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Press Statement


01 February 2022

Press Statement Household Travel Survey Quarter 3 2021

Irish residents took almost three million domestic overnight trips in Quarter 3 2021
  • Irish residents took 2.8 million domestic trips in July, August and September (Q3) 2021, a decrease of 33% when compared with the same period in 2020
  • Total expenditure on domestic trips in Q3 2021 amounted to €776 million with those on holidays spending €680 million of this, while those visiting friends or relatives spent €67 million
  • Domestic hotel stays were down by 29% and stays with friends or relatives fell by one-third (-33%) in the third quarter of 2021, when compared with the same period in 2020

Go to release: Household Travel Survey Quarter 3 2021

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (01 February 2022) released Household Travel Survey Quarter 3 2021.

Commenting on the release, Brendan Curtin, Statistician, said: The figures provide information on the impact of COVID-19 on domestic and international travel in the months of July, August and September 2021. 

Domestic trips were down by 1.1 million (-28%) in Q3 2021 compared with the same period two years ago. When compared to Q3 2019 Irish residents took 11% fewer domestic holiday trips and business trips were down by 68%.

There were 585,000 outbound overnight trips undertaken by Irish residents in Q3 2021. When compared to Q3 2019 this represents a fall of 2.3 million outbound trips (-80%), with foreign holidays down by 1.7 million and 300,000 fewer trips to visit friends and relatives."

For further information contact:

Brendan Curtin (+353) 21 453 5120 or James Mahon (+353) 21 453 5463

or email

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