There are 17 SDGs, 169 Targets and 230 Indicators which focus on five key elements:
Ireland's Sustainable Development Goals National Implementation Plan 2018-2020 provides a whole-of-government approach to implement the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The plan sets out the Government's ambitious response to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and commits Ireland to fully achieving all 17 of the Goals by 2030. The Department of Communication, Climate Action and Environment has responsibility for officially reporting on Ireland's progress toward meeting the SDG targets and the CSO has a central role in the identification, management, and presentation of the data needed to meet the requirements of the SDG Indicators.
While Governments have primary responsibility for implementing the SDG's, the Goals do not belong to Governments alone. To achieve the SDG's, Governments, businesses, communities and individuals will all have to work together. The SDG's therefore encompass all of civil society.
The Geohive, is Ireland's public platform for exploring, downloading and combining publicly available data relating to the UN and the European Union (EU) Sustainable Development Goals. Developed as part of a collaborative project between the Central Statistics Office (CSO) and Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI), the Geohive utilises state of the art geospatial technology, made available by Esri Ireland, to map Ireland's progress against each goal, using a set of globally and EU agreed Indicators. This new approach for monitoring implementation of the SDGs was presented to the Permanent Mission of Ireland to the United Nations, on 18th July 2018. Following opening remarks by the Minister of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, Kevin McCormack, Senior Statisticin of the Sustainable Development Goals and Indicator Reports Division presented on Ireland's SDG platform.
To date the "Sustainable and Development Goals and Indicator Reports Division" of the CSO has sourced data for almost 80% of the Indicators required and created datasets at NUTS3, county and census local area geography. Sourcing of data is an ongoing project. On the Geohive you can search for, discover and visualise the data we used to create those Indicators by clicking on the related SDG icon. Data can also be accessed in a variety of formats allowing it to be easily downloaded, mapped and manipulated by users. The Geohive also includes "story maps" and videos that provide a narrative to the SDGs and enable non technical users to visualise the data. During Ireland's presentation at the 2018 High-level Political Forum (HLPF), the Director General Pádraig Dalton highlighted the importance of "making data accessible and digestible for policy makers".
For a review of the progress on the SDG's globally please see the link to the report from the UN Statistics Division -
For a link to Ireland's Regional SDGs please click here