Census of Population 2022 Spotlight Series: Volunteering in Ireland
Census 2022 Spotlight Series: Volunteering in Ireland
In Census 2022, there were 711,379 people who volunteered, representing 14% of the total population.
The largest number of volunteers were involved in a sporting organisation, 286,887 people, or 6% of the population.
The lowest number of volunteers were involved in a political organisation, 17,295 people, or under 1% of the population.
Volunteers aged 15 years and over involved in a religious group had the oldest average age, 55.3 years, up 4.6 years compared with 2006.
Volunteers aged 15 years and over involved in a sporting organisation had the youngest average age, 44.8 years, up 3.1 years compared with 2006.
The county with the highest proportion of volunteers was Leitrim at 18% (6,177 people).
The county with the lowest proportion of volunteers was Dublin City at 11% (64,142 people).
CSO statistical release, 01 February 2024 , 11am
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