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Date Published: Fri, 12 Dec 2014



Business in Ireland 2012 analyses the Irish Business Economy


Business In Ireland 2012 focuses on the activities and performance of enterprises across the business economy.

Small and Medium Enterprises (Chapter 3) is dedicated to the analysis of SMEs and includes a categorisation of SMEs into Irish-owned or foreign-owned enterprises. It also looks at the number of SMEs involved in international trade. Business Performance in Ireland (Chapter 5) looks more specifically at the performance of SMEs compared to large enterprises, and also shows the contribution, to the Irish economy, of the 50 largest enterprises. Business Costs in Ireland (Chapter 6) examines personnel costs and its constituent parts of wages & salaries and employers’ social security costs. Total purchases of goods and services by enterprises are also analysed in terms of broad sector and size class.

“Six Key Findings from Business in Ireland 2012” can be found in Chapter 1 of Business in Ireland 2012 (PDF 3,329KB)


Data Sources

Irish data presented in this report are available on StatBank, the main data dissemination service on the CSO website. The data presented in this report are only a small fraction of the Structural Business Statistics available online.

For further information contact:

Phone: Susana Portillo on (021) 453 5640 or Mary Duggan on (021) 453 5584.



Central Statistics Office                                               12th December 2014

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