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E-mail: Gordon Cavanagh (+353) 1 498 4307 Andrew McManus (+353) 1 498 4368
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CSO statistical release, , 11am

National Income and Expenditure Annual Results


 GDP and GNP
20132014% change
GDP at current prices €179,448m€189,046m5.3%
GDP at constant (2013) prices €179,448m€188,778m5.2%
GNP at current prices €152,042m€162,877m7.1%
GNP at constant (2013) prices €152,042m€162,537m6.9%

Increase of 6.9% in GNP in 2014

Figure 1 Growth Rates
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Detailed annual national accounts show that Gross National Product (GNP) increased by 6.9% in constant prices between 2013 and 2014.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased by 5.2% over the same period. The present release is based on more complete and up to date data than that which was available when the Q4 2014 estimates were published in March 2015. The 2013/2014 volume changes indicated at that stage were GDP (4.8%) and GNP (5.2%).

The results are compiled in accordance with the latest EU standard framework, ESA 2010.

Growth by sector in 2014

Four of the five main sectors distinguished in Table 4 showed positive growth in 2014. The Agriculture, forestry and fishing sector advanced by 17.6%, while three of the other main sectors had annual increases ranging from 4.2% to 7.1%. Public administration and defence shrank, for the sixth year in succession, in 2014 by 0.3%.

Exports up 12.1% in 2014 on the expenditure side

On the expenditure side of the accounts exports grew by 12.1% between 2013 and 2014 (Table 6, at constant prices). Imports increased also, by 14.7%, over the same period. The results for gross fixed capital formation now include additional investment for aircraft leasing companies (see note below). Its growth rate in 2014 from the higher level was 14.3%. Personal consumption expenditure increased by 2.0% while Government net current expenditure rose by 4.6%.


NOTE on revised data: This release includes significant revisions to National Accounts statistics. The most significant methodological revision this year is due to recording of trade in aircraft on a "transfer of economic ownership" basis. Under the new methodology, all trade in aircraft with the rest of the world is recorded as imports and exports of goods – regardless of where the aircraft is registered for aviation purposes. There are offsetting effects as both imports and exports increase, but generally, the new methodology has a greater effect on aircraft imports with the inclusion of purchases of aircraft by resident operational leasing companies in Ireland’s imports of goods. The net increase to Imports of Goods and Services (item 84 in Table 5) in the National Accounts is offset by an increase in Capital Formation (item 81 in Table 5) and the new methodology has no effect generally on GDP and GNP. However, there is a significant increase to the National Accounts Provision for depreciation (item 28 in Table 2 ) based on the higher capital stock, which results in an offsetting change in the level of Net Value Added at Factor Cost (item 13/27 in Tables 1 and 2 respectively) and related aggregates.

The technical note ( gives more detail on the revised trade in aircraft methodology and explains the impact the revisions have on Trade in Goods, National Accounts and Balance of Payments.

Table A Main Aggregates, 2009-2014      
Description 200920102011201220132014 1 
      € million 
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices 169,432166,157173,940174,845179,448189,046
plus Net factor income from the rest of the world -28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices 140,915139,732141,813143,331152,042162,877
EU subsidies1,7191,4941,6981,6131,3711,315
EU taxes-209-229-240-242-247-275
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices 142,425140,997143,271144,702153,165163,917
less provision for depreciation-25,078-25,283-25,583-27,269-28,387-29,325
less Non EU taxes-18,352-18,063-17,776-18,337-19,268-21,104
plus Non EU subsidies 1,8891,8281,7251,8911,8151,859
Net National Product at factor cost100,88499,479101,637100,987107,325115,348
Gross National Disposable Income at current market prices139,492138,318140,630142,127150,337161,206
Chained linked volume measures referenced to year 2013     € million
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices 171,503172,187176,643176,910179,448188,778
Index of GDP at constant market prices95.696.098.498.6100.0105.2
Gross National Product at constant market prices 141,031144,169142,976145,318152,042162,537
Index of GNP at constant market prices92.894.894.095.6100.0106.9
Gross National Income at constant market prices 142,635145,663144,453146,699153,165163,813
Index of GNI at constant market prices93.195.194.395.8100.0107.0
Gross national disposable income at constant market prices 150,551150,396146,639144,831150,337160,878
Index of gross national disposable income at constant market prices100.1100.097.596.3100.0107.0
Per head of population (€)
GDP at current market prices37,37436,48038,02038,13139,06941,011
GNP at current market prices31,08430,67830,99831,25833,10235,334
GNI at current market prices31,41730,95631,31731,55733,34735,560
GNDI at current market prices30,77030,36830,73930,99632,73134,972
Net national product at factor cost22,25421,84122,21622,02423,36725,023
GDP at constant market prices37,83137,80338,61138,58139,06940,953 
GNP at constant market prices 31,10931,65231,25231,69233,10235,260 
GNI at constant market prices31,46331,98031,57531,99333,34735,537
GNDI at constant market prices33,20933,01932,05331,58532,73134,901
Per person in employment 2(€)
GDP at current market prices85,83287,74793,45195,22195,96699,414
GNP at current market prices71,38573,79276,19078,05981,31085,653
GNI at current market prices72,15074,46076,97478,80581,91186,200
GNDI at current market prices70,66473,04575,55577,40380,39884,774
Net national product at factor cost51,10752,53454,60554,99857,39660,658
GDP at constant market prices86,88190,93194,90396,34695,96699,273
GNP at constant market prices 71,44476,13576,81579,14181,31085,474
GNI at constant market prices72,25776,92477,60979,89381,91186,145
GNDI at constant market prices76,26779,42378,78378,87680,39884,602
2 Persons in employment on an ILO basis as in the QNHS (April-June) for 2009 to 2014
Table B Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Aggregates, GDP, GNP and GNI Deflators and the Consumer Price Index
Description 2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current market prices 2.2-
Gross National Product (GNP) at current market prices 2.9-
Gross National Income (GNI) at current market prices2.9-
Gross National Disposable Income (GNDI)       
   at current market prices2.9-
Net national product at factor cost 2.7-1.42.2-
Chain linked volume measures referenced to year 2013      
Gross Domestic Product at constant market prices1.
Gross National Product at constant market prices2.92.2-
Gross National Income at constant market prices2.82.1-
Gross National Disposable Income at constant market prices1.3-0.1-2.5-
GDP deflator 0.3-
GNP deflator 0.1-3.02.3-
GNI deflator 0.0-3.12.5-
GNDI deflator 1.6-
Consumer price index 0.8-
Table 1 Net Value Added at Factor Cost and Net National Income at Market Prices   
                                                                                                                       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,0652,5453,2823,0993,1903,393
  1. Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3 (Pt) 1,4921,9252,6602,4862,5272,727
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   2. Wages and salaries (D.11+D.12) Pt525568571562607611
   3. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)485252515656
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt124,832123,797131,647129,938132,036137,884
Profits and self employed earnings:       
   4. Domestic trading profits of companies (including corporate bodies) before taxB.2 (Pt)35,22042,14849,28848,83848,60151,262
   5. Self employed earnings B.3 (Pt)9,3228,4077,9247,5498,2468,566
       of which:       
       5(a) Withdrawals from quasi-corporations2D.422725890748799817847
   6. Adjustment for stock appreciation B.2 (Pt)1,086-318-98-82645-250
   7. Rent of dwellings (actual and imputed)B.2 (Pt)5,7615,7846,7336,3026,8718,278
       of which imputed rent 4,2874,2524,9134,5314,9435,997
   8. Rent element in land annuities 110100
Remuneration of employees:D.1 (Pt)      
   9. Wages and salaries(D.11+D.12) Pt68,19462,89562,48762,37162,40264,266
  10. Employers' contribution to social insuranceD.12 (Pt)5,2494,8805,3134,9575,2705,761
  12. Statistical discrepancy 2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
  13. Net value added at factor cost (B.1n-D.29+D.39)129,401125,904133,764132,501134,731141,517
  14. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
 (net to abroad)      
  15. Net national product at factor cost 100,88499,479101,637100,987107,325115,348
  16. National (i.e. non EU) taxesD.2 (Pt)18,35218,06317,77618,33719,26821,104
  17. National (i.e. non EU) subsidiesD.3 (Pt)-1,889-1,828-1,725-1,891-1,815-1,859
  18. Net national income at market pricesB.5*n117,347115,714117,688117,433124,778134,593
2 This represents the earnings of the owners of large non incorporated businesses (e.g. large partnerships) which are similar in their economic and financial behaviour to companies of an equivalent size.
Table 1.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 1
Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Value added from agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt10.423.229.0-
   Income from self-employment and other trading income B.3 (Pt)12.829.138.2-
   Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)
Non-agricultural value added (B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2.0-0.86.3-
   Profits etc.1B.2 (Pt) & B.3 (Pt)
   Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)-0.9-7.70.0-
   Net national product at factor cost 2.7-1.42.2-
   Net national income at market pricesB.5*n2.8-1.41.7-
1 i.e. Items 4 to 8 in Table 1
Table 2 Net Value Added at Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Current Market Prices  
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background and methodology notes)   
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
19. Agriculture, forestry and fishing
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt2,0652,5453,2833,1003,1913,393
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)573620623613663666
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt1,4921,9252,6602,4872,5282,727
20. Industry (including building)       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt35,36532,93537,99635,50235,02436,131
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)16,34614,19413,60313,16013,44214,204
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt18,34719,11724,79522,41721,21022,178
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt673-375-403-75373-252
20a. Industry        
             Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt31,79930,83435,56932,01230,94131,421
             Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)10,78010,18410,1099,92710,27210,564
             Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt20,34621,02625,86322,16020,29621,109
             Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt673-375-403-75373-252
20b. Building and construction       
             Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt3,5662,1012,4273,4904,0834,710
             Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)5,5654,0103,4943,2333,1693,640
             Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt-2,000-1,909-1,0672579141,070
21. Distribution, transport, software and communication        
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt31,22032,19533,86635,62138,04439,705
          Remuneration of employeesD.1 (Pt)18,04917,39517,63517,95017,99518,852
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt12,75714,74215,92617,67719,77720,850
          Adjustment for stock appreciation(B.2 & B.3) Pt41357305-62722
22. Public administration and defence       
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)5,5185,1064,9244,7514,7324,821
23. Other services (including rent)       
          Net value added(B.1n-D.29+D.39) Pt52,72953,55954,86154,06254,23657,228
          Remuneration of employees D.1 (Pt)33,53031,07931,63831,46731,50432,149
          Other (B.2 & B.3) Pt19,19822,48023,22422,59622,73225,078
26. Statistical discrepancy (= Item 12) 2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
27. Net value added at factor cost B.1n-D.29+D.39129,401125,904133,764132,501134,731141,517
28. plus Provision for depreciation P.51c25,07825,28325,58327,26928,38729,325
          Agriculture, forestry and fishing  849783758769762795
          Industry (including building)  6,7546,6756,5416,8096,8806,918
             Industry  6,2386,2266,1596,4656,5766,645
             Building and construction 517449381344305273
          Distribution, transport, software and communication  5,4095,6865,8356,5006,8466,897
          Public administration and defence 1,4231,3961,3931,4361,4431,454
          Other services  10,64310,74311,05711,75612,45513,260
29. Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39154,479151,187159,347159,770163,118170,841
30. Non product taxesD.292,0621,9812,0702,2382,5382,938
31. Non product subsidiesD.39-2,359-2,212-2,335-2,416-2,182-2,172
32. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g154,182150,957159,082159,591163,474171,607
33. Product taxesD.2116,49916,31115,94516,34116,97718,440
34. Product subsidies D.31-1,249-1,111-1,088-1,087-1,004-1,001
35. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g169,432166,157173,940174,845179,448189,046
36. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
 (net to abroad)      
37. Gross national product at current market prices 140,915139,732141,813143,331152,042162,877
38. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7191,4941,6981,6131,3711,315
39. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-209-229-240-242-247-275
40. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g142,425140,997143,271144,702153,165163,917
Table 3 Gross Value Added at Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Current Market Prices  
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background and methodology notes)   
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
41. Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2,9143,3284,0413,8693,9534,189
42. Industry (including building)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt42,11939,61044,53642,31041,90443,049
42a. Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt38,03737,06041,72938,47737,51738,066
42b. Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt4,0822,5502,8083,8334,3884,983
43. Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt36,62937,88139,70142,12144,89046,602
44. Public administration and defence(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6,9416,5036,3176,1876,1756,275
45. Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt63,37264,30365,91865,81866,69270,487
47. Statistical discrepancy (= Item 12) 2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
48. Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.39154,479151,187159,347159,770163,118170,841
49. Non product taxesD.292,0621,9812,0702,2382,5382,938
50. Non product subsidies D.39-2,359-2,212-2,335-2,416-2,182-2,172
51. Gross value added at basic pricesB.1g154,182150,957159,082159,591163,474171,607
52. Product taxesD.2116,49916,31115,94516,34116,97718,440
53. Product subsidies D.31-1,249-1,111-1,088-1,087-1,004-1,001
54. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g169,432166,157173,940174,845179,448189,046
55. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
 (net to abroad)      
56. Gross national product at current market prices  140,915139,732141,813143,331152,042162,877
57. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7191,4941,6981,6131,3711,315
58. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-209-229-240-242-247-275
59. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g142,425140,997143,271144,702153,165163,917
Table 3.1 Annual Percentage Change in the Main Constituents of Table 3
 Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Agriculture, forestry and fishing(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt7.514.221.4-
Industry (including building)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.4-6.012.4-5.0-1.02.7
        Industry (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.0-2.612.6-7.8-2.51.5
        Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt4.1-37.510.136.514.513.6
Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt4.
Public administration and defence (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-2.0-6.3-2.9-2.0-0.21.6
Other services (including rent)(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2.21.52.5-
Gross value added at factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.392.0-
Gross value added at basic prices B.1g2.2-
Gross domestic product at current market pricesB.1*g2.2-
Gross national product at current market prices  2.9-
Gross national income at current market prices B.5*g2.9-
Table 4 Gross Value Added at Constant Factor Cost by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013) 
(Note the sectors here are based on NACE Rev. 2. For further details see the background and methodology notes)  
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
60. Agriculture, forestry and fishing 4,0694,0964,3764,2693,9534,647
61. Industry (including building) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt44,25645,22344,81443,63041,90444,879
         Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt38,57240,59140,59839,61837,51740,154
         of which 2       
         Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 12,69915,92316,20915,21713,74314,851
         Computers and Instrument engineering 5,5563,9233,1203,4242,7502,736
         Medical and dental instruments and supplies 2,3362,4232,5732,3442,4623,312
        Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6,7414,9724,2614,0044,3884,725
62. Distribution, transport, software and communication (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt39,96041,33541,53241,41444,89047,398
        of which       
       Software and communication15,02316,62417,06117,08720,15121,173
63. Public administration and defence(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt6,9406,7806,4326,2306,1756,154
64. Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt66,47765,96467,76268,04866,69269,516
66. Statistical discrepancy ........-496-1,447
67. Gross value added at constant factor costB.1g-D.29+D.39155,403156,566161,507161,764163,118171,146
68. Non product taxesD.292,2402,0032,0372,2682,5382,904
69. Non product subsidies D.39-2,311-2,357-2,450-2,450-2,182-2,556
70. Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g155,308156,207161,088161,583163,474171,495
71. Product taxesD.2117,38217,09216,64916,42416,97718,337
72. Product subsidies D.31-1,142-1,090-1,083-1,093-1,004-1,054
73. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g171,503172,187176,643176,910179,448188,778
74. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-30,563-27,927-33,693-31,532-27,406-26,241
 (net to abroad)      
75. Gross national product at constant market prices  141,031144,169142,976145,318152,042162,537
 76. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,8201,7211,7211,6211,3711,547
 77. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-212-231-246-243-247-271
78. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g142,635145,663144,453146,699153,165163,813
2The three sectors distinguished correspond to NACE Rev 2 classes 20 & 21; 26; 32.5.
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
Table 4.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 4
Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Agriculture, forestry and fishing (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt2.70.66.8-2.4-7.417.6
Industry (including building) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.32.2-0.9-2.6-4.07.1
Industry(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.85.20.0-2.4-5.37.0
      of which1       
      Chemicals and pharmaceuticals
      Computers and Instrument engineering -13.2-29.4-20.59.7-19.7-0.5
      Medical and dental instruments & supplies
Building and construction(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-6.9-26.2-14.3-
Distribution, transport, software and communication(B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt3.53.40.5-
       of which       
      Software and communication7.
Public administration and defence (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt-2.4-2.3-5.1-3.2-0.9-0.3
Other services (including rent) (B.1g-D.29+D.39) Pt0.9-
Gross value added at constant factor cost B.1g-D.29+D.391.
Gross value added at constant basic pricesB.1g2.
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g1.
Gross national product at constant market prices 2.92.2-
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g2.82.1-
1The three sectors distinguished correspond to NACE Rev 2 classes 20 & 21; 26; 32.5.
Table 5 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Current Market Prices  
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
79. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)84,95383,66684,61784,57985,72488,959
         of which:      
         79(a) Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs80,33778,71079,65979,33780,68183,773
         79(b) Final consumption expenditure of government4,6164,9564,9585,2425,0435,186
80. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)29,65226,45526,15525,95526,11027,236
81. Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.5335,89929,58429,92133,45031,67736,511
82. Value of physical changes in stocks P.51 (Pt) & P.52-1,490-5697802977721,905
         of which        
        82(a) Net additions to the breeding stocks-44-551983-201
83. Exports of goods and services 2P.6158,596171,332176,112187,427191,434214,961
84. less Imports of goods and services 2 P.7-135,674-144,748-144,811-157,399-156,765-180,287
85. Statistical discrepancy (= - Item 12) -2,5044371,166536496-239
86. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g169,432166,157173,940174,845179,448189,046
87. Net factor income from the rest of the world D.1 & D.4-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
 (net to abroad)      
88. Gross national product at current market prices 140,915139,732141,813143,331152,042162,877
89. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7191,4941,6981,6131,3711,315
90. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-209-229-240-242-247-275
91. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g142,425140,997143,271144,702153,165163,917
2Excluding factor income flows
Table 5.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 5  
 Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)0.9-1.51.1-
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-1.7-10.8-1.1-
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.52.2-
     of which        
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.530.3-
Exports of goods and services P.
Imports of goods and services P.
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g2.2-
Gross national product at current market prices 2.9-
Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g2.9-
Table 6 Expenditure on Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)      
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
92. Personal consumption of goods and services P.3 (Pt)86,60587,26286,66786,01585,72487,444
         of which:       
         92(a). Final consumption expenditure of Households and NPISHs 81,68881,89181,44280,60780,68182,344
         92(b). Final consumption expenditure of government 4,9035,3755,2245,4155,0435,099
93. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)28,92126,87126,32325,74826,11027,301
94. Gross domestic fixed capital formation P.51 (Pt) & P.5335,83530,26831,24033,92431,67736,214
95. Value of physical changes in stocksP.51 (Pt) & P.52-1,417-5567532867721,599
         of which:        
         95(a). Net additions to the breeding stocks -54-672080-20-21
96. Exports of goods and services2 P.6168,306179,103182,913186,805191,434214,584
97. less Imports of goods and services2P.7-149,415-154,710-152,385-156,758-156,765-179,811
98. Statistical discrepancy (= - item 66) ........4961,447
99. Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g171,503172,187176,643176,910179,448188,778
100. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-30,563-27,927-33,693-31,532-27,406-26,241
 (net to abroad)      
101. Gross national product at constant market prices 141,031144,169142,976145,318152,042162,537
102. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,8201,7211,7211,6211,3711,547
103. EU TaxesD.2 (Pt)-212-231-246-243-247-271
104. Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g142,635145,663144,453146,699153,165163,813
2Excluding factor income flows
..Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
Table 6.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 6
Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)0.20.8-0.7-0.8-0.32.0
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)-1.1-7.1-2.0-
Gross domestic physical capital formationP.52.0-
      of which        
     Gross domestic fixed capital formationP.51 (Pt) & P.530.2-
Exports of goods and servicesP.
Imports of goods and servicesP.73.83.5-
Gross domestic product at constant market pricesB.1*g1.
Gross national product at constant market prices2.92.2-
Gross national income at constant market pricesB.5*g2.82.1-
Table 7 Gross National Disposable Income and its Use
       € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
105. Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g169,432166,157173,940174,845179,448189,046
106. Net factor income from the rest of the worldD.1 & D.4-28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
 (net to abroad)      
107. Gross national product at current market prices 140,915139,732141,813143,331152,042162,877
108. EU subsidiesD.3 (Pt)1,7191,4941,6981,6131,3711,315
109. EU taxesD.2 (Pt)-209-229-240-242-247-275
110. Gross national income at current market pricesB.5*g142,425140,997143,271144,702153,165163,917
111. Current transfers from the rest of the world       
          less current transfers to the rest of the world (excluding EU subsidies and taxes)D.7 (Pt)-2,933-2,679-2,641-2,575-2,829-2,711
112. Gross national disposable income B.6g139,492138,318140,630142,127150,337161,206
113. Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)84,95383,66684,61784,57985,72488,959
114. Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)29,65226,45526,15525,95526,11027,236
115. Total consumption expenditure P.3114,605110,121110,772110,535111,834116,195
116. Gross national savingsB.8g24,88628,19829,85831,59338,50345,011
117. Provision for depreciation P.51c25,07825,28325,58327,26928,38729,325
118. Net national savings B.8n-1922,9144,2754,32410,11515,686
Table 7.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 7  
Description ESA Code2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Gross domestic product at current market prices B.1*g2.2-
Gross national product at current market prices 2.9-
Gross national disposable income B.6g2.9-
Personal consumption of goods and servicesP.3 (Pt)0.9-1.51.1-
Net expenditure by central and local government on current goods and services P.3 (Pt)-1.7-10.8-1.1-
Total consumption expenditureP.30.3-3.90.6-
Gross national savings B.8g12.613.35.95.821.916.9
Provision for depreciationD.7 (Pt)
Net national savings B.8nN/AN/A46.71.2133.955.1
Table 8 Gross National Disposable Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)
                Adjusted for Terms of Trade (i.e. Real Gross National Disposable Income) 
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Gross national income (adjusted for terms of trade) 153,515153,073149,278147,313153,165163,622
Net current transfers from abroad excluding EU subsidies and taxes-2,956-2,686-2,646-2,494-2,829-2,744
Gross national disposable income (adjusted for terms of trade)150,551150,396146,639144,831150,337160,878
Index of Real Gross National Disposable Income100.1100.097.596.3100.0107.0
1 Preliminary
Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014     
Table 9 Personal Income and Personal Expenditure      
      € million
Description200920102011201220132014 1
119. Net national product at factor cost before adjustment for stock appreciation 99,79899,797101,735101,069106,680115,597
120. less Government trading and investment income-2,439-2,547-2,897-3,532-3,663-3,472
121. plus National debt interest 3,4124,9215,8887,1577,6667,506
122. plus Transfer income (including net transfers from the rest of the world)25,38325,66325,72926,13425,27524,776
123. Private income 126,154127,833130,455130,827135,958144,407
124. less Undistributed profits of companies before tax -7,004-16,734-19,469-18,734-23,776-27,028
125. Personal income 119,150111,100110,987112,093112,182117,379
126. Personal consumption of goods and services 84,95383,66684,61784,57985,72488,959
127. Taxes on personal income and wealth 23,38922,34124,35925,13625,94928,270 
128. Total personal expenditure 108,342106,008108,976109,715111,673117,229 
129. Personal savings 2 10,8075,0922,0112,378509151
2Personal Savings are compiled on a different basis to those in the Institutional Sector Accounts published by CSO. The differences in the methodologies used in the two sets of estimates are outlined in the notes to the Annual releases on Institutional Sector Accounts.
Table 10 Net Current Income and Expenditure of Central and Local Government
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
130. Taxes on income and wealth (including social insurance contributions) 27,27826,28528,11029,09930,22132,885
131. Taxes on expenditure (including rates) 18,35218,06317,77618,33719,26821,104
132. Net trading and investment income 2,4392,5472,8973,5323,6633,472
133. Current transfers from the rest of the world to central and local government829941425751
134. Total income 48,15146,99448,82351,01053,20957,512
135. Subsidies (excluding EU subsidies) 21,8891,8281,7251,8911,8151,859
136. Transfer payments (including transfers to the rest of the world) and national debt interest31,81033,36134,29935,90735,82635,045
137. Net current expenditure on goods and services29,65226,45526,15525,95526,11027,236
138. Total expenditure 63,35161,64462,17963,75363,75164,140
139. Central and local government savings -15,200-14,650-13,355-12,743-10,542-6,628
 2See explanatory note to Table 10 in methodology notes
Table 11 Savings and Capital Formation
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Savings before adjustment for stock appreciation      
140. Personal 10,8075,0922,0112,378509151 
141. Companies 3,11512,79015,71714,77119,50322,413
142. Central and local government 2-15,200-14,650-13,355-12,743-10,542-6,628
143. Net national savings before adjustment for stock appreciation-1,2783,2324,3734,4059,47115,936
144. Adjustment for stock appreciation 1,086-318-98-82645-250
145. Net national savings -1922,9144,2754,32410,11515,686
146. Provision for depreciation25,07825,28325,58327,26928,38729,325
147. Net foreign capital transfers 149123486104135
148. Net foreign disinvestment 7,0041,1641,7752,604-5,662-6,969
149. Statistical discrepancy2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
150. Gross total available for investment in domestic physical capital formation34,40929,01530,70133,74732,44938,416
Capital formation       
151. Building and construction 17,07511,2209,3599,36610,82712,510
152. Other home produced capital goods and services3,6813,9104,3664,5424,8004,506
153. Imported capital goods and services 15,14214,45316,19619,54216,05019,495
154. Value of physical changes in agric. stocks-13-162-52198122-67
155. Increase in value of non-agricultural stocks and work in progress (incl. EU intervention stocks)-2,564-8893018152,221
156. Adjustment for stock appreciation 1,086-318-98-82645-250
157. Gross domestic physical capital formation34,40929,01530,70133,74732,44938,416
2See explanatory note to Table 10 in methodology notes
In this table the total amount available for investment, (i.e. current savings, the provision for depreciation, net foreign capital transfers and net foreign disinvestment) is equated to gross domestic physical capital formation. The figures for capital formation are obtained by adding figures for imported and home produced capital goods ready for use to the value of the physical changes in stocks, including the value of the changes in agricultural stocks. Since personal savings (item 129) is a residual figure it includes the effect of the changes in agricultural and certain other stocks. Personal savings accordingly includes a substantial non-monetary element.
Table 11.1 Gross National Investment
     € million
         Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Gross national savings 24,88628,19829,85831,59338,50345,011
Net foreign capital transfers 149123486104135
Statistical discrepancy 2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
Total available for gross national investment27,40427,85128,92631,14338,11145,385
Gross domestic physical capital formation 34,40929,01530,70133,74732,44938,416
Net foreign investment -7,004-1,164-1,775-2,6045,6626,969
Gross national investment 27,40427,85128,92631,14338,11145,385
Table 12 Distribution of Personal Income and its relationship to Net National Product at Factor Cost
     € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Remuneration of employees73,62868,14368,27767,73968,19570,535
     Agriculture, etc. 525568571562607611
     Domestic non-agriculture 68,19462,89562,48762,37162,40264,266
     Foreign -389-252-146-202-141-158
     Employers' contribution to social insurance5,2974,9325,3655,0085,3265,817
Income of independent traders etc.10,81410,33210,58410,03610,77411,293
     Agriculture, etc.1,4921,9252,6602,4862,5272,727
     Non-agriculture 9,3228,4077,9247,5498,2468,566
Interest earned (prior to adjustment for FISIM) and dividends received4,9714,9024,8225,8694,1424,498    
Adjustment for FISIM on interest earned-1,043-929-412-1,310-894-589    
Rent of private dwellings5,3065,3486,2805,7926,3197,666    
less Interest paid (prior to adjustment for FISIM) 6,7236,1546,8556,1375,9445,344    
less Adjustment for FISIM on interest paid-4,311-4,232-3,727-4,506-4,812-4,304    
Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)25,38325,66325,72926,13425,27524,776
Statistical discrepancy 2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
Personal income of households and private non-profit institutions 119,150111,100110,987112,093112,182117,379
Undistributed profits of companies 7,00416,73419,46918,73423,77627,028
Private income 126,154127,833130,455130,827135,958144,407
less National debt interest -3,412-4,921-5,888-7,157-7,666-7,506
less Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)-25,383-25,663-25,729-26,134-25,275-24,776
plus Government trading and investment income2,4392,5472,8973,5323,6633,472
Adjustment for stock appreciation 1,086-318-98-82645-250
Net national product at factor cost 100,88499,479101,637100,987107,325115,348
1 Preliminary      
Table 12.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Personal Income
Description 2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Remuneration of employees -0.9-7.40.2-
Income of independent traders0.9-4.42.4-
Current transfers to households (including net transfers from the rest of the world)-
Personal income of households and private non-profit institutions -0.3-6.8-
Table 13 Consumption of Personal Income at Current Market Prices      
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Food, beverages and tobacco 16,35315,78616,26016,38016,33316,675
Food (excl. meals out) 7,3287,0037,3327,5937,5727,459
Non-alcoholic beverages 529498606667789779
Alcoholic beverages (total incl pubs)6,3206,2776,2766,1516,2136,678
Tobacco 2,1752,0082,0451,9691,7591,759
Clothing and footwear 3,6273,0302,9292,9732,9273,023
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)14,53814,13514,59014,98715,84917,220
  of which imputed rent 10,4699,93610,10610,34510,95911,943
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels) 3,0513,1143,1843,4313,5423,298
Household equipment and operation 4,0323,4873,3113,2803,3993,705
Durable household goods 2,4892,1001,8461,7481,8151,985
Non-durable goods and services 1,5431,3871,4651,5321,5831,720
Transport and communication 12,05012,52012,90512,78612,29512,775
Personal transport equipment 1,9902,4152,3782,1632,1632,708
Operation of personal transport equipment (incl. motor fuels) 4,4674,8605,2205,3514,8474,575
Public transport 2,8772,7662,9043,0043,1123,266
Communication 2,7152,4792,4032,2682,1732,226
Recreation, entertainment and education 7,7828,1337,7977,6767,6907,767
Equipment and accessories 2,4572,5302,4202,2672,2982,285
Services (incl. education) 5,3255,6035,3775,4095,3925,483
Miscellaneous goods and services 21,20621,07721,63921,25422,13323,311
Professional services (incl. medical goods and services) 9,7649,6829,2909,78110,06610,505
Goods (n.e.s.)3,1103,1793,4163,2223,0913,139
Services (n.e.s.) 7,5777,5037,7167,8578,3598,846
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)7567131,217394617821
Expenditure outside the State 5,3415,0304,5354,3044,3474,253
less Expenditure by non-residents-3,027-2,646-2,532-2,493-2,790-3,069
158. Personal consumption of goods and services at current market prices84,95383,66684,61784,57985,72488,959
159. Taxes on personal income and wealth 23,38922,34124,35925,13625,94928,270
160. Total personal expenditure 108,342106,008108,976109,715111,673117,229
Table 13.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 13  
Description 2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Non-alcoholic Beverages8.0-5.921.810.018.3-1.3
Alcoholic beverages1.1-0.7-0.0-
Clothing and footwear-3.6-16.4-3.31.5-1.63.3
Fuel and Power1.
Household equipment and operation-1.7-13.5-5.1-
Transport and communication1.23.93.1-0.9-3.83.9
Recreation, entertainment and education-0.04.5-4.1-
Miscellaneous goods and services1.9-0.62.7-
Expenditure outside the State-4.5-5.8-9.8-5.11.0-2.2
Expenditure by non-residents0.3-12.6-4.3-1.511.910.0
Personal consumption of goods and services0.9-1.51.1-
Table 14 Consumption of Personal Income (except Taxes on Personal Income and Wealth) at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)      
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Food, beverages and tobacco16,42916,45316,89516,80616,33316,582
Food (excl. meals out)7,1817,1647,4437,6817,5727,615
Non-alcoholic beverages555530622667789789
Alcoholic beverages (total including pubs)6,2866,5556,6116,4396,2136,474
Clothing and footwear3,1272,8852,8382,8882,9273,125
Housing (rent, local government charges, repairs and decorations)14,99915,45115,80515,84815,84915,854
   of which imputed rent10,77910,87510,98110,97110,95910,960
Fuel and power (excluding motor fuels)3,6613,7223,5203,4833,5423,337
Household equipment and operation3,5143,2423,1433,1753,3993,819
Durable household goods2,0461,8471,6861,6551,8152,102
Non-durable goods and services1,4451,3791,4551,5211,5831,717
Transport and communication13,26613,25713,14012,61112,29512,973
Personal transport equipment1,7092,2012,2682,1012,1632,791
Operation of personal transport equipment (including motor fuels)5,6605,5145,4265,2184,8474,694
Public transport3,3343,1103,1443,0963,1123,203
Recreation, entertainment and education8,0118,3458,0787,8267,6907,713
Equipment and accessories2,0602,2642,2462,1922,2982,384
Services (including education)6,0176,1085,8475,6465,3925,329
Miscellaneous goods and services20,93021,31121,12021,49622,13322,883
Professional services (including medical goods and services)10,02310,0299,3619,83110,06610,469
Goods (n.e.s.)2,6592,9383,1533,0893,0913,292
Services (n.e.s.)7,5687,6297,9097,9528,3598,548
FISIM (financial services indirectly measured)720713661632617574
Expenditure outside the State5,8735,4514,8074,4114,3474,200
less Expenditure by non-residents-3,235-2,799-2,633-2,517-2,790-3,043
161. Personal consumption of goods and services at constant market prices86,60587,26286,66786,01585,72487,444
Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
Table 14.1 Annual Percentage Changes in the Main Constituents of Table 14
Description 2009-20142009-20102010-20112011-20122012-20132013-2014
Non-alcoholic Beverages7.3-4.517.47.118.4-0.0
Alcoholic beverages0.64.30.9-2.6-3.54.2
Clothing and footwear-0.0-7.7-
Fuel and Power-1.81.7-5.4-1.11.7-5.8
Household equipment and operation1.7-7.8-
Transport and communication-0.4-0.1-0.9-4.0-2.55.5
Recreation, entertainment and education-0.84.2-3.2-3.1-1.70.3
Miscellaneous goods and services1.81.8-
Expenditure outside the State-6.5-7.2-11.8-8.2-1.4-3.4
Expenditure by non-residents-1.2-13.5-5.9-4.410.89.1
Personal consumption of goods and services0.20.8-0.7-0.8-0.32.0
Table 15 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Current Market Prices
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)6,4714,3214,0784,9336,5097,110
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings637444356352501746
Transport equipment7,2826,8807,4199,0626,5538,191
Agricultural machinery179156202312354381
Other machinery and equipment2,8102,5813,2762,9164,3585,643
Artistic originals149163180121110126
Research and development7,0697,2468,0989,9637,8428,125
Gross domestic fixed capital formation35,89929,58429,92133,45031,67736,511
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms-13-162-52198122-67
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks79-32-44-1600
Value of physical changes in other stocks-1,556-3748761156491,972
Total value of physical changes in stocks-1,490-5697802977721,905
162. Gross domestic physical capital formation at current market prices34,40929,01530,70133,74732,44938,416
Table 16 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Current Market Prices  
      € million
 Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing680558641716806867
Fuel and power products2,0191,6971,2681,3821,8201,771
Manufacturing products5,8464,9575,0595,6096,2987,631
Building and construction106151713078
Market services24,47920,02620,64623,31920,17523,668
     Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)7,9265,0374,0353,2263,4294,191
    Other market services14,18213,34015,53619,05416,09518,625
Non-market services2,7692,3322,2902,4212,5472,495
163. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at current market prices35,89929,58429,92133,45031,67736,511
Table 17 Gross Domestic Physical Capital Formation at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Fixed capital
Other building and construction (including land rehabilitation etc.)6,2964,5704,3165,0766,5096,791
Costs associated with transfer of land and buildings297227284357501680
Transport equipment7,2236,9427,6079,1646,5538,167
Agricultural machinery179157202299354398
Other machinery and equipment3,2832,6573,3592,8564,3585,767
Artistic originals146168189128110126
Research and development7,1627,4608,69210,1627,8428,352
Gross domestic fixed capital formation35,83530,26831,24033,92431,67736,214
Changes in stocks      
Value of physical changes in stocks on farms-17-209-62218122-69
Value of physical changes in EU intervention stocks143-67-96-3600
Value of physical changes in other stocks-1,255-3167321086491,668
Total value of physical changes in stocks-1,417-5567532867721,599
164. Gross domestic physical capital formation at constant market prices 34,32529,66532,00634,18332,44937,813
Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
Table 18 Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation by Sector of Use at Constant Market Prices
(chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)
      € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Agriculture, forestry and fishing658565653710806869
Fuel and power products1,9991,7741,3261,4021,8201,718
Manufacturing products5,8585,0475,2935,6356,2987,678
Building and construction598913079
Market services24,50120,50221,57723,75520,17523,390
Dwellings (incl. transfer costs)7,6195,1104,1643,3183,4293,950
    Other market services14,46613,64316,25719,36316,09518,626
Non-market services2,7552,4002,3972,4462,5472,480
165. Gross domestic fixed capital formation at constant market prices 35,83530,26831,24033,92431,67736,214
Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
Table 19 Receipts and Expenditure of Central Government (including extra-budgetary funds)
        € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Current receipts      
166. Taxes on income and wealth 20,11119,58320,84222,30022,92324,938
167. Taxes on expenditure 17,03016,74116,43416,85917,86619,729
168. PRSI 7,1686,7027,2686,7997,2997,947
169. Gross trading income 000000
170. Investment income:      
           Local government 10380118979995
           Land annuities - interest 110100
           Other Irish sources 1,8561,9792,3252,9233,0622,820
171. Transfers from local government 333333
172. Transfers from the rest of the world (not elsewhere included) 829941425751
173. Miscellaneous receipts 2,8253,6423,5153,2882,9322,453
174. Total receipts - current 49,17848,82950,54652,31254,24058,037
Capital receipts      
175. Taxes on capital 258235242282278356
177. Transfers from the rest of the world 17548379166148145
179. Total receipts - capital 432283621448427501
180. Total receipts - current and capital 49,61049,11251,16852,76054,66758,538
Current expenditure      
181. Subsidies 1,8891,8281,7251,8911,8141,859
182. National debt interest:      
           Paid to residents 5901,4901,5172,5143,0062,794
           Paid to rest of the world 2,7993,4084,3494,6214,6384,690
183. Land bond interest 000000
184. Transfer payments:      
           To residents 24,84725,17325,27925,50424,64223,813
           To rest of the world 2,3692,1702,0992,1032,3802,387
185. Expenditure on goods and services:      
           Wages, salaries and pensions 18,15916,96716,83416,62916,53416,664
           Other 7,9437,0926,5586,3646,4647,175
186. Grants to local government 2,8462,6042,4902,2552,2062,200
187. Total expenditure - current 61,44360,73360,85161,88161,68361,583
Capital expenditure      
188. Grants to enterprises 5,38436,5427,702848543641
189. Other transfer payments 437341326337344345
192. Gross physical capital formation 2,4092,4332,1322,1851,2572,351
193. Grants to local government 3,2822,7331,8511,4371,033950
194. Payments to the rest of the world 000000
195. Total expenditure - capital 11,51242,05012,0114,8073,1774,287
196. Total expenditure - current and capital 72,955102,78372,86266,68964,86165,870
Table 20 Receipts and Expenditure of Local Government
        € milion
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Current receipts
197. Rates & Household & NPPR taxes 1,3221,3221,3421,4781,4031,375
198. Gross rental income (GVA) 682654679766828917
199. Grants from central government 2,8462,6042,4902,2552,2062,200
200. Investment income - interest128132119974940
201. Miscellaneous receipts 780707685622560560
202. Total receipts - current 5,7595,4195,3145,2185,0465,092
Capital receipts
203. Grants from central government 3,2822,7331,8511,4371,033950
205. Miscellaneous receipts 63128223412315350
208. Total receipts - capital 3,9133,0162,0851,5601,1861,000
209. Total receipts - current and capital 9,6718,4357,3996,7786,2326,092
Current expenditure
210. Subsidies:
          Housing 000000
          Other 000000
211. National debt interest:
          Central government 10380118979995
          Other 232222222222
212. Transfer payments 1,1831,0971,0321,1421,1391,338
213. Transfers to central government 333333
214. Expenditure on goods and services:
          Wages, salaries and pensions 2,4892,2682,2832,2402,0871,900
          Other 1,8141,6751,7981,6671,5031,388
215. Total expenditure - current 5,6155,1455,2575,1714,8534,747
Capital expenditure
216. Grants to enterprises 000000
217. Other transfer payments 323246174224151100
220. Gross physical capital formation 3,8303,0502,0781,5191,3541,398
221. Total expenditure - capital 4,1533,2972,2521,7441,5051,498
222. Total expenditure - current and capital 9,7678,4427,5096,9146,3576,244
Table 21 Receipts and Expenditure of Central and Local Government
         € million
Description ESA Code200920102011201220132014 1
Current receipts
223. Taxes on income and wealthD5 rec 20,11119,58320,84222,30022,92324,938
224. PRSID61rec (Pt)7,1686,7027,2686,7997,2997,947
225. Taxes on expenditure (including rates)D2rec18,35218,06317,77618,33719,26821,104
226. Gross trading income000000
227. Gross rental income (GVA)P11-P2 (Pt)682654679766828917
228. Investment incomeD4rec (Pt)1,9842,1122,4453,0213,1112,861
229. Transfers from the rest of the world (not elsewhere included) D7rec (Pt)829941425751
230. Miscellaneous receipts P1313,6054,3494,2003,9103,4923,013
231. Total receipts - current  51,98451,56253,24955,17556,97860,831
Capital receipts
232. Taxes on capital D91rec258235242282278356
234. Transfers from the rest of the worldD9rec 17548379166148145
235. Other receipts(D92rec (Pt)63128223412315350
237. Total receipts - capital 1,064566856571580551
238. Total receipts - current and capital 53,04852,12754,10555,74657,55761,382
Current expenditure
239. Subsidies D3pay1,8891,8281,7251,8911,8141,859
240. National debt interest (including land bond interest)D41pay3,4124,9215,8887,1577,6667,506
241. Transfer payments D62pay (Pt)+D63pay+D7pay28,39828,44028,41128,75028,16027,538
242. Expenditure on goods and services: 30,40628,00227,47326,89926,58727,128
242(a) Wages,salaries and pensions D1pay-P1220,64819,23519,11718,86918,62018,564
242(b) Other P29,7578,7678,3568,0307,9678,563
243. Total expenditure - current  64,10563,19163,49664,69764,22864,031
Capital expenditure
244. Grants to enterprisesD9pay (Pt)+NP5,38436,5427,702848543641
245. Other transfer payments D9pay (Pt)760588500561495445
249. Gross physical capital formation P56,2395,4844,2113,7042,6113,748
250. Payments to the rest of the world D9pay (Pt)000000
251. Total expenditure - capital 12,38342,61312,4125,1133,6494,835
252. Total expenditure - current and capital  76,488105,80475,90869,81067,87768,866
253. Net lending / net borrowing B9 -23,440-53,677-21,803-14,064-10,319-7,484
        (231+232+234+235) - (243+244+245+249+250)       
256. Net expenditure by central & local govt on current goods & services excl. depreciation (242 - 230) 26,80023,65323,27322,98923,09524,115
257. DepreciationP.51c2,8522,8022,8822,9663,0153,121
258. Net expenditure by central & local govt on current goods & servicesP3 (Pt)29,65226,45526,15525,95526,11027,236 
Table 22 Details of Taxation
        € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
Central and Local Government
Taxes on income and wealth 27,27826,28528,11029,09930,22132,885
Income tax (incl. Universal Social Charge & Health & Income Levies) 14,68314,32715,27216,46516,67717,915
    Corporation tax 3,8893,9443,7513,9644,2724,615
    Capital gains tax 545345416413369561
    Motor tax - Estimated portion paid by households etc.793768758791853869
    Other taxes196192180180212229
    Fees under the Petroleum and Minerals Development Acts 000000
    Miscellaneous levies474444
    Pension fund levy00460483536743
    PRSI 7,1686,7027,2686,7997,2997,947
Taxes on capital 258235242282278356
    Estate, etc. duties 000000
    Capital acquisitions tax258235242282278356
Taxes on expenditure 18,35218,06317,77618,33719,26821,104
   Training and employment levy368310318295314338
    Excise duties including VRT4,8984,8804,8804,7915,0405,185
    Value added tax 10,32410,0679,75510,21910,37211,496
Local property tax & RPT0000286447
    Rates & Household & NPPR taxes1,3221,3221,3421,4781,4031,375
    Motor tax - Estimated portion paid by businesses 264256253264284290
    Stamps (excluding fee stamps) 974996941966783779
    Fee stamps/Risk Eq levy0000412582
    Agricultural & NORA levies93140130123123123
    Broadcasting licence fee 293131313131
    Other fees & other production taxes 7962127170220458
EU Taxes209229240242247275
Total taxation46,09744,81246,36847,96050,01554,620
Table 23 Balance of International Payments: Current Account
         € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
1. Merchandise and services1Cr158,596171,332176,112187,427191,434214,961
2. Net factor income  -28,517-26,425-32,127-31,514-27,406-26,169
3. EU Subsidies less EU taxes 1,5101,2651,4581,3711,1241,040
4. Net transfers -2,933-2,679-2,641-2,575-2,829-2,711
5. Net balance on current account -7,018-1,255-2,009-2,6905,5586,834
† Preliminary       
1 Adjusted for balance of payments purposes
Table 24 Balance of International Payments: Capital and Financial Account and Net Errors and Omissions
        € million
Description 200920102011201220132014 1
6. Balance on Capital Account149123486104135
Financial Account       
7. Direct Investment649-15,446-17,775-17,663-11,9539,046
8. Portfolio Investment-22,626-85,965-26,9083,82045,992-20,131
9. Other Investment219,43390,88331,08611,025-26,43617,904
10. Reserve Assets-79-5-329-1210136
11. Balance on Financial account-2,623-10,533-13,926-2,8307,6116,956
12. Net errors and omissions9,62711,69715,7025,434-13,273-13,925
† Preliminary
2 Including financial derivatives and trade credits      
Table 25 Gross Value Added at Current Basic Prices
    € million
NACE REV. 2 sectionNACE REV. 2 divisionDescription200920102011201220132014 1
A01-03Agriculture, forestry and fishing9841,5932,2941,9892,3462,681
B05-09Mining and quarrying 523550497529470481
   of which      
   CA10-12   food products, beverages and tobacco products5,9336,5546,8686,9048,3228,630
   CB13-15   textiles, wearing apparel and leather products185152174136152153
   CC16-18   wood and paper products, and printing827752697596700714
   CD-CE19-20   coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products1,7641,6162,6152,9412,9652,772
   CF21   basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations15,02315,52617,10514,09610,83610,589
   CG22-23   rubber and plastic products, and other non-metallic mineral products 958740725673851875
   CH24-25   basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 838750747713884881
  CI26   computer, electronic and optical products3,4562,9713,0223,0062,7922,845
   CJ27   electrical equipment304153278261286277
   CK28   machinery and equipment n.e.c.961622857870933970
   CL29-30   transport equipment242211222231203195
   CM31-33   furniture; other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 4,0513,5884,7924,0604,4814,897
D35Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply2,5872,4922,9103,2243,4563,639
E36-39Water Supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1,1771,1581,0041,028994976
G45-47Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles14,70714,88915,12915,36515,69115,947
H 49-53Transportation and storage6,1415,9986,1686,4086,5187,012
I55-56Accommodation and food services activities3,6633,3293,1773,2563,7634,142
 JA58-60Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities5,8216,5047,6558,2408,6118,934
JC62-63Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; information service activities4,3085,1205,3376,4768,4488,710
K64-66Financial and insurance activities16,03716,59215,16314,99813,26715,255
L68Real estate activities8,4638,93210,49510,31811,16513,014
  MA69-71Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis 4,1634,8835,4775,9716,6566,795
  MB72Scientific research and development401579612315330463
  MC73-75Advertising and market research; other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities 1,9211,8221,9271,7901,9591,984
N77-82Administrative and support service activities6,5556,8727,1847,6248,4958,248
O84Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 6,9476,5086,3226,1936,1816,281
  QA86Human health activities9,9468,9759,0639,1709,1679,075
  QB87-88Social work activities2,9352,9022,9152,9213,0013,043
R90-93Arts, entertainment and recreation2,2712,4882,7542,5702,7282,732
S94-96Other service activities1,0439991,0311,0211,0431,038
T97-98Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated goods and services production for households for own use189131167157133120
U99Activities of extra-territorial organisations and bodies112056
  Statistical Discrepancy2,504-437-1,166-536-496239
  Gross value added at current basic prices154,182150,957159,082159,591163,474171,607
Table 26 Gross Value Added at Constant Basic Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to year 2013)
    € million
NACE REV. 2 sectionNACE REV. 2 divisionDescription200920102011201220132014 1
A01-03Agriculture, forestry and fishing2,0972,1802,5092,3352,3462,845
B05-09Mining and quarrying 460427365327470485
   of which      
   CA10-12   food products, beverages and tobacco products6,3376,5467,7967,7538,3228,988
   CB13-15   textiles, wearing apparel and leather products199185167149152156
   CC16-18   wood and paper products, and printing789755742710700705
   CD-CE19-20   coke and refined petroleum products, chemicals and chemical products1,7962,1202,6853,0342,9652,544
   CF21   basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations10,70513,49713,39612,18610,83612,363
   CG22-23   rubber and plastic products, and other non-metallic mineral products 898893880839851820
   CH24-25   basic metals and fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 766811896788884976
  CI26   computer, electronic and optical products5,5903,9593,1593,4642,7922,779
   CJ27   electrical equipment69120167282286269
   CK28   machinery and equipment n.e.c.8317918729239331,054
   CL29-30   transport equipment218230229215203160
   CM31-33   furniture; other manufacturing; repair and installation of machinery and equipment 5,4245,4404,6384,6744,4814,774
D35Electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning supply3,7603,8493,7303,6633,4563,911
E36-39Water Supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities1,0851,0661,0471,0329941,003
G45-47Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles15,64615,88515,71015,62215,69116,684
H 49-53Transportation and storage6,6916,4036,3486,4326,5186,986
I55-56Accommodation and food services activities3,9853,8253,7993,6523,7633,853
 JA58-60Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting activities6,0947,0667,7647,1998,6118,771
JC62-63Computer programming, consultancy and related activities; information service activities4,6195,4085,5936,4818,4488,733
K64-66Financial and insurance activities21,14718,29318,69217,41413,26713,227
L68Real estate activities9,7979,6249,94910,54911,16512,227
  MA69-71Legal and accounting activities; activities of head offices; management consultancy activities; architecture and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis 4,9665,2406,4476,5336,6567,022
  MB72Scientific research and development364361348344330320
  MC73-75Advertising and market research; other professional, scientific and technical activities; veterinary activities 1,9641,8961,9261,8811,9591,978
N77-82Administrative and support service activities4,7955,6025,7127,0528,49510,465
O84Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 6,7066,7876,4386,2356,1816,160
  QA86Human health activities9,9409,9309,6829,1319,1678,803
  QB87-88Social work activities2,8912,9672,9832,8993,0012,979
R90-93Arts, entertainment and recreation3,1733,0772,8982,8082,7282,711
S94-96Other service activities9469009169991,0431,022
T97-98Activities of households as employers of domestic personnel and undifferentiated goods and services production for households for own use23516521016913399
U99Activities of extra-territorial organisations and bodies555555
  Statistical Discrepancy2~~~~-496-1,447
  Gross value added at current basic prices155,194155,476160,437161,069163,474170,924
2Chain linked series not additive except for 2013 and 2014
3The total GVA at constant basic prices differs in this table from that in Table 4. The chain linking here is done at a different level (37 sectors) to the level used in Table 4 (5 sectors). The methodology employed in the two tables differs also. Table 4 firstly calculates GVA at factor cost and then adjusts for taxes and subsidies to derive GVA at basic prices whereas in this table GVA at basic prices for each sector is compiled directly.

Background Notes


This release contains the first detailed results of the main National Accounts aggregates and their components for 2014. It includes revisions for all years from 2009 to 2013. The estimates for the most recent years, especially 2014, are based on provisional indicators for the different aggregates and are subject to revision. (A preliminary estimate of the 2014 outturn was already provided in the quarterly accounts release for Q4).

National accounts are compiled in the EU according to the European System of National and Regional Accounts (ESA) framework. ESA 2010 is the European version of the current UN mandated international standards for national accounts statistics, the System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008.  The results for all years in this release are published on an ESA 2010 basis.


Nace Classification

In compliance with EU regulations the NACE Rev. 2 classification system is used in tables 2 to 4. This change was introduced in the National Income and Expenditure 2011 release. The NACE Rev. 2 replaces the national classification system which was used up to NIE10.

The results for the economy continue to be shown for five sectors whose titles remain the same as in previous releases and publications. However the contents of the sectors conform to the NACE Rev. 2 system.

One of the main changes resulting from the NACE Rev. 2 classification is that the “Publishing” industry has been reclassified from “Industry” to the sector “Distribution, transport, software and communication”. This latter sector now also contains the “Hotels and catering sector” which had previously been included in the “Other Services” sector. The “Software” industry was also included in “Other Services” in the old National Classification but is now part of the new category “Distribution, transport, software and communication” in the NACE Rev 2 classification. The overall effect on the tables has been that the “Distribution, transport, software and communication” sector accounts now for a much larger share of the total GVA of the economy than in the old national system while the sectors classified as “Industry” and “Other Services” account for a lower share.

In tables 2 to 4 the following is the correspondence with the relevant sections of Nace Rev. 2:

Agriculture, forestry and fishing Section A
Industry Sections B to F
Distribution, transport, software and communication Sections G to J
Public Administration and Defence Section O
Other Services Sections K to N and P to U

For further information click on the following link Nace Rev. 2 classification of industrial activity


In Ireland, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices is calculated using two approaches viz. the income and expenditure approaches. The main components of the income estimate are (1) profits of companies and of the self-employed, (2) remuneration of employees (wages, salaries, pensions and employers’ contributions to social insurance) and (3) rent of dwellings (imputed in the case of owner-occupied). Adjustments are made in respect of stock appreciation (to eliminate the effect of price changes on the level of stocks). On the expenditure side estimates are made of personal expenditure on consumers’ goods and services, expenditure by public authorities on current goods and services, gross domestic fixed capital formation and the value of physical changes in stocks. The value of exports is then added and imports are deducted.

The two approaches (income and expenditure) should theoretically give the same answer. However, they will always diverge to some extent as they are measured using different data sources. The components of the two original estimates are shown unadjusted. The official level of GDP is taken to be an average of the expenditure and income estimates and a balancing item is displayed which is half of the difference between the two estimates. This is the amount by which both estimates have to be adjusted to agree with the official level of GDP.

A more detailed description of the Irish national accounts methodology is available at National Income and Expenditure Annual Results 2014 Methodology Note (PDF 210KB)


At constant prices, two measures (output and expenditure) are used. These measures are being produced using annual chain linked indices. On the output side, for each pair of successive years, the volume growth measures at a detailed level are weighted together using value added weights of the first year. Similarly, on the expenditure side, annual growth estimates are weighted by previous year expenditure weights. The average of the two measures is the official growth measure used. The change over a period of years is then calculated by linking together the annual changes. The estimates in this release are referenced to 2013 values.


The revenue from the margin on lending and borrowing by financial intermediaries (mostly banks) is called financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM). This margin is taken as the output of non-invoiced services produced by these financial intermediaries and has been included in the calculation of GDP since the publication of the 2004 annual results and the Q1 2005 quarterly results in July 2005.

The estimates in this release are based on more detailed and more recent data than that available at the time of publishing the quarterly estimates for 2014. In particular they incorporate revisions to the Balance of Payments figures for recent years and revised unit value indices for merchandise trade.

Quarterly Accounts

A quarterly national accounts release incorporating these latest annual results for the quarters of 2014 and earlier years is also being published today. This includes an estimate for the first quarter of 2015. The previously published estimates for the quarters of earlier years are also revised.


Gross Value Added at factor cost

is equal to the sum of the values of the goods and services (or parts thereof) produced in the country without deducting an amount in respect of capital consumption (i.e. depreciation). It excludes taxes on production and includes subsidies on production.

Net Value added at factor cost

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost minus depreciation.

Gross Domestic Product at market prices

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost plus taxes on production less subsidies on production. It represents total expenditure on the output of goods and services produced in the country and valued at the prices at which the expenditure is incurred.

Gross National Product at factor cost

is equal to Gross Value Added at factor cost plus net factor income from the rest of the world and represents the total of all payments for productive services accruing to the permanent residents of the country. Some income accrues to Irish residents as a result of economic activity abroad or property held abroad while some income arising in the state is paid to non-residents.

Gross National Income at market prices

is equal to Gross National Product at market prices plus EU subsidies less EU taxes.  This is more commonly described as being equal to Gross Domestic Product plus net primary incomes from abroad.

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