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09 March 2018
Go to release: Retail Sales Index January 2018
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today, 9 March 2018, released a new Retail Sales Index (RSI) series rebased to 2015 along with the RSI results for January 2018. The new series has been calculated using updated weights from the 2016 Product and Trading Survey and the Annual Services Inquiry 2015.
Commenting on the new rebased RSI, Stephanie Kelleher, Statistician, CSO said: “In 2015, Diesel is the main product sold in the Fuel Retail sector. The proportion of Diesel sales is 44%, while it was 37% in 2010 and 22% in 2005. The proportion of Petrol sales has continued to fall, decreasing to 29% in 2015 from 39% in 2010 and 57% in 2005.
In relation to Trade, the sector with the largest weight is the Motor Trade which is now almost one third of All Retail Trade (previously 23%). The next sector with the highest weight is Supermarkets (Non-Specialised Stores) which is one quarter (previously 27%).
The rebase also includes the reclassification of some enterprises based on their current product profile”.
For further information in relation to the RSI rebase see Retail Sales Index January 2018.
Stephanie Kelleher (+353) 21 453 5123 or Alan Finlay (+353) 21 453 5211
or email business_stats@cso.ie
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