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Press Statement


02 September 2022

Live Register August 2022

The seasonally adjusted Live Register total for August 2022 was 186,100 persons, up 1,900 or 1.0% from July 2022
  • Unadjusted Live Register total stood at 197,125 persons for August 2022
  • Of the 197,125 persons on the Live Register in August 2022, 50.2% were male, 76.1% were Irish, and around a quarter were in each of the 25-34-year-old (22.8%) and 35-44-year-old (23.0%) age groups

Go to release: Live Register August 2022

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (02 September 2022) issued results from the Live Register in respect of August 2022. 

Commenting on today’s publication, Morgan O’Donnell, Statistician in the Labour Market Analysis Section, said:

“The unadjusted Live Register total for August 2022 was 197,125. When seasonal effects are considered, the seasonally adjusted Live Register total for August 2022 was 186,100, which is an increase of 1,900 persons from July 2022 and a decrease of 2,400 when compared to August 2019.

There were 11,851 people benefitting from the EU's Temporary Protection Directive included in the Live Register figures for August 2022, an increase of 1,909 from July 2022.

Editor's Note:

People arriving in Ireland from Ukraine under the EU's Temporary Protection Directive can access a wide range of Department of Social Protection (DSP) supports. The majority of new applications for income support from people of working age are being processed as Jobseeker's Allowance (JA) claims until the most appropriate income support for that person is identified. This facilitates access to existing part-time work supports where appropriate. In the event that a person is on JA for 50 paid claim days or more, they are counted on the Live Register.


Morgan O'Donnell, Labour Market Analysis - (+353) 21 453 5269

For further information contact:

Dan Gallagher (+353) 21 453 5223

or email

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