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Background Notes

Domestic Milk Intake up 128 million litres in November 2024 when compared with November 2023

Online ISSN: 2009-566X
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Background Notes

The information used to compile this release was collected under EU Directive 96/16/EC.


The monthly milk and milk products inquiry is a census of all milk processors and co-ops.

Milk Intake by Milk Processors and Co-ops

Whole milk purchased by milk processors and co-ops from domestic producers through collection depots and separating stations including whole milk obtained from herds owned by the milk processors and co-ops. The fat content of the whole milk is also collected. To convert milk intake from million litres to ‘000 tonnes use the following formula:

                1 tonne liquid milk = 971.1585 litres.

Skimmed Milk

Milk with less than or equal to 0.3% fat content.

Semi-Skimmed Milk

Milk with between 1% and 1.8% fat content.

Skimmed Milk Powder

Milk powder with not more than 1.5% milk fat content.


The cheese figures are not adjusted to a calendar month basis.

Imported Milk Intake

Raw milk imports and imported milk for processing on contract. This does not include milk already packaged for retail sale.

Note: As figures in the text and tables have been rounded, there may be slight discrepancies between the sum (or difference) of the constituent items and the totals shown.

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