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Appendix 2 - Administrative Data File Names And Variables

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Note: This information is correct as of August 2021 and is subject to change.

ADFlowID ADFlow NameLatest Instance
A21 Access to Information (A2I) COVID-19 assessment facilities data May 2021
C19_HospitalCases Covid Cases in Hospitals for the previous 24 hours Dec 2020
CCT C19 Covid Care Tracker Application Data Source Tier Feb-May 2021
CIDR HSE Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting System May 2021
HIPE Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data May 2021
NOCA National Office of Clinical Audit ICU data Aug 2021
SBAR Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation. Shift handover data Nov 2020

C19_HospitalCases – Covid Cases in Hospitals for the previous 24 hours
A21 – Access to Information (A21) COVID-19 assessment facilities data
A2I is the HSE system for managing referrals for COVID-19 tests or assessments and covers all the persons that have been referred by a GP or public health clinician or occupational health clinician.

C19_HospitalCases variables cover the number of new COVID-19 inpatient cases and admissions by hospital and it does not contain any personal data. C19 HospitalCases data is no longer being processed.

CCT C19 Covid Care Tracker Application Data Source Tier
CCT is effectively the underlying C19 patient management system developed by the HSE system to manage the pandemic emergency.

The cohort relates to persons who:

  • are awaiting a C19 laboratory test appointment through SwiftQueue system following an eReferral, or
  • have a Laboratory test result uploaded to CCT without a SwiftQueue appointment
  • are symptomatic, or who feel they may have C19, and:
  • Have had an Assessment Hub appointment and Ambulatory Assessment following an eReferral, or
  • Have had an admission for C19 to an acute hospital or isolation facility [or in the future an intermediate care facility], or
  • Have had a congregated residential setting C19 episode

CIDR HSE Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting System
CIDR contains the register of confirmed positive cases notified to Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC). It covers information on Covid related patient assessments, ICU admissions and outbreaks.

HIPE – Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data
HIPE is already pseudonymised before it is sent to CSO. Contains detailed information with respect to admissions and discharges from the HIPE system.

NOCA – National Office of Clinical Audit ICU Data
NOCA contains information on numbers of occupied/vacant beds per hospital. This dataset does not contain personal data.

SBAR - SBAR - Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation. Shift handover data.
This dataset does not contain personal data.

Annex Table 1 - A2I_SRC- Access to Information (A2I) COVID-19 assessment facilities data

Annex Table 2 - C19_HospitalCases_src - Covid Cases in Hospitals for the previous 24 hours

Annex Table 3 - CIDR_SRC - HSE Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting System

Annex Table 4 - CCT_SRC - Covid Care Tracker Application Data Source Tier

Annex Table 5 - HIPE_SRC - Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data

Annex Table 6 - NOCA_src - Audit ICU data

Annex Table 7 - SBAR_src - Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation. Shift handover data.

View this document as a PDF - CSO COVID-19 Data Hub Summary Data Protection Impact Assessment 1156 (PDF 544KB)

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