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Ecosystem Accounts – Forests and Woodlands 2012-2022

The Forests and Woodlands 2012-2022 Frontier Series release was published on 20 March 2024. Data within the publication were revised on 10 September 2024. These data revisions were primarily due to revised data received from Coillte on the area of forests and woodlands, some methodological improvements, and the availability of a revised and updated National Inventory Report from the Environmental Protection Agency, which was used to compile figures for the Global Climate Regulation service. All content relating to the Forests and Woodlands 2012-2022 Frontier Series release now reflects the new and revised data. Details as to the extent of these revisions can be found in the Ecosystem Accounts - Forests and Woodlands 2012-2022 Revisions Information Note.


CSO statistical release, , 11am