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SMEs accounted for more than a third of Gross Value Added in 2021

Online ISSN: 2009-6895
CSO statistical publication, , 11am
Advisory Note

Under the new European Business Statistics (EBS) Regulation 2019/2152, the Sectors covered in Structural Business Statistics and Business Demography are now common as part of an EU-wide initiative to improve data processing and enhance coherency across a range of enterprise statistical products. This release provides data on NACE sectors B to S (excluding O and S94). To facilitate comparability with previous years, however, our previous release Business in Ireland 2021 – Summary Results provided data on NACE sectors B to N (excluding K), R92, R93, S95, and S96. Users should note that the results presented in this release include both market and non-market producing enterprises.  

The 2021 Business Demography release includes the full population of NACE sectors set out in the Regulation. While the common sectors presented in both Business in Ireland and Business Demography are generally coherent, there may be slight differences in reported enterprises and persons employed. This is primarily due to the application of differing data processing and frame management, including legal form status, which has resulted in those slight differences.

  • Colin Hanley    (+353) 21 453 5559

  • Stephanie Kelleher    (+353) 21 453 5123

  • Shane O'Sullivan    (+353) 21 453 5111

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