From mid-2020, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) published a COVID-19 Deaths and Cases bulletin, with the last in the series published on 17 December 2021.
The CSO used Computerised Infectious Disease Reporting (CIDR) data provided by Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) to produce the COVID-19 Deaths and Cases bulletin series.
The series was paused in January 2022 due to the rapid surge in COVID-19 cases which resulted in delays in the CSO receiving official data from the HSPC. Subsequently, changes were made to the COVID-19 testing policy, including the addition of self-administered antigen tests. A decision to resume the series remains under review.
Up to date information related to COVID-19 can be found on in the latest HPSC reports, Ireland’s COVID-19 Data Hub and the HPSC COVID-19 data hub:
Publication date: 05 May 2022
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