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Summary Minutes CSO Transport Statistics Liaison Group
Department of Transport, Dublin
10.00–13.00, 31st January 2023


Donal Kelly (CSO), Sorcha O’Callaghan (DoT), Claire Finn (DoT), Nele van der Wielen (CSO), Barbara Curtin (DoT), Gavin Kelly (CSO), Naoise Grisewood (DoT), Noreen Dorgan (CSO), Noreen Leahy (CSO), Gerry Brady (CSO), Maureen Delamere (CSO). Niamh Shanahan (CSO), Daniel Fallon Bailey (IMDO), Paul Deane (RSA), Dan Brennan (TII), Barry Colleary (NTA), David Conlon (NTA), Deborah John (NTA), Peadar O’Súilleabháin (NTA), Aisling Holohan (DoT), Eleanor Mathews (CCAC Secretariat), Robert Swan (ZEVI). 


Damien Fahey (EPA) 


Item 1: Introduction & Welcome

Sorcha O’Callaghan (Senior Statistician, Department of Transport) welcomed the participants and gave an overview of the agenda. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss innovation in transport statistics and identify potential overlaps and areas for collaboration between the participants.
The role of the group is to advise on the transport statistics required to support national and regional policy needs; examine and make recommendations on all quality aspects of transport statistical outputs; promote best practice in the compilation of transport statistics; investigate alternatives sources of data and share information on issues relating to transport statistics.
Sorcha gave an overview of the Department’s new Data and Analytics area currently being set up.

Item 2  Presentation "Use of Big Data in Transport Statistics" – Nele van der Wielen and Gavin Kelly, CSO

Nele van der Wielen gave an introduction into the uses of Big Data and how the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has used the real-time Automatic Identification System (AIS) to generate faster maritime indicators. Gavin Kelly finished the presentation by providing an overview of Big traffic count data and its uses for the generation of daily and annual trends in traffic volumes.
Port Visits Using Real-Time Shipping Data

Item 3 Presentation “Transport related Environment Statistics” – Niamh Shanahan, CSO

Niamh Shanahan provided an overview of the statistical releases published by CSO Environment and Climate division that have both direct and indirect relevance for Transport statistics and policy.
Energy Statistics
Environment Accounts Statistics

Item 4  Presentation “National Transport Survey” – Maureen Delamere, CSO

Maureen Delamere gave an overview of the National Travel Survey, a household survey on the travel behaviour of respondents, which has expanded significantly, especially over the last two NTS surveys in 2019 and 2021. Results from the 2021 survey were published over a series of four publications.
Travel Behaviour Trends 2021
Passenger Mobility and Road Safety 2021
Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behaviour 2021

Item 5 Presentation “Cyclist Risk Exposure Project” – Paul Deane, Statistician, Road Safety Authority

Paul Deane gave an introduction and overview of the work on-going by the RSA on a Cyclist Risk Exposure Project and, in the future, may look at emissions and electric/hybrid vehicle test data.

Item 6 Presentation “Overview of Data work in the NTA” – Barry Colleary, National Transport Authority

Barry Colleary provided a comprehensive overview of the on-going work in the National Transport Authority (NTA).

Item 7 Presentation “Overview of ZEVI” – Robert Swan, Zero Emissions Vehicles Ireland

Robert introduced Zero Emission Vehicles Ireland, (ZEVI), a new office set up to coordinate the transition of cars and vans to electrification. ZEVI are just starting to consider the data and statistics side of their role, and Robert gave an overview on a data strategy they are developing.

Item 8  AOB & Conclusion

There was a session devoted to those who had not presented data to give a quick update on what was going on in their areas at the moment.

SEAI updated the group on their current work on estimating C02 emissions from transport.

Sorcha checked with participants if this meeting was required annually, and the recommendation going forward was:

  1. Full in-person meetings of the group should be annual full day events for presenting shared work
  2. 2 additional sections – ‘methodology discussions’ and ‘privacy and data sharing issues’.

It was also proposed that quarterly virtual meetings of the group are arranged, each with a specific topic on the agenda.
