Press Statement
16 March 2018
Ireland - Facts and Figures 2017
Ireland’s total imported energy dependency was 69% in 1990 but was 85% in 2014
The number of people aged 65 and older according to Census 2016 stands at 637,567 and 22,762 of these live in a nursing home
In 2015, there were 1,196 set of twins, 31 sets of triplets and 1 set of quadruplets born
The EU accounted for €60,083 million or 51% of total goods exported in 2016 (Belgium 12%, Great Britain 11%) while the USA accounted for 26% of total exports
A total of 205.6 million passengers were carried on scheduled bus services, 34.0 million travelled on the Luas and 42.8 million passengers travelled by train in 2016
Since 1856 cattle numbers have increased consistently from 2.8 million in 1856 to 7.2 million in 2016
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) has today (16 February 2018) published Ireland- Facts and Figures 2017 (PDF 4,097KB) . This new publication presents a statistical picture of Ireland and is compiled mainly from data previously published by the CSO.
This publication presents a comprehensive picture of Ireland, with detailed and colourful information, tables, graphs and infographics, across a wide range of topics.
Ireland – Facts & Figures 2017 is provided in PDF format to allow users to print this publication.
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