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Spending in Health-The Evidence


Health Accounts Seminar

 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., 10th November 2016


Corrigan Hall, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland,No. 6, Kildare Street, Dublin 2


On the 10th November, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) hosted the Irish Health Accounts Seminar following the recent publication of detailed estimates of Irish health care expenditure


Please find the presentations listed below:

The Health Accounts data is compiled by the CSO using the System of Health Accounts (SHA) methodology.  The Health Accounts data can be used to answer questions around Irish health care expenditure such as who is funding and providing various health care services and who is funding providers.  The data can also be used to compare health expenditure over time and across countries.  It provides a basis for uniform reporting by countries with a wide range of different models of organising their national health systems. 

The purpose of the seminar is to provide potential data users with:

  • an overview of the data compiled;
  • the internationally agreed System of Health Accounts (SHA) methodology;
  • the potential uses of the data and the potential expansion of data collection; and
  • feedback from data users, researchers  and policy makers on the application of the SHA in the Irish context.

Who should attend?

  • Those with an interest in the Irish health care system
  • Health policy makers
  • Health care researchers
  • Health care providers


 If you have any further queriers please contact Mary Sheridan at, tel: 01 498 4304.

Seminar Programme

9.00         Registration


9.30         Introduction  

Ms Jennifer Banim, Assistant Director General, Central Statistics Office


9.45         Overview of Published SHA Data and Possible Further Developments

Ms Ciara O’Shea, Statistician, Central Statistics Office


10.15       Health Policy and Service Provider Perspective:

Chair: Ms Jennifer Banim

Mr. Alan Cahill, Senior Statistician, Department of Health

Dr. Valerie Walshe, Senior Economist, Health Service Executive 


11.00       Coffee


11.30        Panel Discussion with Other User Perspectives:

Chair:  Dr. Lucy Fallon-Byrne, Assistant Director General, Central Statistics Office

Dr. Maev-Ann Wren, Senior Research Officer, Economic & Social Research Institute

Prof. Charles Normand, Edward Kennedy Professor of Health Policy & Management, Trinity College Dublin

Mr. John Armstrong, Actuary / Health Economist, Allianz Worldwide Care / Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands      


12.15       Open Discussion with Floor:

                Chair: Dr. Lucy Fallon-Byrne, Assistant Director General, Central Statistics Office


1.00         Close  

