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This release contains an analysis of the main forestry scheme payments made by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine during the period 2010 to 2022. For more details on the 2014-2020 scheme, see Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme 2014-2020
Eligibility for grant aid for forest road construction changed in 2008 focusing on private forest owners rather than public bodies and partly explains the reduction in funding over the period. Forest road construction by public bodies continued over this period without grant aid and are not included in these figures.
The definitive figures on all forestry scheme payments are available in Table 46 of the annual Forest Statistics Ireland report, see Annual Forest Sector Statistics.
Financial support is provided for both the establishment and maintenance of new forests and woodlands. Set-up grants cover up to 100% of total costs. An annual premium per hectare is available with the rate depending on the species of trees planted.
Grants are payable in two instalments. Application for payment of the first instalment grant and first premium may be made following planting. The second instalment can be claimed four years after planting has been completed.
The Department’s computerised mapping and payment system (iFORIS) is used by the Department to capture a digital representation of the payment area based on the applicant’s claim map.
All applications for afforestation approval under the Afforestation Grant and Premium Scheme undergo an environment assessment procedure to ensure that proposed projects are compatible with the protection and enhancement of the environment, including, inter alia, water, biodiversity, archaeology and landscape.
Where an afforestation project involves an area of 50 hectares or greater, the application for approval must be accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement.
As required under the Birds and Habitats Regulations (S.I. No. 477 of 2011), all applications submitted to the Department under the Scheme will be subject to an appropriate assessment screening process undertaken by the Department to determine if there is a possibility of the project, either individually or in combination with other plans and projects, having a significant effect on a Natura 2000 site, i.e. a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) or a Special Protection Area (SPA).
Data for all years are subject to revision.
The CSO received the data from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under Section 30 of the Statistics Act, 1993.
This release will be published annually.
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