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Press Statement


04 December 2018

Ireland's Trade in Goods 2017

Ireland exported €123 billion of goods in 2017, and imported €79 billion
  • Our biggest export market was the USA, with €33 billion of exports
  • Ireland's trade surplus with the USA was €17 billion
  • The UK was the biggest partner for goods imports, with a value of almost €19 billion
  • Ireland exported over €12 billion of food and drink in 2017, and imported almost €8 billion
  • There was €4.6 billion of food and drink exported to the UK in 2017, and €3.7 billion imported
  • Go to Ireland's Trade in Goods 2017

    The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (4 December 2018) published Ireland’s Trade in Goods 2017, an analysis of Ireland's goods exports and imports for 2017.

    It shows our biggest trading partners and products, with additional analysis on Ireland’s trade in food and drink.

    Commenting on the figures, Statistician Ciarán Counihan said: “Ireland’s export trade was valued at €123 billion in 2017, while there were €79 billion of goods imported.

    Ireland exported €12.3 billion of food and drink in 2017, of which €4.6 billion went to the UK.  Ireland’s exports included 229,000 tonnes of cheese, 210,000 tonnes of butter, 165,000 tonnes of infant formula, 436 million litres of beer and 30 million litres of whiskey.

    Ireland imported €7.7 billion of food and drink in 2017, which included €3.7 billion from the UK.  Ireland’s imports included 72,000 tonnes of potatoes, 21,000 tonnes of coffee, 280 million litres of sugared non-alcoholic drinks, 70 million litres of mineral water and 83 million litres of wine.”

    For further information contact:

    Ciarán Counihan (+353) 1 498 4215 or Orla McCarthy (+353) 1 498 4091

    or email

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