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Ukraine Arrivals in Ireland

The data in the tables below provides information on various areas such as:

  • accommodation
  • broad location of arrivals
  • social welfare schemes and services
  • primary and secondary education
  • medical cards issued
  • employment

These statistics are used to inform the whole of Government Humanitarian Response to Ukraine which is headed up at national level by a Cabinet Committee which meets frequently and is chaired by the Taoiseach.  The Cabinet Committee is in turn supported by a Senior Officials Group (SOG) which meets regularly. Note the data in the tables below are preliminary and subject to revision.

The statistics are sourced from a range of public sector bodies including the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth; Department of Health; Department of Social Protection; Department of Education; Department of Justice; and the Health Service Executive.

Some of the aggregate data provided to the SOG features in the CSO’s Arrivals from Ukraine in Ireland series.

Table 1 Summary metrics for eligible PPSNs issued
Overall trend for key metrics of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection
Table 2 Number and location (based on PPSN allocations data) of arrivals from Ukraine by LEA
Map 1:Number and location (based on PPSN allocations data) of arrivals from Ukraine by LEA
Table 3 Number and location (based on PPSN allocations data) of arrivals from Ukraine by county
Map 2 Number and location (based on PPSN allocations data) of arrivals from Ukraine by county
Table 4 PPSN allocations of arrivals from Ukraine by sex and age
PPSN allocations of arrivals from Ukraine by sex and age
Table 5 Temporary Protection granted to arrivals from Ukraine
Temporary Protections granted to arrivals from Ukraine
Table 6 Medical cards issued to arrivals from Ukraine and currently live
Medical cards issued to arrivals from Ukraine and currently live
Table 7 Unaccompanied minors from Ukraine referred to Tusla
Table 8 Number of employments of arrivals from Ukraine by NACE sector
Number of Employments of Arrivals from Ukraine
Table 9 Employments and employees among arrivals from Ukraine
Table 10 Beneficiaries of social welfare payments among arrivals from Ukraine
Beneficiaries of social welfare payments among arrivals from Ukraine
Table 11 Arrivals from Ukraine who enrolled in education by level of education
Arrivals from Ukraine who enrolled in primary education
Arrivals from Ukraine who enrolled in secondary education
Table 12 Allocation of DCEDIY accommodation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection (BoTPs)
Allocation of DCEDIY accommodation to arrivals
Table 13 Marital status of arrivals from Ukraine aged 18 years and over
Marital Status of male arrivals from Ukraine, aged 18 and over
Marital status of female arrivals from Ukraine, aged 18 and over

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