Tables 9 to 12 have been redesigned to align them with European System of Accounts (ESA) definitions. Most items in the previous tables 9 to 12 are found in similar positions in the new tables. Some items have been replaced by conceptually similar statistics that are aligned to ESA definitions. The items in the previous tables are listed below with their equivalents in the new tables.
Table 9 (Household Income and Expenditure)
Table 9 has been redrawn to show the saving of household calculated from elements of household income and expenditure, while the previous Table 9 showed a similar statistic by deduction of non-household transactions from the total net national product. The relationship of net national product to household income can still be seen in the new table 12.
Items in the previous table 9 (Personal Income and Expenditure)
119. Net national product at factor cost before adjustment for stock appreciation: Net national product is item 15 in table 1 and the adjustment for stock appreciation is item 43 in the new table 11.
120. Government trading and investment income is item 58 in the new table 12.
121. National debt interest is item 24 in the new table 10.
122. Transfer income (including net transfers from the rest of the world): this excludes taxes (D.5) and Pay Related Social Insurance (PRSI, part of D.61: these taxes and PRSI are item 127 in the previous table 9) and it incorporates market-produced social transfers in kind (D.632, table 5, item 79(b)), such as the Drugs Payment Scheme. Transfers in the new table are items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11. In the new table, taxes are included in item 2 and PRSI in item 3. Market-produced social transfers in kind from government are not included in the new table 9. There are also differences in the allocation of some taxes on income and wealth between corporations and households in the old and new tables. The transition is shown in Table 9.1.
123. Private income: this is replaced by the net balance of primary incomes (B.5n) for non-government institutional units (financial corporations, non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions). This is the closest ESA equivalent to the item in the previous table 9. Private income is item 56 in the new table 12.
124. Undistributed profits of companies before tax: this is now calculated according to the ESA concept of the net balance of primary incomes (B.5n) for financial corporations and non-financial corporations. This is item 55 in the new Table 12.
125. Personal income: this has been replaced in the new Table 9 (item 6), by net disposable income (B.6n) of households, which is the closest ESA equivalent.
126. Personal consumption of goods and services: this is item 9 in the new table 9.
127. Taxes on personal income and wealth: this is made up of taxes (D.5) and PRSI (part of social contributions, D.61). In the new table 9, the D.5 taxes are item 2 and PRSI is included in item 3.
128. Total personal expenditure: there is no equivalent of this item in the new tables.
129. Personal savings: this has been replaced in the new Table 9 by gross saving (B.8g) of households (item 13), which is the closest ESA equivalent. The transition between personal savings and gross saving of household is shown in table 9.2.
Items in previous table 10 (Net Current Income and Expenditure of Central and Local Government)
130. Taxes on income and wealth (including social insurance contributions): The 'taxes' on income part are shown separately in the new table 10 (item 13). The 'social insurance contributions' are PRSI, which is included with other social contributions as item 14 in the new table 10.
131. Taxes on expenditure (including rates) are called taxes on production and imports (including rates), and are item 15 in the new table 10.
132. Net trading and investment income: investment income is item 17 in the new table 10. 'Trading income' is part of Gross Value added (item 16) in the new table 10. Gross value added also includes compensation of employees (item 20 in the new table 10) and total consumption of fixed capital (shown in table 10.1 and in government finance statistics).
133. Current transfers from the rest of the world to central and local government: These are transfers for international cooperation (ESA item D.74), such as European Social Fund transfers. They are included in the D.7 total current transfers received in the new table 10 (item 18). The new item also includes transfers received by government from domestic sources.
134. Total income has been replaced by current income (item 19) in the new table 10. The new item includes total gross value added and all transfers received, so it is higher than the equivalent item in the old table.
135. Subsidies (excluding EU subsidies) are item 21 in the new table 10.
136. Transfer payments (including transfers to the rest of the world) and national debt interest: this value included ESA property income (D.4), social transfers (D.6) and other transfers (D.7). The equivalent items are shown in items 22, 23 and 24 in the new table 10. The previous item 136 also included market-produced social transfers in kind (D.632, table 5, item 79(b). Item 136 was reduced by non-PRSI social contributions received. It also included other transfers (D.7) paid less other transfers received, excluding receipts for international cooperation (D.74 received). The transition to item 23 in the new table 10 is shown in table 10.1.
137. Net current expenditure on goods and services: the equivalent item is total final consumption expenditure (item 25) in the new table 10. Item 25 in the new table also includes market-produced social transfers in kind (D.632, table 5, item 79(b)).
138. Total expenditure: the equivalent item is current expenditure (item 26) in the new table 10. The differences are described above.
139. Central and local government savings: this has been replaced by the ESA concept of gross saving (B.8g) of government, item 27 in the new table 10. This item in the new table is gross of consumption of fixed capital. See table 10.2.
Items in previous table 11 (Savings and Capital Formation)
Items 140, 141, 142 Personal, companies' and government savings before adjustment for stock appreciation: these are replaced in the new Table 11 by the ESA concept of gross saving (B.8g) for each sector after adjustment for stock appreciation (items 28, 29 and 30 in the new table 11). The differences between the previous personal saving and the new household saving are described in the transition for table 9 above, and the differences for government saving are described in the transition for table 10 above. The full computation for saving for all sectors are shown in the Non-Financial Institutional Sector Accounts.
143. Net national savings before adjustment for stock appreciation: Net national savings are shown in table 7 (item 118) and the adjustment for stock appreciation in the new table 11 (item 43)
144. Adjustment for stock appreciation is item 43 in the new table 11.
145. Net national savings are item 118 in table 7.
146. Provision for depreciation is item 28 in table 2
147. Net foreign capital transfers are item 33 in the new table 11.
148. Net foreign disinvestment is item 35 in the new table 11.
149. Statistical discrepancy is item 31 in the new table 11.
Items 150 to 157 are shown in the new table 11 (Items 37 to 44).
The items from table 11.1 are also incorporated in the new table 11.
Items in previous table 12 (Distribution of Personal Income and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost)
Remuneration of employees is items 45, 46 and 47 in the new table 12. The split into agriculture and non-agriculture is shown in table 1 (items 2, 3, 9 and 10).
Income of independent traders is item 48 in the new table 12 and is calculated according to the ESA concept of net mixed income (B.3n). In the new table an adjustment is made for the profits of agricultural corporations (the old table attributed all agricultural profits to independent traders) and the income of quasi-corporations (mainly large partnerships) is excluded from this income.
Interest earned (prior to adjustment for FISIM) and other investment income received are item 50 in the new table 12.
Adjustment for FISIM on interest earned is item 351 in the new table 12.
Rent of private dwellings is item 49 in the new table 12. While the previous table included all private rent, in the new table, some private rent is treated as being paid to corporations and excluded from item 49.
Interest paid (prior to adjustment for FISIM) is item 52 in the new table 12.
Adjustment for FISIM on interest paid is item 53 in the new table 12.
Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world) are shown in the new table 9 (see the note on item 122 in the previous table 9 above).
Statistical discrepancy is item 59 in the new table 12.
Personal income of households and private non-profit institutions: this has been replaced in the new Table 9 (item 6), by net disposable income (B.6n) of households and private non-profit institutions, which is the closest ESA equivalent. The net income of households in the new table 12 (item 54) is before all secondary income (ESA transactions D.5, D.6 and D.7). The transition is shown in table 12.1.
Undistributed profits of companies: is item 55 in the new table 12. This is now calculated according to the ESA concept of the net balance of primary incomes (B.5n) for financial corporations and non-financial corporations.
Private income: is item 56 in the new table 12. This is now calculated according to the ESA concept of the net balance of primary incomes (B.5n) for non-government institutional units (financial corporations, non-financial corporations, households and non-profit institutions).
National debt interest is item 57 in the new table 12.
Adjustment for stock appreciation is item 43 in the new table 11.
Net national product at factor cost is item 60 in the new table 12.
John Sheridan (+353) 1 498 4258
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