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Seasonal Adjusted Estimates

Seasonal Adjusted Estimates

Seasonally adjusted employment increased by 14,100 over the quarter to Q4 2023

Online ISSN: 2565-5728
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Increase in number of people in the labour force in the quarter to Q4 2023 on a seasonally adjusted basis
the corresponding figure for Q4 2022 was an increase of 20,000 people
Source: CSO Ireland, Labour Force Survey Quarter 4 2023

Seasonally Adjusted Employment

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the numbers in employment in Q4 2023 stood at 2,709,400 after a rise of 14,100 (+0.5%) from the previous quarter. This follows on from a seasonally adjusted quarter-on-quarter increase in employment in each of the preceding four quarters – 22,600 (+0.8%) in Q3 2023; 10,800 (+0.4%) in Q2 2023; 44,500 (+1.7%) in Q1 2023 and an increase of 15,700 (+0.6%) in Q4 2022. 

The seasonally adjusted number of males in employment was up by 16,600 (+1.2%) over the quarter to 1,432,700 in Q4 2023, while the corresponding number for females was down 1,100 (-0.1%) to 1,274,000 over the same period.

The seasonally adjusted number in employment for all persons in Q4 2023 is the current peak of the seasonally adjusted employment series for all persons (2,709,400). See Table 5.1.

See Monthly Estimates of Payroll Employees using Administrative Data Sources outputs for seasonally adjusted employment estimates based on administrative data for employees.

Figure 5.1 Seasonally adjusted number of persons aged 15-89 years in employment by sex, Quarter 4 1998 to Quarter 4 2023, (thousands)
Table 5.1 Seasonally adjusted series of persons aged 15 years and over classified by sex, ILO Economic Status and NACE Rev.2 Economic Sector

Seasonally Adjusted Unemployment

On a seasonally adjusted basis, the numbers unemployed in Q4 2023 stood at 127,000, a rise of 1,800 (+1.4%) from the previous quarter.

The seasonally adjusted number of unemployed males decreased by 3,100 (-4.6%) to 64,700 over the quarter to Q4 2023, while the corresponding number for females was up 4,900 (+8.6%) to 62,300 over the same period.

The peak of the seasonally adjusted unemployment series occurred in Q1 2012 for all persons (354,400) and for females (133,800), while it was Q4 2011 for males (222,400). See Table 5.1

 See Monthly Unemployment outputs for supplementary analysis of seasonally adjusted unemployment.

Figure 5.2 Seasonally adjusted number of unemployed persons aged 15-74 years by sex, Quarter 4 1998 to Quarter 4 2023, (thousands)

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate stood at 4.5% in Q4 2023, unchanged from the previous quarter, with a decrease in rates for males (4.6% to 4.4%) and an increase for females (4.3% up to 4.7%) over the same period.

The peak of the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate series occurred in Q4 2011 and Q1 2012 for all persons (15.9%) and for males (18.2%), while it was Q1 2012 for females (13.3%). See Table 5.1.

Figure 5.3 Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for persons aged 15-74 years by sex, Quarter 4 1998 to Quarter 4 2023

Seasonally Adjusted Labour Force

The seasonally adjusted labour force, at 2,834,200 in Q4 2023, was up 15,200 (+0.5%) from the previous quarter, while the participation rate was down from 65.7% to 65.6% over the same period. See Table 5.1

Figure 5.4 Seasonally adjusted labour force participation rate for persons aged 15 years and over by sex, Quarter 4 1998 to Quarter 4 2023