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Supply and Use Tables for Ireland, 2008


The supply and use tables for 2008, published today by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), provide a detailed picture of the transactions of goods and services by industries and consumers in the economy. They highlight the inter-industry flows that lie behind the national accounts main aggregates such as operating surplus, wages and salaries and external trade movements. It can be seen from Table 2 how each of the 64 detailed industriesi distinguished contributed to the total Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2008 of €160 billionii. In aggregate, the business services (€30 billion, 18.7% of GVA)iii and manufacturing (€29.2 billion, 18.2% of GVA)iv sectors were the most significant.


Within manufacturing, the chemicals and pharmaceuticals industriesv dominated, accounting for €11.2 billion, 7.0% of GVA. Two other industry groupings featured strongly also –computer, electronics and machinery (€6.0 billion, 3.7% of GVA)vi and food & beverages (€5.7 billion, 3.5% of GVA)vii. Correspondingly, for business services, the real estate services sectorviii, which includes imputed rent in respect of owner-occupied dwellings, was the chief contributor, at €14.3 billion (8.9% of GVA).


For the sectors identified, net operating surplus (or ‘profit’) was the main sub-component of gross value added. In other sectors, compensation of employees is a more significant element. The single biggest industrial sector in this regard was constructionix. The other sectors with a high aggregate compensation of employees were health and social work servicesx, educationxi and public administrationxii.


Copies of the publication are available from:


The Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork.


The Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.

Price: €12

Supply and Use Tables for Ireland, 2008 is available on the CSO website:


For further information contact:

Michael Brennan on 01 498 4322. LoCall 1890 313 414 extension 4322. Email

Central Statistics Office                                                                   29 February 2012

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iAppendix B:classification NACE Rev. 2, as defined in European System of Accounts (ESA95)

iiGVA at current basic prices

iiiNACE 62-63, 68-82

ivNACE 10-33

vNACE 20-21

viNACE 26-30, 33

viiNACE 10-12

viiiNACE 68

ixNACE 41-43

xNACE 86-88

xiNACE 85

xiiNACE 84