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Press Statement


18 October 2018

Press Statement Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2018

Households emitted 22.1% of greenhouse gases in 2015 and paid 61% of total environment taxes in 2015 and 2017
  • New dwelling completions increased from 6,994 in 2011 to 14,446 in 2017. An increase of 106.5%
  • The USA is Ireland’s largest export partner, accounting for €33,219 million of goods in 2017, or 27% of total exports.  Great Britain is the largest export market in the EU, accounting for €14,504 million of goods in 2017
  • The single largest supplier of imports to Ireland was Great Britain, from whom €17,493 million, or 22% of all goods, was imported
  • The most popular destination to and from Ireland's main airports was London-Heathrow with 2,476,500 passengers travelling on this route
  • In 2017, passengers travelling to and from the UK represented 37.5% of all passengers (12.8 million) on international flights travelling through main Irish airports
  • Milk output increased by €801m or 44.7%, with prices up by 32.6% and the volume of production up by 9.0%. Milk accounted for 32.2% of total goods output in Agriculture in 2017.
  • Go to release: Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2018

    The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (18 October 2018) published The Statistical Yearbook of Ireland 2018, to mark European Statistics Day. The Yearbook presents a comprehensive picture of Ireland today based on statistics published by the Central Statistics Office throughout the year.

    Highlights for Editors


    In this section you can print a snapshot of your county from Census 2016. This is a great resource for teachers and students. Included is a breakdown of the population by sex, average age, county town, number of students and the numbers of carers and persons with a disability.

    Explore what important life events you can find such as births, baby names, marriages, the average ages of brides and grooms and the numbers of deaths. when you click on your county.


    The number of persons in employment increased from 1,878,000 in 2012 to 2,255,000 in 2018, an increase of over 20% in 6 years.

    The percentage of people who were classified as overweight or obese in 2015 was 60%. This had risen to 62% in 2017.

    In 2018, 48% of individuals aged 60 to 74 never used the internet, compared to 2% of individuals aged 16 to 29.

    Ordering medicine online (2%) was the least popular type of internet purchase.

    Over one in three (35%) males aged 15-64 have a third level qualification compared to over four in ten women (43%).


    In 2017, e-Commerce sales accounted for 43% of total sales for large enterprises, 24% of total sales for medium sized enterprises and 22% for small enterprises.

    The number of persons engaged in Industrial Production in Ireland in 2016 increased by 6.1% to 235,352.

    In 2017, there was an annual increase of 23.7% in the number of new houses granted planning permission and a 37.0% increase in the number of new apartments granted permission.

    The number of new apartments built in 2017 was 2,264, an increase of 92.3% on 2016.

    The total number of residential property transactions recorded by the Revenue Commissioners in 2017 was 43,362. The combined value of these transactions was €11,797.1 million.

    Output in total building and construction increased by 20.0% in 2017 when compared with 2016. Between 2007 and 2017, the volume of output in building and construction decreased by 53.8%.

    In 2016, there was an annual increase in construction turnover of 30.0% from €14.9 billion in 2015 to €19.4 billion.


    In 2017, GDP increased by 7.2% at constant prices, while GNP rose by 4.4%.

    Loans for house purchase increased by 1.8% in 2017 over the previous year from €73.5 billion to €74.8 billion, while deposits held by households rose by 2.4% from €97.1 billion to €99.5 billion in the same period.

    From 2007 to 2017, the national average price for unleaded petrol increased by 20.4%, peaking in 2012 at €1.63 per litre. While the national average price for diesel increased by 14.7%, also peaking in 2012 at €1.56 per litre.

    Full-time regular earnings increased 21.5% in 5 years between 2012 and 2017, from €43,236.0 million to €52,540.5 million.

    Tourism & Transport

    Between 2016 and 2017, the number of overseas trips to Ireland for holiday/leisure/recreation increased by 322,000 trips to over 4.7 million trips, a rise of 7.3%.

    Residents of Great Britain took over 3.7 million trips to Ireland during 2017, a decrease of 195,000 trips (-5.0%) compared to 2016.

    In 2017, 34.4 million passengers passed through Ireland's five main airports, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year.

    Agriculture and Fishing

    There were 137,000 family farm holdings present in Ireland in June 2016. In 2016, around a quarter of farm holders in Ireland were aged 65 years and over. Just 5% of farm holders were aged less than 35 years.

    Cattle numbers have more than trebled since the Famine. Since 1847 the number of cattle have increased consistently, to stand at 7.36 million in 2017, while the number of dairy cows totals 1,432,700.

    The median price of land in Ireland in 2016 was €6,366 per acre based on 1,719 transactions. These transactions totalled a value of €193.3 million for 33,982 acres of agricultural land.

    Fish landings by Irish trawlers increased by 3.2% from 234,028 tonnes in 2015 to 241,553 tonnes in 2016. In 2016, the species for which the largest quantities landed by Irish vessels in Ireland were Atlantic Mackerel (64,838 tonnes), Horse Mackerel (26,068 tonnes) and Blue Whiting (21,882 tonnes).

    For further information contact:

    Press Office (+353) 21 453 5028

    or email

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