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Under the auspices of the Statistics Act 1993, the CSO is in a unique position to gather and link administrative data sources and evaluate their potential for statistical use. Our goal is to maximise the variety and volume of data available to provide high quality information to the Government, businesses and citizens for decision making. For further information, read the FAQ on CSO use of Administrative Data.

Pathfinder projects are policy relevant research projects developed as part of the CSO’s leadership role of the Irish Statistical System (ISS) ( see

By engaging in partnerships with the wider ISS, we can make use of all available data sources and provide the most relevant insight for policy makers with our research and statistics.

The CSO treats all data with strict confidentiality and never discloses any data that could subsequently be associated with any person or business. We produce official statistics using anonymised records and will only produce statistical results at an aggregate level.

  • Post Primary Outcomes - Academic Years Ending 2012 and 2013
  • Further Education Outcomes
  • Higher Education Outcomes
  • Geographical Profiles of Income in Ireland
  • New Dwelling Completions
  • Mapping a Table of Data with Esri Shapefiles in R
  • Commercial Property (Methodological Research)