Since the beginning of the Financial Crisis, Balance of Payments and related statistics i.e. Direct Investment, External Debt, International Investment Position and International Trade have come under increasing scrutiny as indicators of Ireland’s economic performance. This seminar will provide an ideal opportunity for users to learn more about these statistics. The first two presentations concentrate on the sources for these data, the compilation practices and the outputs produced by the Balance of Payments divisions of the CSO. The third presentation will review their use for monetary policy, the macro-economic oversight of the financial system, and monitoring macro-economic imbalances within the ECB and will elaborate on the process of compilation of statistics for the euro area as a whole. The fourth presentation will give a user's perspective on Balance of Payments and International Investment Position data.
The seminar also offers a chance to meet many of the CSO Balance of Payments statisticians, who will be happy to answer any questions you might have or discuss what data are available to best suit your needs.
The seminar will be of interest to:
- Economists and Statisticians in both public and private sectors
- Government officials
- Academics and students
- Anyone interested in learning more about Ireland’s transactions, assets and liabilities vis à vis the rest of the world
Venue: Dublin Castle, Coach House, Dublin 2
Time: 09.15
Date: 23 February, 2012
09:15 Registration
09:30 Opening remarks – Aidan Punch, CSO
09:45 Balance of Payments, Collection and Compilation – John Sheridan, CSO
10:15 Balance of Payments, Outputs and Publications – Stephen Treacy & Stephen McDonagh, CSO
10:45 Break
11:15 Balance of Payments and related statistics: a European perspective- Rodrigo Oliveira-Soares, European Central Bank
11.45 Macro-economics of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position data – Prof. Philip Lane, Trinity College, Dublin
12:15 Discussion and closing remarks