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Births, Deaths and Stillbirths in 2002
Births |
Deaths |
Births outside marriage to teenage mothers |
Deaths |
Suicide |
Infant deaths |
Stillbirths |
Population |
Births increase
There were 60,500 births in 2002, an increase of 2,600 on the 2001 figure, the highest they have been since 1986.
These figures are contained in the Central Statistics Office's Vital Statistics, Annual report for 2002.
A total of 24,200 births (40%) were to first time mothers in 2002, the highest in the history of data collection (1955) for the 4th successive year. Second time mothers had 18,800 births (31%), another all time high. On the other hand, only 29% of mothers already had two or more liveborn children, reflecting the trend towards smaller family sizes. See table 2.8.
Over 31% of births in 2002 (or 18,900) were outside marriage. A total of 3,000 teenagers had babies in 2002; 62 of these were aged under 16. Over a quarter of births outside marriage were to women aged 30 years and over. See table 2.5.
Fewer babies are born on Saturdays and Sundays than any other day of the week. See table 2.16.
The highest percentage of births outside marriage occurred in Limerick City at 54.6%, while the area with the lowest percentage was Galway County at 19.6%. See table 2.19.
The average age at maternity was 30.4 years in 2002 while the average age at first birth was 27.9 years. See table 2.20.
Causes of Death
The report also shows that 29,700 deaths occurred in 2002 a decrease of 500 on the 2001 figure. This corresponds to a rate of 7.6 persons per 1,000 population. This decrease is largely due to the drop in deaths during the first quarter of 2002. See table 1.6. Breaking down the total deaths reveals that:
Vital Statistics Annual Report 2002 is priced at €12 and is available from the:
Central Statistics Office, Information Section, Skehard Road, Cork,
Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2,
or through any bookseller.
For more information contact Joseph Keating (LoCall 1890 313 414 ext 5121).
Internet address: www.cso.ie
31 January 2005
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