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Business Costs in Ireland

Business Costs in Ireland

Services sector accounted for more than half of all wages & salaries paid in Ireland's non-financial business economy in 2021

Online ISSN: 2009-6895
CSO statistical publication, , 11am

Personnel costs1 are defined as the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee.

Personnel costs are made up of:

  • wages and salaries
  • employers' social security costs

Social security costs for the employer include employer's contributions to the PRSI scheme, superannuation funds, PRSAs, and other pension schemes. Also included are insurance premiums, employer’s liability insurance, and private health premiums paid on behalf of employees.

See Background Notes for full definition.

Breakdown of Personnel Costs

In 2021, the average wage per person employed was €35,633, ranging from €30,400 in SMEs to €47,388 in large enterprises. Persons employed in the Manufacturing sector enjoyed the highest sectoral wage in Ireland in 2021 at €49,282 per person employed. In contrast, persons employed in the Construction sector had the lowest wage at €29,622 per person employed.

SMEs (<250 persons employed)Large (250+ persons employed)All enterprises

Wages & salaries accounted for 90.5% of personnel costs for the combined business sectors Manufacturing, Construction, Distribution, and Services in 2021. Social security costs accounted for 10.5% of SMEs (<250 persons employed) total personnel costs, compared with 8.1% for large enterprises (250+ persons employed).

Social security costsWages & salaries
SMEs (<250
persons employed)
Large (250+
persons employed)

In 2021, the Services sector accounted for more than half (56.7%) of all wages & salaries paid in Ireland's business economy. Ireland's Manufacturing and Distribution sectors accounted for 18.0% and 17.8% respectively. The Construction sector's share of total wages & salaries paid in Ireland in 2021 was 7.5%.

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Wages and salaries
Table 4.1 Breakdown of personnel costs by selected sector and size class, 2021

Total Purchases by Selected Sector

In 2021, the Services sector had the largest share of total purchases (39.3%), followed by Manufacturing (34.3%), Distribution (22.6%), and Construction (3.9%). Total purchases amounted to €682.9 billion in 2021, of which large enterprises accounted for 59.2% (€404.6bn).  

For long labels below use
to display on multiple lines
Total purchases
Table 4.2 Total purchases by selected sector and size class, 2021

Total Business Costs by Selected Sector

In 2021, enterprises in the Services sector accounted for the largest proportion of total costs at 40.9% (€311.2bn), followed by Manufacturing enterprises 32.9% (€250.5bn), while the Distribution and Construction sectors combined accounted for 26.2%. Large enterprises accounted for 57.2% of all business costs, while SMEs accounted for the remaining 42.8%.

SMEs (<250 persons employed)Large (250+ persons employed)All enterprises
Table 4.3 Total business costs by selected sector and size class, 2021

Table 4.3(a) Breakdown of business costs in Manufacturing by size class, 2021

Table 4.3(b) Breakdown of business costs in Construction by size class, 2021

Table 4.3(c) Breakdown of business costs in Distribution by size class, 2021

Table 4.3(d) Breakdown of business costs in Services by size class, 2021