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New Dwelling Completions Q1 2018

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There were 14,446 new dwellings built in 2017, an annual increase of 45.7%

The number of new dwellings built declined from 6,994 in 2011 to 4,575 in 2013. However, over the following four years, the number of new dwellings has risen steadily each year to stand in 2017 at more than double the number built in 2011.

The figures for Q1 2018 show that:

•  The number of new dwellings built was 3,526 in Q1 2018, an increase of 26.9% compared with Q1 2017.
•  More than half (58%) of the new dwellings built in Q1 2018 were new scheme dwellings while 28% were single scheme units and 14% were apartments.

Table 1.1: Summary of New Dwelling Completions by type of dwelling, 2011 - Q1 2018
Q1 20178671,4254872,779
Q2 20171,0381,7884723,298
Q3 20171,1332,0026503,785
Q4 2017 1,2312,6986554,584
Q1 20189902,0484883,526
% change Q1 2017 to Q1 201814.2%43.7%0.2%26.9%
% change 2016 to 201716.6%55.8%92.4%45.7%


ESB domestic connections dataset used as primary source

The primary data source used for New Dwellings Completions is the ESB domestic connections dataset where the date that the connection is energised determines the date of completion. It is accepted that the ESB domestic connections dataset is overestimating new dwellings and the CSO has adjusted for this overcount by using additional information from ESB and other data sources.

To develop rules to categorise dwellings from the ESB domestic connections dataset, the CSO matched this information with Census data. Address matching is not a straightforward process and has several limitations which are exacerbated by the number of non-unique addresses in Ireland. Incorrectly matched records have been removed by the CSO so that they do not influence the classification decisions.

ESB connections are classified into four categories:

  •  New Dwellings: Recently constructed dwellings, where a dwelling is a self-contained unit of living accommodation.

  •  Reconnections: A dwelling that has been reconnected to the Electricity Network after a period of two years of disconnection.

  •  UFHDs: Connections to the ESB Network of previously completed dwellings in Unfinished/Ghost estates. A methodology was developed to identify houses which were complete in 2011 and were subsequently connected to the ESB Network. Although these dwellings may have required finishing to become available for use they are not new dwelling completions for the purposes of this publication. However housing in Unfinished/Ghost estates which were not in a complete state in 2011 are included as new dwelling completions on connection to the ESB Network.

  •  Non-dwelling: A building connected to the ESB Network through a domestic connection that is not constructed for residential use. 

The New Dwelling Completions data series are based on the number of new dwellings connected by the ESB Network to the electricity supply and may not accord precisely with county or Eircode Routing Key boundaries.

The dwelling type (single, scheme, apartment) is defined by the ESB Network.

The CSO has utilised other available data sources to validate and enhance the ESB connections dataset. However, this was only possible where the connections dataset could be confidently linked to another dataset using unique identifiers or by address matching. As the level of Eircode collection, coverage and storage increases across data sources in the housing sector, it is expected that the precision of estimates on New Dwelling Completions can be further enhanced.

Student accommodation

There has been a significant level of construction output in the student accommodation sector. These are generally connected to the ESB network as commercial connections and are therefore not included in the ESB domestic connections dataset and have also not been included in ESB connections released by DHPLG. The data available on this sector is on a “bed space” basis and it is not currently possible to report on it as dwellings, which are self-contained units of living accommodation. Based on consultation with stakeholders in this sector, student accommodation may be included in future New Dwelling Completions reports as a separate category. Since Q3 2016, 2,642 bed spaces were completed. A detailed breakdown can be found in Table 2.3 in the Overview.


•  In Q1 2018, there were 990 new single dwellings compared with 867 in Q1 2017, an increase of 14.2%.
•  There were 2,048 new scheme dwellings in Q1 2018, an increase of 43.7% on Q1 2017 when 1,425 were built.
•  The number of new apartments built in Q1 2018 was 488, an increase of 0.2% on Q1 2017.

Q1 20111156447272
Q2 20111194380217
Q3 20111197305185
Q4 20111267226148
Q1 2012797211123
Q2 201284719476
Q3 201286824493
Q4 2012989315154
Q1 201363817477
Q2 2013721281144
Q3 201372726739
Q4 2013861433213
Q1 2014625309160
Q2 2014712365241
Q3 2014728506170
Q4 2014910615177
Q1 2015659606106
Q2 2015735674161
Q3 2015879899255
Q4 20159791115151
Q1 2016696926346
Q2 20168841258253
Q3 20169841236291
Q4 201610961658287
Q1 20178671425487
Q2 201710381788472
Q3 201711332002650
Q4 201712312698655
Q1 20189902048488

76% of New Dwelling Completions were in urban areas in 2017

The ESB connections dataset provides information on the type of connection, i.e. urban or rural. Figure 1.3 below shows that in 2011 and 2012, almost two-thirds (62%) of all new dwelling completions were rural. This trend is reversed from 2014 onwards when more than half of all new dwelling completions are urban (54%). In 2017, more than three quarters of all new dwelling completions are urban and 23% are rural.

X-axis labelUrbanRural
Table 1.2: New Dwelling Completions, classified by Type and Urban-Rural, Q1 2011 - Q1 2018

New Dwelling Completions by County

Table 1.3 shows that the county with the most new dwellings completed in 2017, with 5,602, was Dublin, the majority of which were scheme houses. The most single dwellings were completed in county Cork with 562. Outside Dublin and Cork, counties Meath (1,108) and Kildare (985) had the most dwellings completed, while Leitrim (73) and Longford (75) had the least. In the majority of counties new single dwellings outnumber new scheme dwellings and apartments.

Table 1.3: New Dwelling Completions by county and type, 2017

New Dwelling Completions by Eircode Routing Key

Linking the coordinates of ESB substations to their corresponding Eircode Routing Key allows for a more detailed breakdown of new dwelling completions as shown in Figure 1.4. However, Routing Keys may cross County boundaries and do not cover a standard geographical or population range. In 2017, the Eircode Routing Key with the most new dwelling completions was D13 'Dublin 13' (799) followed by D15 'Dublin 15' (689) and A96 Glenageary (543). Eight out of the top ten Eircode Routing Keys with the most new dwelling completions are in Dublin and its commuter belts. Outside Dublin, the most new dwelling completions can be found in V94 'Limerick' (462) and H91 'Galway' (407). 

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