Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine's (DAFM) Annual Report 2022 outlines DAFM's Mission Statement as: "Our mission is to lead, enable and regulate the sector in a way that optimises its contribution to social, economic and environmental sustainability". Their annual report is produced in line with the objectives set out in DAFM’s Statement of Strategy 2021-2024.
DAFM’s Statement of Strategy 2021-2024 outlines five strategic goals which are underpinned by actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve water and air quality and reverse biodiversity decline. The five strategic goals are:
"Food Vision 2030 – A World Leader in Sustainable Food Systems" is the current 10-year stakeholder led strategy and its vision is that:
“Ireland will become a world leader in Sustainable Food Systems over the next decade. This will deliver significant benefits for the Irish agri-food sector itself, for Irish society and the environment. In demonstrating the Irish agri-food sector meets the highest standards of sustainability – economic, environmental, and social – this will also provide the basis for the future competitive advantage of the sector. By adopting an integrated food systems approach, Ireland will seek to become a global leader of innovation for sustainable food and agriculture systems, producing safe, nutritious, and high-value food that tastes great, while protecting and enhancing our natural and cultural resources and contributing to vibrant rural and coastal communities and the national economy”.
The strategy consists of 22 goals, grouped into four high-level missions for the sector to work towards:
Further information is available in DAFM’s Food Vision 2030 Strategy document.
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