09 December 2021
Go to release: Fuel Excise Clearances October 2021
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (09 December 2021) published Fuel Excise Clearances October 2021. The report examines monthly trends in use of autodiesel, petrol, kerosene (used for home heating), and marked gas oil.
Paul McElvaney, Statistician in the Environment and Climate Division, said: “Autodiesel clearances were 4% higher than in October 2019 and 20% higher than in October 2020. This is the third month since June that monthly autodiesel clearances have exceeded the corresponding 2019 levels indicating a strong return to pre-COVID-19 levels of activity of road traffic.
Clearances of petrol in October were 35% higher than in October 2020 but were 4% below the level in 2019. Petrol is generally used by cars undertaking shorter journeys in urban areas and by hybrid vehicles.
The average temperature at Dublin airport in October 2021 was 11.9 degrees Celsius which was above the corresponding 2020 figure of 9.5 degrees. Despite this, excise clearances of home heating oil (kerosene) were 2% higher than in October 2020. However, it should be noted that seasonal variations in prices can affect the timing of purchases of home heating oil.”
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