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Overall Adult Experiences

Overall Adult Experiences

CSO statistical publication, , 11am
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If you are affected by any of the issues raised in this survey, help is available from the following national helplines or from local/regional helplines which you can find in the Background Notes.

The Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Adult Experiences was published on 18 May 2023. Data within the publication were revised on 1 June 2023. These data revisions were due to a formatting issue relating to the marital status classification where the divorced/legally separated and widowed were incorrectly labelled. All content relating to the tables, including the text of the statistical release, Publication Briefing presentation and PxStat tables (, now reflect the revised data.

Details as to the extent of these revisions on previously published data can be found in the Information Note Sexual Violence Survey - Adult Experiences.

Overall sexual violence experienced as an adult

This chapter looks at the overall prevalence of sexual violence experienced as an adult in Ireland, analysed by a range of sociodemographic characteristics. Sexual violence as an adult is defined as a range of non-consensual experiences from non-consensual sexual touching to non-consensual sexual intercourse. See the Background Notes for further details. The chapter also provides details on the extent to which adult sexual violence was experienced in the last 12 months prior to the survey.

Sexual violence experienced as an adult covers experiences which occurred over the age of consent in Ireland (17 years) which were shared in the survey by respondents who were aged 18 or over. This is provided by the overall relationship with the perpetrator. It was collected like this to ensure the full range of sexual violence experiences was captured by the survey. Respondents were asked if they experienced sexual violence experiences with a partner or ex-partner. The survey then separately asked if the person experienced the same set of experiences with a non-partner. Where the text refers to sexual violence with a partner, this relates to experiences with both a partner or with an ex-partner. In this survey, a partner is defined as a person that they are/were married to, living with, a boyfriend/girlfriend or someone they are/were regularly dating.

Sexual violence experienced as an adult in the last 12 months covers whether the respondent who experienced sexual violence as an adult experienced any of that sexual violence in the last 12 months prior to the survey (they may have also experienced it at an earlier time since they turned 17). However, detail on the type of sexual violence experienced in the last 12 months is not available from the survey data.

The demographic characteristics provided are based on the information given by the respondent when the survey was collected, and so may not necessarily accord with their demographic profile when the sexual violence took place (for example, they may have had a lower educational level when the sexual violence occurred but have a higher educational level now when engaging with the survey).

In summary, in terms of those who experienced sexual violence as an adult, people with a higher level of education reported higher levels of sexual violence experienced as an adult. Almost a third (34%) of those with a third level education reported experiencing sexual violence as an adult compared with 6% of those with up to a primary level of education. See Figure 3.1. Women reported having experienced higher levels of sexual violence than men. The data also highlights a clear age difference in terms of experiences of sexual violence, with younger people having experienced sexual violence at higher levels than older persons. This is discussed further in the Adult Experiences chapter in the Sexual Violence Survey 2022 - Main Results publication. Bisexuals and gay/lesbian people reported higher levels of sexual violence (55% and 40% respectively) than heterosexual/straight people (25%). See Table 3.1.

of women
experienced sexual violence as an adult
Source: CSO Ireland, Sexual Violence Survey 2022 – Adult Experiences

Around one in three adults with a third level education reported experiencing sexual violence as an adult

Key findings for those who experienced sexual violence as an adult:

  • Around one in three adults (34%) with a third level education reported experiencing sexual violence as an adult. They were over five times more likely than those with up to a primary education (6%) to report having experienced sexual violence as an adult. See Figure 3.1 and Table 3.1.
  • Those who were single were more likely to have experienced sexual violence as an adult (33%) compared with those who were married (22%).
  • Those who were “Asian or Asian Irish” were less likely to have reported experiencing sexual violence as an adult (14%) than those who were “White Irish” (27%) or “White Roma/traveller/other white background” (28%).
  • Bisexuals and gay/lesbian people reported higher levels (55% and 40% respectively) of sexual violence as an adult than heterosexual/straight people (25%).
  • People with a disability experienced sexual violence as an adult at a higher rate (30%) than those without a disability (25%).
X-axis labelHighest level of education attained
Primary or below6
Lower secondary14
Higher secondary23
Post leaving certificate26
Third level34
Table 3.1 Adult experience of sexual violence by sociodemographic variables, 2022

Almost one in ten adults who experienced sexual violence as an adult experienced sexual violence in the last 12 months

Key findings for those who experienced sexual violence as an adult by whether it occurred in the last 12 months:

  • Almost one in ten adults (9%) who experienced sexual violence as an adult experienced sexual violence in the last 12 months. This consists of the 3% of adults who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a partner in the last 12 months, the 5% who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a non-partner in the last 12 months and the 1% who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a partner and a non-partner in the last 12 months. See Figure 3.2 and Table 3.2.
  • For women, 8% of those who experienced sexual violence as an adult experienced sexual violence in the last 12 months compared with 12% of men.
  • Those aged 18-24 who experienced sexual violence as an adult reported the highest level of experiencing it in the last 12 months at 30% of this age group. This consists of the 9% of those aged 18-24 who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a partner in the last 12 months, the 18% who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a non-partner in the last 12 months and the 3% who experienced sexual violence as an adult with a partner and a non-partner in the last 12 months. This compares with 4% of those aged 65 and over.
X-axis labelExperience sexual violence as an adult in the last 12 months
Total 9
With a partner-only3
With a non-partner-only5
With both a partner and a non-partner1
Table 3.2 Those who experienced sexual violence as an adult by type of relationship with perpetrator and time when it occurred, 2022