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21 October 2020
Go to release: Information Society Statistics - Enterprises 2020
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (21 October 2020) published Information Society Statistics – Enterprises 2020, an analysis of e-Commerce and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) activities by enterprises in Ireland.
Commenting on the publication, Statistician Barry Kelleher said: ‘In 2020, 51% of enterprises in Ireland indicated that they purchased at least one type of Cloud Computing service. This compares to 45% of enterprises surveyed in 2018. The most popular Cloud Computing services purchased in 2020 were the storage of files (44%) followed by email at 43% and the hosting of enterprise database(s) at 30%.
More than one in five (22%) enterprises reported using Big Data analysis in 2020. The most popular method used was analysing data generated from social media, with 14% of enterprises using this method, while a further 9% of enterprises opted for analysing geolocation data from the use of portable devices.
In 2020, 70% of large enterprises made e-Commerce purchases, while 59% of medium sized enterprises and 49% of small enterprises made e-Commerce purchases respectively.
In 2020, Manufacturing sector enterprises reported that 55% of enterprises had made e- Commerce purchases. This was slightly higher than the Services sector which indicated that 51% of enterprises made e-Commerce purchases. In the Construction sector, 48% of enterprises reported making e-commerce purchases.
When looking at e-Commerce sales for individual sectors, 15% of Construction enterprises reported e-Commerce sales. Selected Services sectors reported that 40% of enterprises had e-Commerce sales, compared to 48% of Manufacturing enterprises.
Almost all enterprises (96%) used a broadband connection to access the internet in 2020. The survey found that 53% of these enterprises used their broadband connection to make online purchases, with 41% of enterprises making online sales.’
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