25 June 2019
Go to release: LFS Employment Series Q1 2019
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (25 June 2019) issued a further detailed breakdown and further disaggregation of employment data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) in respect of the first quarters of 2013 to 2019. Whilst the headline totals have previously been published by the CSO, these breakdowns and aggregations published today offer considerable additional insight.
Commenting on the report, Jim Dalton, Statistician, said: “The LFS is the official source of data for employment in Ireland. Some key findings show that in Q1 2019, the proportion of persons (excluding Not stated) who gave the reason for being in part-time employment as Person could not find a full-time job was 16.1% (75,700 persons). This compares with Q1 2013 when 40.5% or 176,200 persons gave this reason for being in part-time employment.
Today’s release also includes a detailed breakdown of the average usual hours worked per week. Of the 14 economic sectors, the Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector had the highest average at 49.5 hours per week in Q1 2019 with the Other NACE Activities sector having the lowest at 30.5 hours per week.
Self-employed persons usually worked an average of 45.1 hours per week in Q1 2019, while the corresponding number for employees was 35.2 hours. The average for persons in full-time and part-time employment was 40.7 and 18.6 hours per week respectively.
In Q1 2019, the proportion of employees (excluding Not stated) who reported not being a permanent employee because the Person could not find a permanent job was 39.8%. The corresponding figure in Q1 2013 was 63.8%.
Finally, the number of persons in full-time employment in Q1 2019 accounted for just over 79% of all employment – up from the figure of 75.2% recorded in Q1 2013.”
Jim Dalton (+353) 21 453 5623 or Martina O'Callaghan (+353) 21 453 5491
or email labour@cso.ie
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