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Absences from Work and Hours Worked

Absences from Work and Hours Worked

Total hours worked was up 300,000 in Q4 2023 compared with a year earlier

Online ISSN: 2565-5728
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Absences from Work and Hours Worked Totals

Respondents to the Labour Force Survey (LFS) are asked about their participation in the labour market during a specific reference week. If they have not worked during the reference week but have a job to return to under specific criteria, they are classified as employed but absent from work for the reference week. Reasons for such absence can include holidays, sick leave, maternity leave, etc.

Methodological Note:

As of Quarter 4 2023 a review of data quality has led to a methodological adjustment in the measurement of persons absent from work for the reference week and the estimation of total hours worked. This methodological change has resulted in an upward adjustment to both the estimate of number of persons absent from work for the whole of the reference week and the estimate for the average actual hours worked per week. This adjustment has been applied retrospectively for all reference periods. 

There were 2,706,400 persons aged 15-89 years in employment in Q4 2023. Of those who were in employment, an estimated 284,900 (10.5%) were absent from work during the reference week (i.e. temporarily absent from work for reasons such as holidays, sick leave or maternity leave). This compares with 249,500 (9.5%) 12 months earlier.

Overall employment was up by 89,600 (+3.4%) compared to Q4 2022, while the number of absences from work during the reference week increased by 35,400 (+14.2%). This resulted in the number of employed persons who were at work during the reference week increasing by 2.3% (+54,300) over the year. The estimated total number of hours worked per week in Q4 2023 stood at 82.5 million hours, up by 0.3 million hours or 0.4% on Q4 2022, and 3.3 million hours (+4.2%) on Q4 2021. See Table 6.1.

Figure 6.1 Total number of hours actually worked per week, Quarter 4 1998 to Quarter 4 2023
Table 6.1 Number of persons 15-89 years in employment (ILO), number of persons absent from work during the reference week and Actual Hours worked per week (in millions), Quarter 4 2021 to Quarter 4 2023

Absences from work by Economic sector

The rate of absences from work during the reference week varied across different industrial (NACE) sectors in the year to Q4 2023 – notable changes were seen in:

  • The Construction sector where the rate of absence was 11.3% in Q4 2023, up from 8.4% in Q4 2022
  • The Industry sector where the rate of absence was 13.0% in Q4 2023, up from 9.9% in Q4 2022
  • The Public Administration & Defence; Compulsory Social Security sector rate of absence was 10.1% in Q4 2022, down from 11.5% in Q4 2022
Q4 2021Q4 2022Q4 2023
Agriculture, forestry and fishing2.33.84.6
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles8.66.67.1
Transportation and storage
Accommodation and food service activities9.777.4
Information and communication9.812.511.8
Financial, insurance and real estate activities14.19.610.2
Professional, scientific and technical activities10.710.811.2
Administrative and support service activities9.79.911.6
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security9.911.510.1
Human health and social work activities12.29.911.7
Other activities (Cultural & Recreation)9.29.711.7
All Economic Sectors10.79.510.5
Table 6.2 Absences from work in the reference week as a percentage of the numbers employed by Economic Sector, Quarter 4 2021 to Quarter 4 2023

Total Actual Hours Worked by Economic sector

Notable differences in total hours worked in the year to Q4 2023 were observed in:

  • The Education sector, where the number of hours worked per week in Q4 2023 increased to 5.9 million from 5.2 million in Q4 2022
  • The Professional, Scientific & Technical Activities sector, where the number of hours worked per week was 6.1 million in Q4 2023, up from 5.6 million in Q4 2022
  • The Industry Sector, which saw a fall in the numbers of hours worked per week to 10.4 million hours in Q4 2023 from 11.2 million hours in Q4 2022
  • The Construction sector, where the number of hours worked per week was 5.6 million in Q4 2023, down from 6.0 million in Q4 2022
Q4 2021Q4 2022Q4 2023
Agriculture, forestry and fishing4.541519676021984.375693451465754.39235712750197
Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles9.083058369751899.66426041317499.90410052946753
Transportation and storage 3.489690234446714.016232164527123.75311946584236
Accommodation and food service activities4.11540691078734.599313434266184.94264753645077
Information and communication5.872087808052295.633753681913575.56559279421149
Financial, insurance and real estate activities4.352737226758334.568642147404734.41150693324841
Professional, scientific and technical activities5.73690725864115.575998973121116.08482777570858
Administrative and support service activities2.751815230181553.191624678503483.02935367862806
Public administration and defence; compulsory social security4.546064627443134.564456951429184.46595105107248
Human health and social work activities9.2630605540605610.158928900287910.4025295114121
Other NACE activities3.118969030241813.14668514736163.35165298763192
Table 6.3 Total actual hours worked (millions) per week by Economic Sector, Quarter 4 2021 to Quarter 4 2023