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Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children and young people.

This important survey gathers data on the issues facing children and young people today.

Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is an important national survey of families, children and young people.

It follows the lives of thousands of children and young people born in Ireland. Since 2008, the study has followed two cohorts of children, Cohort ’98, who were interviewed first when they were aged nine years and Cohort ’08, who were first contacted when they were nine months old.

Ireland has changed significantly since the first cohort—Cohort ’98—were interviewed (they are 25 now); Cohort ‘08 is approaching adulthood so it timely for a new cohort of children to become part of the GUI study. This study, similar to the previous two, will gather information on what life is like for parents and children today.

The survey includes questions on a wide range of topics. Information about the family is collected including family structure, housing, work, health, education and relationships. As the baby grows up, they too are asked questions about their thoughts and feelings on school, their teachers, friendships and their opinions.

Why is it important?

The Growing Up in Ireland study aims to inform Government policy in relation to children, young people and families. To do this effectively, we need to be able to describe the lives of children in Ireland to chart the development of children over time and to identify the key factors that, independently of others, have the most impact on children’s development. We also want to examine the progress and well-being of children at critical periods from birth to adulthood.

By taking part in the GUI survey, you will be helping to shape the future for children in Ireland.  We will get a better understanding of how families live and what is important to them in raising their child and of the supports that may be needed. The facts the CSO gathers through GUI help improve planning and services for children and their families.

If you are invited to take part in the new GUI survey, please do so. Be the voice of their future.

What’s happening now?

Starting in September 2024, this new group are surveyed for the first time when they are aged nine months old.  All children in the new cohort are born between January and December 2024.

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Confidential, anonymous and secure

Under the Statistics Act, 1993, all information given to the Central Statistics Office under the Growing Up in Ireland survey is guaranteed confidential and secure and will never be used to identify any person or their household in any way. See Transparency Notice .

To find out more:

Tel: 021 453 5110

Further Information for the Growing up in Ireland Survey

Learn more about taking part in CSO Surveys