Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
The data in the tables below provides information on various areas such as:
These statistics are used to inform the whole of Government Humanitarian Response to Ukraine which is headed up at national level by a Cabinet Committee which meets frequently and is chaired by the Taoiseach. The Cabinet Committee is in turn supported by a Senior Officials Group (SOG) which meets regularly. Note the data in the tables below are preliminary and subject to revision.
The statistics are sourced from a range of public sector bodies including the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth; Department of Health; Department of Social Protection; Department of Education; Department of Justice; and the Health Service Executive.
Some of the aggregate data provided to the SOG features in the CSO’s Arrivals from Ukraine in Ireland series.
Learn about our data and confidentiality safeguards, and the steps we take to produce statistics that can be trusted by all.