Sorcha O’Callaghan (DoT), Barbara Curtin (DoT), Naoise Grisewood (DoT), Robert Cazaciuc (DoT), Robert Swan (DoT), Nele van der Wielen (CSO), Noreen Dorgan (CSO), Gerry Brady (CSO), Niamh Shanahan (CSO), Paul McElvaney (CSO), Barry Colleary (NTA), Deborah John (NTA), Peter O'Sullivan (NTA), David Conlon (NTA), Brian McCormick (NTA), Paul Deane (RSA), Dan Brennan (TII), Damien Fahey (EPA), Evin Scully (SEAI), Cathal O’Cleirigh (SEAI), Niall O'Cleirigh (DECC),
Data Sharing, Privacy Issues, Group Updates, AOB
Sorcha O’Callaghan (SO’C) Welcomed all attendees and introduced the meeting agenda topics
Nele van der Wielen (NvdW) CSO transport update: a transport hub to be used as a one stop shop for transport data will replace the Transport Omnibus. This will allow for quicker publication of transport data, other Departments and agencies can also request to include their data on the hub or can be given access to upload themselves. Furthermore, the monthly transport bulletin will be replaced by a live dashboard.
SO’C suggested hub be demonstrated to group
SO’C Introduced the survey – a 3 or 6 monthly survey covering behaviour and attitudes relating to modes of travel to fill the gap between NTS iterations and to inform engagement and comms strategy.
Robert Cazaciuc (RC) spoke more on the survey and the topic of reduced response rates and privacy issues with asking for Eircode information. The current plan is to ask RED C to use Eircode but only to send small area code to DoT. There is a question as to whether degree of urbanisation should be self-selected or derived from small area code.
REDC indicated that deciding degree of urbanisation from Small Area Code (that ultimately comes from Eircode) would be more reliable than self-selection. Furthermore, RedC had indicated that asking for Eircode can reduce response rate.
Gerry Brady (GB) suggested that RedC pool may have already provided their address, which then could be matched to Eircode via Geodirectory.
RC RedC indicated that as Eircode/address is collected outside the survey there could be a privacy issue if they provided it separately.
Barry Colleary (BC) noted that from experience there is usually built-in screening questions, which ensure quotas are met
GB recommended the self-selection of urban rural type as this would not reduce survey response rates
RC Would people be able to select CSO breakdown correctly from a description? Or would rural and urban be better – which would then reduce comparison to CSO and NTA surveys
BC noted that there is no issue asking for very detailed personal questions, as long as you have a use for the data and have a clear rationale for collecting it. Can then be used in the future to link to other datasets, which increases benefits of survey.
Deborah John (DJ) noted that NTA have looked into using GIS mapping system to ask survey participants to select the small area they live from a map at the start of the survey.
BC asked if survey detailed could be shared as it may be of use to extract detail for models
SO’C asked whether people thought that the current time frame (a month) was enough to address the privacy issues regarding using Eircode and small area
BC thought there was sufficient time to write a DPIA etc he though it is tricky work but doable and noted that they ask Eircode in their survey, which is geocoded to small area. But that they haven’t asked for PPSN
SO’C opened to floor to other questions/comments and suggestions for future meetings
Dan Brennan (DB) TII are carrying out a monitoring programme for Greenways, Fáilte Ireland are looking to tie these monitoring programmes with other public bodies. Also suggested, as a future information sharing workshop, to invite agencies/companies in haulage sector.
NvdW once a MoU is in place with TII greater analysis on this can be carried out using Traffic monitoring data
BC spoke on the NTAs demand management project in relation to freight – particularly rail. That the latest NHTS data is under analysis, completed the 5-yearly airports and ports travel survey, and will begin tendering for the next NHTS in May.
Naoise Grisewood (NG) fleet modelling workshop will be scheduled over the coming weeks will include commercial fleet as well. With regards the Strategic Rail review, NG will check with colleagues to see what is available to share, as well as from ports data.
BC NTA are looking to produce new standardised passenger forecasting models, which would also be great to have in terms of freight
RC mentioned two of this year’s SEAI research topics - one topic will look at car fleet and another at consumer behaviour modelling.
Damien Fahey (DF) published national imagery for all sectors in March, revised figures to be published by the end of May
SO’C proposed a separate freight subgroup, if interested to contact her
GB noted that CSO Environment about to publish on gas consumption in Ireland. Next, are moving to look at Eirgrid data, and more into the renewable energy used to generate electricity.
NG will be looking to start working group to coincide with the alternative fuel infrastructure
RC under the movement for a mobility data space as part of the European Data Strategy, bodies can share data. Will share invites from SmartDublin to an upcoming meeting to those who are interested.
SO’C thanked all for attending and ended the meeting