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Summary of Results

The Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) 2020 was published on 19 May 2022. Since the first publication of 2020 estimates, the CCR has been retrospectively added to the 2018 data. As 2018 and 2020 estimates are now produced using the same methodology, comparisons can be made between them. This publication has been updated on 16 May 2023 and now includes references to 2018 estimates.

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  • In 2020, the median net wealth value of Irish households is €193,100, up from €159,100 in 2018. The median net wealth value, (defined as gross wealth less debt), is obtained by arranging all households in ascending order from the smallest to the largest value and then selecting the middle value. Therefore, half of all households have a net wealth value less than €193,100. See PxStat table HFC2036.
  • More than two-thirds (69.6%) of all households own their main residence, either with or without a mortgage. The median value of the household main residence (HMR), for those households that own their HMR, is €260,000, up from €250,000 in 2018. See PxStat table HFC2001 and Table 2.1 below.
  • In 2020, 4.1% of all HMRs owned with a mortgage are in negative equity, compared to 6.7% in 2018.
  • More than two-thirds (68.1%) of all households have some form of debt. Overall, the median value of debt for households with any form of debt is €25,000, up from €21,400 in 2018.  See PxStat table HFC2015.
  • The proportion of credit constrained households is 6.4%, down from 9.7% in 2018. A credit-constrained household is one that applied for credit and was turned down or received less credit than the amount applied for. It may also be one that considered applying for credit but did not do so due to the perception that the application would be turned down. See PxStat table HFC2022.
  • The median debt to asset ratio, the ratio of total liabilities to total gross assets for households with debts, is 23.3%, up from 22.2% in 2018.
  • The debt to income ratio, the ratio of total liabilities to total annual gross household income, is 40.8%, up from 38.9% in 2018.
  • For households that have a mortgage on their HMR, the median loan to value ratio, the ratio of the outstanding amount of the HMR mortgage to the current value of the HMR, is 45.2%, down from 48.3% in 2018.
  • More than nine out of every ten households (97.1%) own some form of financial asset (e.g. savings, shares, voluntary pensions.) For households that own financial assets the median value is €13,300, up from €7,800 in 2018. See PxStat table HFC2008.
  • The Gini coefficient for net wealth, (a statistical measure of inequality), is 65 in 2020, down from 70 in 2018. See Figure 8.1.
Table 2.1 Summary of results by year
 Households with asset/debt (%)  Median value 1(€)
 20182020 20182020
Real assets 
Household Main Residence (HMR)68.869.6 250,000260,000
Land8.48.9 301,000300,000
Other Real Estate Property12.912.5 200,600236,600
Self Employment Business Wealth17.315.2 18,60019,700
Vehicles78.579.1 8,00010,000
Valuables78.878.3 4,0004,100
Any Real Asset95.695.3 222,700253,100
Financial assets 
Savings94.696.6 5,0008,700
Bond or Mutual funds10.313.6 10,0005,000
Shares9.710.5 6,2005,800
Voluntary Pension15.816.3 47,50037,600
Other Financial Asset6.67.2 10,00010,000
Any Financial Asset94.897.1 7,80013,300
Mortgage on HMR29.930.4 128,500124,400
Mortgage on Other Property9.47.2 105,400104,800
Non-mortgage loan46.445.5 6,6007,300
Overdraft10.76.7 600600
Credit Card debt39.826.8 1,000700
Any Debt71.868.1 21,40025,000
1 Conditional on participation.