Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart
Date Last Updated: 09-09-2024
Earnings and Labour Costs Quarterly
The purpose of the Earnings, Hours and Employment Costs Survey (EHECS) is to collect, compile and disseminate series of quarterly and annual earnings and labour costs statistics across economic sectors in Ireland. The output produced nationally from EHECS is the quarterly and annual Earnings and Labour Costs Release, while EHECS also produces data for Eurostat's Labour Costs Survey, Labour Cost Index, Job Vacancy Survey and Short-term Labour Market Business Statistics.
S.I. No 113 of 2023 Statistics (Labour Costs Survey) Order 2023 S.I. No. 107/2021 - Statistics (Job Vacancy Survey) Order 2021
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1503/2006 of 28 September 2006 implementing and amending Council Regulation (EC) No 1165/98, Commission Regulation (EC) No 1216/2003 of 7 July 2003
Individual enterprises in NACE sectors B-S with 3 or more employees.
Annual sampling frame from the Central Business Register is synchronised with a local register towards the end of each year. The local register is also updated on an on-going basis using data received in the EHECS survey and other CSO sources.Variables updated include:employment,contact details, births and deaths and changes in enterprise structure.
2008 to 2024
Not applicable
All enterprises in NACE sectors B-S with 50 or more employees and a sample of those with 3 to 49 employees are surveyed each quarter.
Average weekly earnings, average hourly earnings, average weekly paid hours, average hourly total labour costs, job vacancies, job vacancy rate, public sector employment, public sector earnings
There is wide national usage from other Government Departments, economists and research bodies. International users also access data from Eurostat and the ILO.
Central Statistics Office
Business Statistics
Louise Egan (Analysis & Publication), Barry Kelleher (Data Collection)
Tricia Brew (Analysis & Publication), Helen Hayes (Data Collection). Publication queries: earnings@cso.ie. Survey Collection queries: ehecs@cso.ie and jvs@cso.ie.