event. Births do not include entries into the population due to mergers, break-ups, split-off or restructuring of a set of enterprises. It does not include entries into a sub-population resulting only from a change of activity.

A birth occurs when an enterprise starts from scratch and actually starts activity. An enterprise creation can be considered an enterprise birth if new production factors, in particular new jobs, are created. If a dormant unit is reactivated within two years, this event is not considered a birth.

The population of enterprise births in 2017 contains all enterprises that started at some stage during the year 2017.

7Population, births and survival data in this release relates to 2017, but the latest deaths data available is for 2016.

8Business Demography figures at an EU level are available at the following link. Latest data available is for 2016.

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