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Appendix 1 - Administrative Data File Names

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  1. a2I - HSE Coronavirus Assessments, Test Referrals and Facilities data
  2. C19HospitalCases - Recorded Hospital Cases as a result of COVID-19
  3. CIDR - HSE Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting System
  4. HIPE - Hospital Inpatient Discharge Data
  5. NOCA - National Office of Clinical Audit Intensive Care Unit Data
  6. SBAR - Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation. Shift handover data.
  7. CCT - COVID Care Tracker data
  8. Vaccination Information Data - Record of vaccinations administered for COVID-19. Note: as at August 2021, no Vaccinations data has been received by the CSO and no agreement is yet in place for these transmissions to commence, but it is included here for reasons of completeness and transparency. Note too that the flow of data to the CSO was disrupted due to the Cyber Security Incident in May 2021 and has yet to be reinstated in full.


  • C19HospitalCases data is no longer being processed
  • HIPE is already pseudonymised before it is sent to CSO
  • SBAR and NOCA do not contain personal data
  • SBAR Is no longer being processed
  • With regard to the prospective data flow ‘Vaccination Information Data - Record of vaccinations administered for COVID-19’, the CSO are currently developing the data transfer timeline with the HSE. For completeness and transparency, the CSO are including this prospective data flow in both the DPIA and transparency notice.

Go to: Appendix 2 - Administrative Data File Names And Variables