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Information Note - Social Housing in Ireland 2019 - Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme

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Revised statistics in 'Social Housing in Ireland 2019 - Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme; publication

Please note that as of 23 February 2021 some statistics in the Social Housing in Ireland 2019 - Analysis of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Scheme publication have been updated including some figures within the associated PxStat tables. This affects local authority and Rent Pressure Zone level statistics for Cork City and Cork County local authorities.


In May 2019 there was a change in the definition of the boundary of Cork City within Cork County so that the extent of Cork City local authority was expanded, and Cork Country contracted. In this publication, to allow comparison over time all local authority level analysis in Cork is based on the new 2019 boundaries. The GeoDirectory was used for the boundary definitions. However, it has been identified that the instance of GeoDirectory used was not defining new Cork boundaries as expected.

Revision details

A new methodology has been developed to assign Cork properties to the correct local authority as per the 2019 boundary changes. Using this method, the following tables, figures and maps have been updated in this revision for Cork City and Cork County local authorities. There has also be amendments to figures quoted in the text above Table 1.2, Map 1.2, Table 2.2, Map 3.5, Map 3.8 and Figure 3.1.

Table1: List of revised tables figures and maps

Table1: List of revised PxStat tables

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