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Press Statement


24 February 2021

Press Statement County Incomes and Regional GDP 2018

Dublin city and county had the highest average disposable income in the state in 2018
  • Average income in the Dublin region was €24,969, which is 17.4% higher than the state average of €21,270
  • This is a year on year increase of 5.7% for Dublin
  • Dublin incomes were 6.2% higher than those of the next highest county, Kildare

Go to release: County Incomes and Regional GDP 2018

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (24 February 2021) released County Incomes and Regional GDP 2018.

Commenting on the release, John Milne, Statistician, said: “Dublin incomes continued to rise above the average in 2018. People in Dublin earned 17% more than the average state income and 6% more than those in Kildare which had the second highest income level at 10% above the average.

Dublin, Kildare, Limerick, Wicklow, Meath and Cork in that order, are the only counties where per capita disposable income exceeded the state average of €21,270 in 2018.

The gap between the maximum and minimum value of per capita disposable income, on a regional basis, increased from €6,430 in 2017 to €7,578 in 2018, due to Dublin regional incomes increasing by €1,348 (5.7%) while those of the lowest region, Border, increased by only €199 (1.2%) to €17,391. Incomes in the Midland region dropped by €420 between 2017 and 2018 to €17,389."

For further information contact:

John Milne (+353) 1 498 4007 or Michael Connolly (+353) 1 498 4006

or email

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