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Minutes of the first meeting of the Transport Statistics group held on March 30, 2010



Gregg Patrick - CSO (chair)

Steve MacFeely - CSO

Margaret McLoughlin - CSO

Ken Jordan - DoT

Gerry Keane - CIE

Emer Dennehy - SEAI

Martin Howley - SEAI

Frank McCabe - NTA

Stephan Leinert - EPA

Brian Caulfield - TCD

George Hussey - DEHLG

Fergal Trace - NRA



David King - RPA

Glenn Murphy -IMDO

Margaret O'Mahony - TCD

Michael MacAree - NTA

Agenda adopted without amendment


Steve MacFeely, CSO gave a short introduction, outlining the benefits that TranSG could bring to transport statistics, and placed emphasis on institutionalising progress, coordinating programmes and sharing data across the various depts. and agencies. Steps to further cooperation with our colleagues in Northern Ireland were also outlined.

Membership and logistics

The membership of the group was discussed. The group felt that perhaps represenatives from the VRU, the Local Authority Network, the Revenue Commissioners and someone representing air transport might be asked to join.

Terms of Reference

It was suggested that the purpose as outlined in the draft ToR be supplemented to make a statement about supporting all aspects of developing transport statistics. It was also suggested that initially at least, one meeting per year might be insufficient.

Outline CSO transport statistics activities & developments

Gregg Patrick detailed the various surveys, outputs and analyses compiled and produced by CSO. In the discussion that followed members encouraged CSO to put all data on the Databank. It was generally felt that the Transport Omnibus publication is useful and should be continued. It was recommended that fuel sales and carbon tax revenues (sourced from the Revenue Commissioners) should be added. Several agencies put on record how useful the POWCAR data are and how useful the extension to place of school will be.

Outline Depts. - agencies transport statistics activities, developments & data

Several agencies noted data gaps:

EPA noted HGV Gross Vehicle Weights but agreed to send in a more comprehensive "wish list"

SEAI would like more details on vehicle-kms, and asked if Ltrs per 100km for new cars was available?

NTA noted thety conducted a household survey for GDA to coincide with last CoP (data are available on their website). They are trying to decide whether to repeat exercise in 2011 - it depends on whether CSO repeat pilot NTS. In following discussions NTA and NRA agreed there is a need to coordinate their respective transport models - TranSG was not seen as the appropriate forum for this discussion.

TCD noted that an Irish National Transport Network has been established. This network will host a conference in UCD on 31st August/1st September. Also noted they are member of EU-COST/SHANTI group and perhaps either CSO or DoT should also participate. They noted particular gaps around cycling and walking data.

DEHLG have particular interests in fuel pricing and fuel tourism but also in wider issues such as mitigation strategies for climate change and general spatial/regional policies.

Update on Pilot National Transport Survey

CSO updated members on a new initiatve, funded by DoT to pilot a NTS. This pilot was piggybacked on two waves of the existing QNHS in Q4 2009. The pilot consisted of a person questionnaire and a 24 hr (previous day) diary. No results will be available for some time, as this pilot presents a number of methodological challenges. CSO and DoT have discussed repeating this pilot again for 2010 and 2011 with the longer term aim of moving towards a more comprehensive NTS. This of course will depend on both the success of the pilot and availability of resources. The pilot was welcomed by all members as it may potentially fill some crucial data gaps in Irish transport and energy data.

Agree future dates & agenda points

It was agreed next meeting should coincide with compilation of 1st NTS results and this will be a main point on agenda. Updating of inventory should be a substantive agenda item. All members were invited to suggest other agenda items.


There was some discussion about how to make the proceedings, papers and inventories available to membership and wider audience. It was agreed that a web based solutions would be optimal. CSO and DoT to consider how best this might be done.


• CSO to send SPAR Transport chapter and appendix to members (Done - SMF 7/4/2010)

• CSO to circulate pilot NTS questionnaire for information (Done - SMF 7/4/2010)

• All members to assist in assembling up to date inventory of data gaps and data sources


CSO Transport Statistics (PPT 151KB)

National Travel Survey - Manual with Questions Only (DOC 139KB)

National Travel Survey Form (PDF 57KB)