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Press Statement


28 October 2020

Press Statement Agriculture Land Prices 2019

In 2019, the median price per acre of agricultural land sold nationally was €6,534
  • The highest price per acre was in the Mid-East region at €10,117, while the Border region had the lowest median price per acre at €4,905
  • There were 33,274 acres of agricultural land sold in Ireland in 2019
  • The West was the region with the largest volume of land sold, with 9,508 acres sold, while only 2,157 acres were sold in the South-East
  • Permanent grassland made up the majority of agricultural land sold in 2019, with €195.5 million of the €207.1 million total sold

Go to release: Agricultural Land Prices 2019

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (28 October 2020) released national and regional indicators for Agricultural Land Prices in Ireland for 2019

Commenting on the release, Anthony Dawson, Statistician, said: ‘The release shows that in 2019, the median price per acre of agricultural land sold nationally was €6,534. The Mid-East region had the highest median price per acre at €10,117, while the Border region had the lowest median price per acre at €4,905.

In terms of volume of land sold, there were 33,274 acres of agricultural land sold in Ireland in 2019. The West had the largest volume of and sold (9,508 acres) while only 2,157acres were sold in the South East.

In total, €207.1 million of agricultural land was sold in 2019 with permanent grassland making up €195.5 million of that total.

It should be noted that while previous year’s figures are noted in the publications, caution should be used when comparing figures year-on-year as the makeup of the land transactions vary from year to year.

Agricultural Land is land sold purely for agricultural use with no additional entitlements (e.g. dwellings) attached to the land. The main source of data is transactions from Revenue’s Stamp Duty data which is combined with data from Property Registration Authority to give location information.

Data from the CSO’s Census of Agriculture is used to assign a land type to small areas in which transactions occur. This allows the CSO to be able to predict what type of land was sold for every transaction.

Editor's Note:

The Central Statistics Office (CSO) would like to remind farmers to complete and return their Census of Agriculture forms as soon as possible as the deadline has passed.

The CSO would like to thank the more than 90,000 farmers who have already completed and returned their form.

For further information contact:

Anthony Dawson (+353) 21 453 5521 or Anne Mahony (+353) 21 453 5033

or email

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