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Detailed breakdown of economic transactions

The supply and use tables provide a detailed picture of the transactions of goods and services in the economy. They highlight the inter-industry flows that lie behind the national accounts main aggregates such as operating surplus, wages and salaries and income flows into and out of the country.


In terms of the 53 detailed industries distinguished in tables 1 to 4, the following aspects may be noted.

Contributions to GDP

The sectors with the largest contributions to Gross Value Added (GVA) in both years were the manufacture of chemical products (13% of GVA in 2001 and 16% of GVA in 2002) and construction (8% of GVA in both 2001 and 2002).



The sectors that had the highest profits (net operating surplus) were the manufacture of chemical products, real estate services and construction. The profits of the manufacturers of chemicals were €11.6 bl in 2001 and €16.6 bl in 2002. The real estate sector, which includes actual and imputed rent, had profits of €5.7 bl in 2001 and €6.2 bl in 2002. The profits of the construction industry were €2.6 bl and €3.3 bl in 2001 and 2002, respectively. Other sectors that had high net operating surplus were the publishing of printed matter and recorded media (e.g. recorded software etc), wholesale trade and



Construction contributed most in terms of compensation of employees (€5.3 bl in 2001 and €5.9 bl in 2002). Health and social work was the next largest contributor (€5.0 bl in 2001 and €5.9 bl in 2002). After construction and health the sectors with the highest compensation of employees were education, public administration and retail trade.

For copies of the publication contact:

The Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork.
The Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.
Price: €12
Copies can be downloaded from the CSO website

For further information contact:

Patrick Quill on 01-498 4322 email

11 July 2007

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