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Pulse Survey now running Five years on, we're measuring the lasting impact of COVID-19 on our lives in our latest short Pulse Survey. CSO Pulse Surveys are anonymous and open to all. #CSOTakePart

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Press Statement


04 May 2020

CSO collecting second wave of Business Impact of COVID-19 Survey

This week, the CSO is collecting the second wave of the Business Impact of COVID-19 Survey. The survey is being sent to a sample of 3,000 businesses and the information is being collected between Tuesday 5 and Friday 8 May.

The companies selected will receive an email from the CSO and are asked to complete an online questionnaire which should take no longer than 10 minutes.

Commenting on the Business Impact of COVID-19 survey, Colin Hanley, Statistician, said:

''By completing the survey, businesses will be helping the CSO to produce important statistics on the effects of the COVID-19 crisis so far.

The first wave of the survey showed that a quarter of businesses have temporarily stopped trading and over a third have laid off staff. The second wave of the survey will provide further information on how prices have changed, cash-flow management, and what innovative business practices have been adopted in response to COVID-19.

This information matters, for the business community and for policy makers, and the fortnightly results will help to measure the changing issues which businesses are dealing with.

Companies in the survey are asked to complete the online questionnaire between Tuesday 5 May and Friday 8 May. 

The CSO plans to publish the results of the survey within two weeks.”

All information collected in the survey is confidential and will be used only for statistical purposes. The results which the CSO will publish from the survey will be in aggregate form and will not identify any individual company.

Further waves of the survey will be collected on a fortnightly basis, to provide updated information.

For further information contact:

Colin Hanley (+353) 21 453 5559 or Eamonn Cleary (+353) 21 453 5559

or email

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